Education and awareness are good tools to employ when dealing with a situation like stalking. Stalking is a serious crime and should always be taken seriously – it is a crime that deserves serious consequences, as it destroys lives.

Here is a link to a page that provides general information about laws related to stalking in the various jurisdictions of the United States

It is also noted on that page that…”The Stalking Resource Center, A Program of the National Center for Victims of Crime, makes every effort to ensure that this information is kept as up to date as possible. However, any legal information presented on our website should not be construed to be a source of legal advice. If you need legal advice on a stalking case, please consult a competent attorney in your jurisdiction.”

There are also Federal Stalking Laws that you should be aware of

When you are a target of a stalker you may begin to experience rage, terror, suspicion, depression, changes in your sleeping and/or eating patterns, exhaustion, even bouts of crying. You become hyper-vigilant and you lose trust in others. It is an extremely traumatic situation to be in – please know that you are not going crazy. Your body and mind are reacting to the extreme stress caused by the continuing victimization. Talking to someone who is trained to work with victims and survivors may help alleviate some of the symptoms that are interfering in other aspects of your life. Domestic violence and victim witness programs are listed in the phone book.

Please understand that you have done nothing to provoke or cause you to become the target of a stalker. Stalking is never the victim’s fault. Know that what is happening to you is not okay, not your fault, and not caused by anything that you have done.

Keep safe – here are some suggestions:

Can technology help stop a stalker?

We live in an age of constant change – it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the changes that are constantly unfolding, at such a fast pace, before our very eyes. Now, in order to get ahead of the criminals why not use technology like Familial DNA…  bluetooth cameras, alarm systems, etc. to stop a stalker?

Question is…

With new technologies emerging in our world, there are changes that can even out the playing field, when it comes to solving crime, so why not use those technologies to stop stalkers right in the beginning, before they have a chance to become lethal? It’s all about early intervention when it comes to stalking. And as “humans,” on this planet, why can’t we all pull together, and use the resources at our disposal in our fight against crime?

Ask yourselfhow can we change the playing field when it comes to stopping stalking? Early intervention is the key, so let’s get on the technology bandwagon, and utilize what is now available to us.