November 13, 2011 – Day 104 of Morgan’s stalking – Why haven’t they caught the stalker?


Tessi babysitting Wylah so Morgan can get some sleep

Morgan calls me at 8:00 am and thanks me for taking Wylah, out and letting her sleep.  She wants to sleep more if that is alright and I tell her certainly – go back to sleep.  She needs the rest.

Our detectives are trying to come by earlier today so we can try to make some calls again.  They are called pretext calls, which basically means Morgan gets on a phone that has been attached to something in Detective Glassmire’s briefcase and she picks up the phone after he has dialed the number and tries to engage the people in a directed conversation.  It all sounds good and looks impressive, but unfortunately nobody on the other end has cooperated by answering yet.

Keenan had his cell phone disconnected, and they have been unable to find his new number yet, so a lot of this is shooting in the dark anyway.  The calls today are started earlier in hopes we will catch someone at a different time.  It starts out with promising signs, but is headed for discouraging results before long.

Steve tries to help and goes into my office to sign up for a service on the Internet that supposedly has all the answers for $20 and there are all kinds of special deals for increased access and information, which Steve accepts and we soon have names and addresses and all kinds of information to go with the numbers.

Again, this looks very promising at first.  Even Detective Glassmire and Detective Alstatt are surprised by all the information that can be had on anyone.  Only none of this information is working any better.  Steve signs in again and tries a search on us using a number that we have had for six years, and is supposed to be private.  The information comes spitting out and it is all wrong, we are not even anywhere on it.  And it is our number.

We conclude the attempts of the calls, and Detective Glassmire announces he is going to stop by Keenan’s house on the way back to Rifle for a conversation – I did not know he knew where Keenan now lived.  I am very hopeful of this development, and after the detectives check their cameras we say goodbye.

Morgan goes out with her puppy to take pictures, and Steve is trying unsuccessfully to get a refund from the Internet information site.

A friend calls me with information, even though we avoid talking about it now, a lot of people are trying to help us end this situation.  My friend has scouted on the Internet and has some links I have to see.  It is a picture of a young Keenan, decked out in complete camouflage with a deer he has successfully bow hunted lying dead alongside him.  I call Steve over to see and he tells me he knows a few bow hunters, it is not an easy sport at all – requires great discipline and patience.  There was also a link to a boast that he can go undetected by anyone that my friend is reading to me and I relay to Steve, he wants me to make sure that Detective Glassmire sees it.

At 5:58 pm I text Morgan, “Dad’s B-Day is tomorrow. Let’s talk when you get home.”  She calls me back, and tells me about a project she is making for him.  I am sworn to secrecy, and promise to let her make the cake as well – she loves to bake.

Detective Glassmire gives me an update later that Keenan was not at home, so he will try again soon.  I found out this past May of 2012, that Detective Glassmire never had a real address for the “suspect,” Keenan, so I don’t know why he told me he went there and Keenan was not home…what was that all about?  We have signs of momentum in positive ways and I thought after the last few embarrassing events they were trying extra hard, which was very appreciated.

After an uneventful evening the cameras in the rear yard picked something up at 4:51 am (this would now be on the 14th – the “suspect” Keenan Vanginkel was not working at all on the 14th!).  Morgan heard what she called shots or bangs on her upper window and her motion detector lights were going on and off all at about the same time. Steve was up and instead of going out sat at the monitor and switched from camera to camera seeing nothing.  He now wishes he had all motorized cameras with pan and angle instead of just a few.  He had gotten an ad about a camera that followed motion all on its own and now he was going to check into it some more.  We just kept thinking – how are we going to stop this!

Click here to read about the 105th day of Morgan’s stalking

Morgan learned to fight for herself regardless of what she was told she couldn’t do – she was a LEO!

I just ran across a short draft of a speech Morgan was asked to give at the GED/High School graduation  on June 16, 2010 for Colorado Mountain College.  Morgan was mentioned in the Colorado Mountain College eNews publication about GED’s and High School Diplomas, dated October 11, 2010.  Morgan had had missed a lot of school when she was attending Aspen High School because of her exposure to Carbon Monoxide.  Being held back was not a choice for her as she was too scholastically advanced for that so instead she enrolled in CMC and took College classes, and then received her GED and went on to receive her Associates of Arts degree in 2011.  Below is the draft she wrote for the GED speech – I just wanted to share it with you so you could see another glimpse into who Morgan was – she never gave up on anything.

When normal kids are enjoying their preteen years, they are learning to flirt coyly with the idea of relationships with each other, homework becomes a common part of life, and drama huns high.  Unfortunately, i never got a chance to indulge in many of these occurrences, because I was busy spending my junior high experience dying.

For three years, instead of growing into a young adult, I was in my bed ridden with an ever growing myriad of symptoms that doctors could not rationalize and could not even begin to fix.  They did not know a flue on my house was installed incorrectly and that Carbon Monoxide was being pumped into me daily.  In the end it was a simple detector that named my killer.

Devastation hit again when i tried to join high school, and discovered that the poison had left in its wake, long-term side effects.  More vicious symptoms appeared, and once more my days were being taken from me.  By the time I was starting to regain my health, my high school had decided to hold me back, I had missed too many days being sick.  Shortly after, I was attending Community College and had gotten my GED.  Never regretting a second of it, this experience taught me to fight for myself regardless of what I’m being told and shaped me into who I am today.


Because of the wonderful experience Morgan received through Colorado Mountain College, Steve and I set up a scholarship fund in Morgan’s name through the Theatre Department.  This past Spring the first student received the first award of the Morgan Ingram Scholarship.  Morgan would be so very happy – she was always trying to get her friends to go to College.