Her name is Morgan – please don’t forget her…

Morgan was always finding beautiful and happy things to photograph, wherever she was…she loved life and we all miss her terribly!

Our beautiful angel – stalkers could never dim her light!

Morgan own photo

Morgan, always with her camera – look at all the orbs 🙂

She is always emanating love and light, even now from the other side of the veil.

Suspect Keenan Vanginkel had NO alibi…

 Let’s talk about a biometric time clock…solid evidence that he had NO alibi, not even on the night of Morgan’s murder!

The “suspect” in Morgan’s stalking has told anyone that will listen to him that he had an alibi for every incident of stalking.  He says he was always at work, caught on camera stocking shelves…this is a HUGE LIE, how can he be on camera at work if he is not at work?

In the over 71 incidents of stalking, there are only 2 times, evidenced by his timesheet from work, that he was actually clocked in at work.  Only 2 times!  So if he wasn’t clocked in at work how was he on camera stocking shelves?  He wasn’t. Go ahead and read the timeline from the beginning – I have added screen shots of his work hours out of the police reports. But don’t just take my word for it – look for yourself, starting from the first day of the stalking from my timeline https://morgansstalking.com/?p=389 

And to make it even more interesting, we were told by one of the detectives assigned to our case, as well as the head of Security for City Market (where he worked at the time) that the employees used a biometric clock to clock in and out as well as for their one “lunch break,” but other than those times the clock was not used for “in-between” breaks. And our house was less than a 5 minute drive from City Market so he could definitely make it to our house, bang on windows and drive back to work, all in the time people take for a smoke break.

Just another FACT to think about.  Although, we do know this was a gang stalking and others were involved, but then again, he knows who they are.  He had one of them do an “alibi” walk around in order to get “caught” on 5 of our cameras on a night when he went out of state – the sheriffs were getting too close to an arrest at the time and he needed the heat taken off him.  I guess, as usual, no one wants to be the first to talk.  Sad thing is, the first person to give it up is usually the person that doesn’t go down for the crime…food for thought, wonder who is going to go for the golden ticket?  The clock is ticking and the time is coming – justice is right around the corner, but do the ones involved have that “gut” feeling, or do they have any feelings at all?  I wonder…

Suspects threatened to sue – did they sue?

           NO –  I was not sued, although that is another false statement, one of many, being passed around on the Internet.  The following are the facts about what really happen, and they are pretty outrageous, but true!

  • During the stalking the Ingrams were advised by Garfield County Sheriff Deputy Rob Glassmire to hold off on getting a Protection Order against “the suspect Keenan Vanginkel” so they would have a better chance of “catching him in the act.”  Which you all know did not happen in time, and Morgan ended up dead.
  • Then in 2012, Christina and Brooke Harris filed a TRO against the Ingrams and claimed in court that Toni’s blog (this blog) was targeting and threatening them. Their claims were dismissed.
  • A temporary restraining order (TRO) is a compelling legal option for anyone,  It can require the abuser to keep at least 100 yards away from the victim, enforceable by arrest. In this case, even though the judge admitted, in the first court appearance, that this was not the proper venue for their complaints against the Ingrams, as the blog was protected under the Freedom of Speech ACT – he would keep the case open for a short while, giving the Harris’ time to prove their concerns – which they ultimately could not do.
  • A TRO will stay in effect for 15-20 days, or until the court-ordered hearing “Order to Show Cause” to evaluate the TRO with both parties present takes place.
  • Jamis Harris claimed to the court that he couldn’t afford a lawyer so he was using Alpine Legal Services. And yet we had to hire a lawyer to defend us…against our stalker!
  • The Harris’ lawyer, Jonathan Shamis, executive director of Alpine Legal Services at that time, represented the Harris’.  Alpine Legal Services, Inc., is a private, non-profit legal assistance agency. While representing the Harris’ Mr. Shamis had to finally recuse himself, as he had acted as a stalker himself, just as the Harris’ had, and not only called and threatened me, during the time of the TRO, but also contacted a supporter of ours with threats – and he was an attorney, he was an officer of the court!  Physical proof was given to the courts and at that time and Mr. Shamis recused himself, and the judge closed the case.
  • And what does the state of Colorado do with people like Mr. Shamis when they do something this unethical?  They make them a judge! http://www.leadvilleherald.com/free_content/article_ed53bbe4-ff94-11e2-a08c-001a4bcf6878.html 
  • It is a known fact that in many cases criminals have tried to use the legal system to go after the victims, as was done in our case.
  • Keenan’s family has sent me messages expressing they were going to sue me, just like the Harris’ did – they did not sue me and neither did the Harris’.  If they had we would have been able to produce evidence in a court of law showing evidence of the stalking, and who was involved.  In a civil case, unlike a criminal case, you only need the preponderance of proof – we have plenty of evidence and would have loved a venue in which to produce the proof…guess they were advised against a lawsuit.

Why am I telling you all this now?  Well, I feel it’s important for people to know how the law can sometimes be used against victims of stalking, and stalkers and bullies come from all different walks of life. Many stalkers know how to use our justice system to their advantage – but victims should never give up…keep up the fight when you know you are right.  In the immortal words in the song by Bono from U2, “Don’t let the bastards grind you down.”

As AEQUITAS has said, “Typically the perpetrator harrasses and attacks the victims and victim’s family.  Often the Offender’s family members and friends attack (they say don’t snitch to others).  When members of the criminal justice system do not respond appropriately to intimidation and fail to correct system deficiences that enable opportunities to intimidate they become inadvertent accomplices to the intimidators.  The victim, victim’s or witness’ immediate family, including spouses, children and pets become targets.”

This is another aspect of stalking that I want to bring awareness to…stalking is serious and victims of stalking need to have the proper response from law enforcement.  Criminals should not have more protections then the victims!




Morgan Is So Very Missed!

This morning the following slide show/video showed up on Steve’s phone.  Just like me, Steve misses Morgan so much, and it hurts.  When I watched this side show/video it felt like Morgan was right there in our kitchen making herself lunch and then running off to visit her friends…I miss those days.

I always feel, when things like this randomly happen, it’s Morgan saying hello – she is still ever present and loving.

Video slide show of Morgan