November 1, 2011 – Day 92 of Morgan’s stalking – seems like all is well, but it is not…

Morgan gets a text message from her girlfriend, “Call me! Hey Morgan 🙂 ”  And Morgan texts her back, “Hey cutie pie how are you?”  Steve and Morgan have already been in contact and she is on her way home.  He is hidden in another spot.  Every time he goes to a different place.  He has not told Morgan, but he keeps this a secret from her.  We have heard so much about ways that our communications with Morgan can be intercepted that we are being ultra cautious.

Steve calls me because he knows how worried I am, and tells me that Morgan has just past where he is and in a minute he will start to follow her home.  He tells me it’s snowing and freezing out, there will not be a stalker in this weather.  It helps, but still I am worried that he is going to be close enough and I express this to him.  He tells me to not worry, that she will be out of sight, but he feels like we have to take small chances to catch him.  If she stops for even a few seconds he will catch up, then he can speed way up, and be upon her in absolutely no time at all.

I have a sick, empty feeling in my stomach, I feel we are taking chances with our daughter.  But in order to protect her, this is what it has come to.  Taking calculated risks, leaving her out of our sight for seconds at a time.  Hoping that our extra bit of hanging back is enough to give her stalker enough courage to move in, and then be caught.

There is no harrowing moment tonight, Morgan comes home without incident and wonders what all the fuss is about.  I know that this frightens her, that she might be followed again, and we are reminding her of it.  But I weigh that against how the Garfield Sheriff’s Department fell flat on their face, with the assurance that next time it would be different, when in fact the next time was worse.  I am not saying that they may not have intercepted him if she had dialed 911 while driving, but right when she got home and we called them they could have been proactive and looked for the car, pulled it over and questioned him – there are not too many ways to go from that intersection.   This further eroded any hope Morgan had in them of stopping this nightmare.

I met her in the driveway, with the usual spray and gave her a kiss.  She thanked me and then we saw the lights of Steve’s truck turning onto the street.  Morgan told me that we didn’t have to do this.  I told her, oh yes we do Morgan, and we will never stop, you know that,

We hugged, and when Steve drove up she walked to his truck and hugged him too.  I watched him whisper in her ear, and I wondered what “daddy thing” he had just told her.  She smiled, so I knew it was a good one.  We all walked in the house and Steve and I held hands watching her go to her room.  She told us we were “too much,” but without saying a word Steve and I knew we were not enough, not yet, but we knew we would be, we had to be.

We headed for an inviting bed, and said nothing, just staring at a dark ceiling for the longest while.  Then for some reason we both sat up and decided to check the cameras before going to sleep.  It seemed like I had heard noises earlier, really, really small noises, so I wasn’t concerned as it was snowing out.  We were exhausted, but went into the bathroom where it was all set up and sat together looking at our camera monitor, calling up motion events for the evening, there was one in particular we went right to, at 23.51.30 camera number 4 spots a little light moving around on the other side of the berm.  We watched it a few times and could not tell what it might be.  Tired and needing sleep we decided it could wait until morning.  Steve said it was probably a reflection of something.

We went to bed, then slept, and I felt we had somehow moved in a positive direction tonight…boy was I wrong.

Click here to read about the 93rd day of Morgan’s stalking

October 30 & 31, 2011 – Days 90 & 91 of Morgan’s stalking

On the 30th Halloween is in the air, we have small pumpkins to carve and cookies to make.  Morgan has friends coming over to get into costume and then they are all going to a Halloween party.

Both detectives come over the house to talk with Morgan about the recent events.  They have a new thermal imaging scope, which they want to become a little more accustomed to, in hopes of having a successful stakeout.  We have some stalking times recorded that seem consistent and very promising, and maybe between the four of us we can actually get a good picture, or even more.

After the conversation with Morgan, and the paperwork was finished, we went outside with their new thermal imaging scope and Steve’s.  We had offered the use of ours any time, but department rules did not allow that, so it was great that they now also had something that could “see” through the darkness.

What was not so great was that after many attempts to turn it on and waiting for warm up Detective Glassmire discovered, to his embarrassment, that it had no batteries.  Easy solution, we always keep a wide selection on hand, so Steve asked what they needed.  Only again this was a problem, Detective Glassmire said it was against the rules to use our batteries (this is starting to get a little ridiculous at this point).  They were brand new, still in the package, but Detective Glassmire had to say no, and that was the end of the ‘getting accustomed’ attempt.

