Morgan’s friend E.J. had a tattoo put on her back for Morgan:

The tattoo on the top of my back is for you pretty girl. it symbolizes the three deities: truth, beauty, and love. three words I would use to describe your soul, and three words I would use to describe the way you treated everyone who had the wonderful experience of meeting you. I miss you so much. I like to think I have a bad ass angel watching my back!  I love you.

Friday, August 26, 2011 – the 25th day of Morgan’s stalking

At 5:09 am I send a text to Morgan, “Are you awake?”  She didn’t answer me – I had been woken up, from some sound, so I got out of bed and did my rounds inside the house to make sure everything was OK.  It has been hard to understand why our big dog, Tessi (she is a 160 lb. Newfoundland, a Landseer), has never reacted to any of the noises that the stalker has made.  The only time she barks or goes crazy is if she actually hears someone knock on the front door – which the stalker does not do.  Morgan’s puppy is too young and has never barked or growled yet.  We had a little Lhasa Apso (only 14 lbs) that was the best watchdog ever, but after 16 years she died just 2 weeks before Morgan’s stalking started.  She was a great watchdog, as far as alerting us to any sounds of people outside the house, before we ever knew they were there.  I can’t find a reason for the noise, and none of the detectors have gone off, so I assume we are OK.

At 8:09 am Morgan received a text from her friend Tyler, “Got my computer.  Skype date ASAP”  Morgan texted him back, “Yessss!”  Tyler said to Morgan, “When are you Skypable?”  She said, “Ummm now?  Haha.  Whenever.”  Tyler wrote back, “Now!!!”  Morgan said, Yay!  What’s your sn?  Or is it under your real name?”  Tyler wrote back, “it’s _______.”  Morgan said, “You have been added.”

The day was quiet and at 7:00 pm Sheriff Deputy G. Choinkowski came over to speak to Morgan, Steve and myself, he was very thorough with Morgan, asking about past boyfriends, recent acquaintances, someone that might have ever shown anger toward her.  Then we were shown a page of instructions and a photo line up of people, one of us at a time.  None of us recognized any of them.  He knew about  the window tapping incidents in Blue Creek the past summer, and then he wondered if we had heard about a person who was exposing himself to women on the new RAFTA bike trail along the Roaring Fork River, just down the road from us.  They had a picture of him, but still did not have a positive ID. None of us had heard about him either.  I was shocked!  Why haven’t I heard about any of this stuff before? It’s not like I never read the news.

There are not many people in a five mile radius of our house, a few hundred perhaps, and it seemed like we were having a few too many incidents in what we had always thought was a nice quiet, and safe place.  We weren’t ignoring any problems that existed here, we just weren’t hearing about them. Steve wanted to know more about these deviant people that had not yet been arrested, so he could add them to the suspect list.

The deputy walked the entire block with us, and Steve pointed out what he knew so far.  He had been taking really good notes about the vehicular activity whenever there was the slightest stalker issue, between that, and yesterdays sighting on the porch we had narrowed down our list.  The officer took down license plate numbers off some of the vehicles that were on our most suspicious list. We also had a list of houses that the stalker could be in, also the empty houses that could be used for hiding.  As summer was winding down the seasonal houses were emptying, almost a third of our street had empty homes.  This all gave the deputy things to check out, and he was going to get back with us once he had done just that.

Steve’s brother was vacationing with his family in Steamboat Springs and we finalized plans to go there for a couple of days after the deputy had left – we needed to get away for a night of peace and quiet.

Morgan received a text from an old friend at 1:23 am that said, “You awake crazy lady?”  Morgan texted back at 4:10 am, “Now I am?” 🙁

Morgan is excited about going to Steamboat Springs tomorrow, so Steve and I are very happy about that…we can’t wait to have a quiet weekend! Look below for the ‘suspects’ work hours as well as the sheriff’s supplemental report.

Click here to read about the 26th & 27th days of Morgan’s stalking

Thursday, August 25, 2011 – the 24th day of Morgan’s stalking

We slept in little spurts last night, rocks on windows, detectors, alarms, I’m wondering how he does it, what keeps this stalker up all night – is it drugs? Surely he has a job and he has to function during the day. I gave up on sleep at around 4:30 am, Steve was already up, reading on his phone at the breakfast table in the dark. For some reason I sat on the end of the couch and thought about places we could get away to, even just for a long weekend, to not have to deal with this and finally get some actual uninterrupted sleep.

