October 28 & 29, 2011 – Days 88 & 89 of Morgan’s Stalking

Morgan is up early, with Wylah who hasn’t been eating, because she has an operation first thing this morning and Morgan sent a text to her first teacher saying, “I might be a little late.”  After school she picked up miss droopy eyes, and brought her home to rest.

Detective Glassmire just wants emails about both incidents, and I push Morgan a bit just to get this completed and behind her.  The more she is thinking about this complete indifference by the sheriffs department the more disappointed with them she is becoming.  Steve and I were left to just throw up our arms last night.  Stalker is in the yard ten feet from her, whole new level of fear, then he pulls in behind her on the “back” road and follows her to the subdivision entrance, a whole new level of boldness.  And the response from the Garfield Sheriffs department was zero, actually that is not true, we did it wrong, that was their response.

Daddy spends a lot of time with Morgan playing games and watching the puppy and she is “getting over it” by the time she goes to sleep.  Shortly thereafter a rock hits her window at 10:26 pm.

(Police reports later show the “suspect” was not working on 10.28.2011… again he was free this evening to continue his torment)

Then on the morning of the 29th Morgan takes the puppy out at 5:35 am with Steve is standing at our door, dressed and cradling something I would have never, ever thought I would have seen him standing inside our door with – A fully loaded Mossberg shotgun, on loan from a very good friend.  The detectives have gone over the rules of engagement with Steve many times now and he is confident he is and will remain within the law.  Last night he told me, “What the He.. else am I supposed to do.  And yes, this is crazy.”  I had to agree.  I just wished he was wearing something bulletproof.

Morgan is going to say hi if she sees him.  That is Steve’s cue to “confront and detain.”  Of course we never saw him at puppy potty time after the first morning.  Eventually we replaced the motion detector to that corner of the house.  I think the only good that came of it was a measure of confidence for Morgan.

Later that day Leesa told me that that she heard through the Glenwood grapevine that Keenan was talking about his girlfriend Morgan – the description she heard was Morgan Jennifer to a “T”. That was why she called, she had heard that he did have a girlfriend named Morgan, but that Morgan did not look like our daughter Morgan Jennifer.  I added it to my list of possible interviews for Detective Glassmire.

These are the letters/emails that Morgan sent to the detectives on the 5th of November.  They were for the files.  And they did discuss them in far more detail the next time they met with Morgan.

Morgan’s letter to sheriff:


Dear Detective Rob Glassmire & Detective Meagan Alstatt,

On the morning of Wednesday, October 27th I opened our back sliding glass door to allow my 5 month old puppy to go potty.  I was still totally dark out and I had an uneasy feeling so for the first time I put her on a 15 foot leash when I put her outside, I held on to the other end of the leash while standing inside the glass door to watch her when all of a sudden I saw to my left a figure of a person dressed all in black standing on the other side of our 3 foot high fence, approximately 12 feet from me.  I panicked and pulled my puppy in through the door (while she was still urinating) and closed and locked the door immediately.  This was very frightening to me – I know I should have called 911 but I was too frightened…sorry.

Morgan Jennifer Ingram

Case #11-20197

Morgan wishes it was not happening

Morgan’s other letter to the sheriff’s


Dear Detective Rob Glassmire & Detective Meagan Alstatt,

On the evening of Thursday, October 27th I was driving home from the town of Carbondale when I noticed I was being followed.

Morgan Jennifer Ingram

case #11-20197

Click here to read about the 90th & 91st days of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/?p=1850