It was doubly bad because Morgan was on hand for the whole fiasco.  After we said our goodbyes, Morgan chimed in with a question, she wondered if we really thought she was supposed to count on those two to catch her stalker – and feel safe about it.  We had to agree with her that it had not been their best week from failed promises, from being too busy, to no batteries, which Morgan equated to hoping they had bullets in their guns, in case they ever needed them.

We told her it was a sign to become even more proactive.  And Steve said we would.  He and Morgan had already decided that she would never drive home again, at night, unless he was there to follow in his truck.  He would position himself to see her come by and fall in only after he was sure she was not being followed.  They had done this before, but now it was an every time without fail routine.  Morgan wondered if he had a gun in his truck, and Steve told her no, he did not think that was warranted.  He would follow, and call the sheriffs, she would go home, their plan seemed simple and safe enough.

Morgan was happy, and giggling, and it had been a while since we had a group of her friends over the house. It was fun having them over, they carved pumpkins, Morgan roasted the pumpkin seeds, and they all got dressed up.  The part where Steve got into position, and followed her home went great, she did not even know he was back there until Steve showed up in the driveway right after her.

On Monday the 31st, there was another Halloween party, but this time Morgan called it an evening a little earlier, and came home under the watchful eye of her father behind her again.  We all went to sleep, and she had a friend staying over on the couch.

At 2:01 am there was a loud noise, Morgan later described it as a really different noise – very loud.  Her male friend took to the task and scouted out the entire neighborhood.  Steve joined in and after a short cold walk outside, both of them came back in.  Winter was in the air, and I wished for the snow to come soon.  Then there would be footprints and I believed that might mean no more stalker – I hoped!

Click here to read about the 92nd day of Morgan’s stalking

Read below to review the sheriff’s supplemental reports ↓ keep scrolling down.

October 28 & 29, 2011 – Days 88 & 89 of Morgan’s Stalking

Morgan is up early, with Wylah who hasn’t been eating, because she has an operation first thing this morning and Morgan sent a text to her first teacher saying, “I might be a little late.”  After school she picked up miss droopy eyes, and brought her home to rest.

Detective Glassmire just wants emails about both incidents, and I push Morgan a bit just to get this completed and behind her.  The more she is thinking about this complete indifference by the sheriffs department the more disappointed with them she is becoming.  Steve and I were left to just throw up our arms last night.  Stalker is in the yard ten feet from her, whole new level of fear, then he pulls in behind her on the “back” road and follows her to the subdivision entrance, a whole new level of boldness.  And the response from the Garfield Sheriffs department was zero, actually that is not true, we did it wrong, that was their response.

Daddy spends a lot of time with Morgan playing games and watching the puppy and she is “getting over it” by the time she goes to sleep.  Shortly thereafter a rock hits her window at 10:26 pm.

(Police reports later show the “suspect” was not working on 10.28.2011… again he was free this evening to continue his torment)

Then on the morning of the 29th Morgan takes the puppy out at 5:35 am with Steve is standing at our door, dressed and cradling something I would have never, ever thought I would have seen him standing inside our door with – A fully loaded Mossberg shotgun, on loan from a very good friend.  The detectives have gone over the rules of engagement with Steve many times now and he is confident he is and will remain within the law.  Last night he told me, “What the He.. else am I supposed to do.  And yes, this is crazy.”  I had to agree.  I just wished he was wearing something bulletproof.

Morgan is going to say hi if she sees him.  That is Steve’s cue to “confront and detain.”  Of course we never saw him at puppy potty time after the first morning.  Eventually we replaced the motion detector to that corner of the house.  I think the only good that came of it was a measure of confidence for Morgan.

Later that day Leesa told me that that she heard through the Glenwood grapevine that Keenan was talking about his girlfriend Morgan – the description she heard was Morgan Jennifer to a “T”. That was why she called, she had heard that he did have a girlfriend named Morgan, but that Morgan did not look like our daughter Morgan Jennifer.  I added it to my list of possible interviews for Detective Glassmire.

These are the letters/emails that Morgan sent to the detectives on the 5th of November.  They were for the files.  And they did discuss them in far more detail the next time they met with Morgan.

