Wednesday, October 12, 2022

♥ Morgan with her first rescue ferret, Angel ♥

Received a message, “Some how I stumbled across  your Fcebook page which lead me to your blog…all I can say is “WOW” your story was intense…I am so sorry for your loss, so sorry for what the person out  your family through…I am truly moved by your blog….I had to reach out to tell you…I am not a big reader but I sat here for an hour with my jaw dropping…I had anger,  fear, sadness…I so so feel for you………Remain strong!  I so hope justice is served for your  Daughter…”



For All Victims/Survivors of Stalking…This is your Fight Song

Don’t know if you need to hear this today but this song always gives me a little extra encouragement to push forward…your life is important, and you deserve to have a life free from your stalker. Never give up!

Fight Song by Rachel Platten. The theme of this song is that no matter what situation you’ll always have a spark of fight in you to make it through.

Noticing Signs from Morgan

I love it when I notice signs from Morgan…sometimes I have even had a chance to take a screen shot of them, when they “pop” up on my phone.

The numbers 11:11 or 1:11 come up often when I am thinking of her, or I am doing something I know she is happy about. It’s like she is saying, “Hello Mom” or “I love that you are making a fun memory with my niece & nephews.”

I can’t always take a screen shot, but I do sometimes. Interestingly, when I was looking through my saved photos, I started to see a pattern – 11:11 seems to come up multiple times during my birthday month in July and 1:11  seems to come up multiple times during Morgan’s birthday month in August…I have no idea why, but maybe she knows those months are a little harder for me to be without her.

What I would always like Morgan to know is that she is loved, she is missed and she is always remembered – and yes, I do tell her this daily.

Here are just a few samples.

Burning a candle for Morgan…

Burning your dragonfly candle Morgan, and wishing you were here with us today…


Morgan here is a memory from your birthday years ago…we always light candles for you, in memory of all the light you brought into our lives.

In 2014, one of your friends wrote, “Happy Birthday to the most beautiful girl and spirit to walk this earth. We still miss you and all the light you brought into our lives, I still regret all the terrible things I said when we were not friends, and I thank you for the patience and forgiveness that you gave me after. To know you was a blessing and to loose you was the greatest tragedy I (we, all who met you) have ever faced. although I am not a believer in such things, I truly do hope you have found peace and are in a better place, I will believe for the sake of you alone. Wish You Were Here. I/we all still love you.” When I read this my heart melted…Morgan, you have such amazing friends, with such beautiful hearts.

Happy Heavenly Birthday Morgan

Today marks another birthday for you, sweet angel. 

Wishing you were here with us today. Every day without you in our lives has been hard, but days like this are even harder.

I wish I could say happy birthday and see your beautiful smile once more. I wish I could bake you a cake and give you a birthday gift, but today, the only gifts that will be in our home are the wonderful pictures and sweet memories you left behind – they are the many gifts you left for us.

Someone once said, “Not until you’ve lost a child do you know how it feels to be sad every single day…even when you experience joy.” This resonates with me because this has been how I feel every single day since you were taken from us all.

You are always the last thought I have before I go to sleep at night, you are the first thing I think of when I wake up every morning. No matter how busy my days are, and they usually are, I continually think about you, with eyes that tear up over happy thoughts, as well as the sad thoughts about your final months on this planet. I see the signs you send me, they always make me smile. I know you are still around me, and I hold onto the belief that I will see you again at the end of my job here on earth…until then, my little dragonfly baby, I will be loving you and missing you every single day.  

 Always – Morgan’s Mom