Morgan’s letter to sheriff:


Dear Detective Rob Glassmire & Detective Meagan Alstatt,

On the morning of Wednesday, October 27th I opened our back sliding glass door to allow my 5 month old puppy to go potty.  I was still totally dark out and I had an uneasy feeling so for the first time I put her on a 15 foot leash when I put her outside, I held on to the other end of the leash while standing inside the glass door to watch her when all of a sudden I saw to my left a figure of a person dressed all in black standing on the other side of our 3 foot high fence, approximately 12 feet from me.  I panicked and pulled my puppy in through the door (while she was still urinating) and closed and locked the door immediately.  This was very frightening to me – I know I should have called 911 but I was too frightened…sorry.

Morgan Jennifer Ingram

Case #11-20197

Morgan wishes it was not happening

Morgan’s other letter to the sheriff’s


Dear Detective Rob Glassmire & Detective Meagan Alstatt,

On the evening of Thursday, October 27th I was driving home from the town of Carbondale when I noticed I was being followed.

Morgan Jennifer Ingram

case #11-20197

Click here to read about the 90th & 91st days of Morgan’s stalking

October 27, 2011 – Day 87 of Morgan’s Stalking

Wylah on a leash out in the grass

Morgan had settled into a routine with her puppy, in order to avoid accidents, she got up whenever the puppy first whined in the morning, and took her out in the backyard to go potty.  This was working well, and Wylah was sleeping in a little later all the time, and Morgan was really happy about that.

This particular morning Wylah decided that at 5:45 am she has to go out.  The sun has not even begun to get up at this time, and it was still very dark out.  Morgan has an uneasy feeling as she opens the door to let her puppy out, and she stops (intuition kicking in), putting Wylah on a 15 foot leash, that is on the floor right by the door.  Then she stays right in the doorway, letting her out the back sliding glass door, so Wylah can have her run of the grass, and reach her favorite spot.

As Morgan crouches, and watches her puppy frolic she becomes aware of something – it’s on her left side toward Rhonda’s house.  She looks and sees a person, a male, dressed in all black, standing just outside the 3 foot high fence between our BBQ and a post holding up the roof.  He was not there when she came to the door, he has just appeared.  He is standing still and watching her.  He does not say a word.  She reels the leash in, dragging her puppy as fast as she can, and sliding the door closed with her knee at the same time.  There is a trail of urine across the patio, and into the house from the puppy.  She closes, and locks the door, and runs to our bedroom doorway and drops to the floor. She is so badly shaken and scared.

She sat there, in our doorway, because from there she could see most of the house and all four doors.  He was gone now.  She could look over at the conga drums, by the door, and see a pepper spray can and a mag light sitting there.  There was also another pepper spray on the kitchen bar top, and one up by the front door.  She sat there for an hour with her puppy on her lap, and watched out the windows for something moving.

Steve woke up, and immediately wondered what was wrong.  Morgan told him what had happened, and burst out crying, I woke up hearing her explaining to her dad.  Steve can see how upset and frightened she still is, and holds her.  Wylah whines and paws at them.  I am furious and looking for somewhere to aim my furry.

I call the sheriffs department, can’t remember if it was Detective Glassmire or dispatch that I spoke to.  I don’t remember anyone coming, but sometimes the memories are sharp and written down in black and white, and others, they are more of a blur, like this morning was.

We had a motion detector for exactly that area, and the night before Steve had taken it inside to repaint it a camouflage color. What the hell? How did the stalker know the detector was gone? Steve thought when painted the detectors would be harder to see, at least they wouldn’t be bright white, and not so obvious that way.  But is that all this took?  We take the detector down for one night and there he is the next morning in the area the detector would have alerted us to.  Does he watch this closely, or was it a coincidence?

Steve and I avoided the spot he was standing, because we had some delusional fantasy the officers with crime scene kits might show up, and thoroughly investigate the area.  Nobody came, nobody was coming.  Steve and I got on hands and knees and searched ourselves – any little speck of something.  Of course I have been since told that if I had found anything I would have destroyed the chain of custody.  Why would I be surprised, nobody will ever look, but if I do and find something, it’s worthless as evidence.  That is what I mean when I say the laws favor the stalkers.  So, as I understand it now we could have shot him if he were two steps closer, and up on the porch, but if I pick up his cigarette butt, no good.  I am telling you all of this to try to help others out there – before this happened to our family we had no idea of how to handle this type of a situation.

Steve waits a while and asks Morgan if she knew who it was.  She is not certain, she thinks it is Keenan, but she also does not want to try and picture him, so Steve tells her not to, that it is over now, and she made an unbelievably good choice by following her intuition and letting Wylah out on a leash, and staying inside the house.

This afternoon I saw my therapist again, and again, she was really helpful – she tries to help me figure out how we can help this situation by catching Morgan’s stalker – she throws out new ideas that are really helpful.  As expected, nobody is coming over because Morgan is not 100% sure that it was Keenan that she saw, and if she were to just compose a letter and send it to the detective we were told that will be fine.

melancholy day

I tell Morgan about writing a letter and I could see the disappointment in her face.  I try to cheer her up, but it is too late.  That she feels like she is getting the brush-off is all too obvious.  We had a melancholy day together, and Morgan did a lot of knitting on the couch, with all the window curtains and blinds closed.  Our house is no longer bright and cheery – it’s now all about blocking out the prying eyes of a stalker.

Morgan went to see her friend later on to just get out of the house.  I was extra worried about her, but trying to remain calm.

I text Morgan to see when she is coming home, it’s now right before 10 pm, she is driving my car as usual and has her puppy with her.  She leaves Carbondale to head home on the “back” road, it is a two lane, county road, hill on one side, and a small drop off on the other.  It’s – County Road 100, Carbondale, Colorado – if you want to see it on Google maps.

As soon as she passes the first pull-off area, a car pulls in behind her, she thinks right away it is Keenan’s car, so she slows way down, so he will go around her, but he does not, he stays right behind her, no matter how much she slows down.

When she is going really slow another car catches up to both of them, and in the back window she can see the car’s headlights illuminate the car behind her, and she can see that in the car following her there is one person, a male, driving the car.  Once again she thinks it is Keenan, and she can see the car is green like his, but she is not 100% sure that it is him.

She speeds up, and no matter how slow or fast she goes, he is right behind her.  She turns left into our subdivision, and turns around to see the driver, it is Keenan, and for the first time she can say she is 100% sure.  Morgan races home, and she can tell that Keenan has continued on County Road 100.  She pulls up in the driveway.  She is extremely upset! Steve goes out into the street to be sure he didn’t change course to follow her home, but no one was there.

I called the sheriff’s dispatch and tell them what had just happened, and how Morgan was frightened and forgot to call until right before she got home, so as soon as I knew she was safe, I called them.  They explain to me that it is too late now, there is nothing they can do.  She needs to call 911 next time, while actually being followed, or if she sees someone that shouldn’t be there.

Morgan is extremely upset, and is crying.  She wants to know why it’s always up to her to do everything, while they do nothing.  I don’t have an answer for her.  Detective Glassmire sent me an email last night that I read at lunch.  He said how he knows how frustrating this is, but they are getting close to making an arrest.  And that was before what happened today – happened.

We all decide Morgan will no longer let her puppy out if it is dark out – she will wake us up to do it.  Morgan is getting really stressed over all of this happening – can’t sleep at night, and is always exhausted.  Morgan doesn’t want to be home, but she does not want to be forced from her home by this guy.  Steve again suggests that perhaps she should just go to her Godfather’s home in Hawaii.  Morgan says she can’t, she just can’t, school is not over yet, but will be soon.  We are really at a loss over what to do now.

Today is October 16, 2012 – When I reviewed the emails and notes and text messages, I had a thought.  This was a busy day of terrorizing from Morgan’s stalker, and no response from the sheriff’s, not one visit in person.  But the strange thing is our detective is laid up for a few days and if a stalker knew this and wanted to raise cain, today would have been the day. But that’s too far fetched isn’t it?  That would mean he knew, had some inside line.  I’m not saying the sheriffs were in on this, just that maybe intel was making it to the wrong ears without their knowledge…just a thought.

Click here to read about the 88th & 89th days of Morgan’s stalking

Together we will all make a difference – our voices will be heard, and change will happen!

“Never doubt, that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead

Morgan made these little figures – she would bring them onto the counter top and photograph them at different times. Love!