All our years in Colorado we were blessed with friends visiting us here, never had I wanted to go away like I did now.  I worried about Morgan.  My  intuition is screaming at me, and I feel like someone is out there, I never sit at the end of the couch and drink coffee. It’s as if just maybe if I sit still enough, and open up to all the sounds and movements in the dark then something will come to me, so that is what I do…I sit as still as possible.  The front porch light is on, and all three cars are in the driveway.

All of a sudden there was sudden motion, and I froze, my eyes locked on the front door.  Our front door has beveled glass in it (as you can see in the picture above), the porch light completely illuminates the porch, and a person was out there.  I focused my eyes and stared. What I saw was 100% clear, there was no doubt it was a person wearing a hoodie that just ran up to our front door.  They had run up along the garage door, past the laundry room window, and up onto our porch. It looked like he glanced through the beveled glass window and saw me, and in that instant he quickly turned and moved across the porch, never looking back in the window, his side to me now, and running off the porch, through the planter knocking a motion detector out of the aspen tree, setting off the alarm.  I quietly and urgently called out to Steve, “He’s here, I just saw him!”  It’s been 24 days of stalking now and we have never actually seen anyone until this moment.  If it were not for the footprints he had left around the house, we would have been seriously questioning our sanity.  Now I have a visual image that would be locked into my mind forever.

Steve is standing over me, asking where I saw him.  I pointed to the front door, telling him he was on the porch wearing a hoodie, and he ran to the left.  As Steve was running for the front door he was asking me if I thought the stalker knows that I saw him.  I said I wasn’t sure, then quickly corrected myself, and said that I thought he did see me – that’s why he turned so quickly, and ran off through the planter.  Steve was out the door and I was following, he tells me to go back though the house, to the back doors, and watch the rear yard as he locks and closes the front door behind me. I can see it all today like it just happened 5 minutes ago.  For the longest time I stood at the back sliding glass door, and stared at the backyard, it was still very dark outside and I could just make out the trail over the berm.  I’m wondering if the tall grass was moving because of a breeze, or because the stalker just ran by, brushing it with his legs.  Steve passes twice, out on the grass, and stops both times to look at me, holding his hands up as though he is asking, “Well do you see anything?”  I shrug and hold my hands out, mouthing the word nothing, and shaking my head no.

When Steve gave up searching the yards he took off driving around the neighborhood, again recording every little detail about our neighbors, I looked in the front yard, hoping to find something that maybe he had dropped, any clue that would lead us to him.  Steve drove up and seemed very edgy, he wanted me inside, I thought he had seen something on his rounds.  He had grabbed a legal pad and when we sat at the table he was asking questions rapid fire.  Could I tell if it was a male of female? How tall? Skinny or husky? He said, “You saw the stalker, we are getting closer.”  I cannot answer as fast as he wants, and we were quickly reduced to screaming at each other about the need to stay calm. The stress was unbearable.  Steve holds up one hand and says “Stop!”  He takes a very obvious deep breath and blows it out slowly, his way of restoring order.  He tells me that everything in the entire neighborhood was normal except there was a light on in the front room at Brooke Harris’ house.  He doesn’t know if it’s an office, bedroom or a dining room, so it could mean something, or it could mean nothing. I then told Steve to just follow me to the couch and sit down where I was sitting and I explained to him exactly where I was looking and exactly what I saw.

I go through it again, and again, concluding it was definitely a male, about 5 foot 11 inches (slightly shorter then Steve), definitely wearing a hoodie, hard to be sure about body build through the hoodie, it could have been loose. Steve stands on the front porch exactly where I saw the stalker, there is a column on the porch that was directly behind the stalker when he was standing up at the front door so that makes it easier to estimate height as I look at Steve standing in the same place as the stalker stood.  I was so frustrated, I wanted to scream. I had just seen him for the first time, had a good look, and it seemed like he had slipped right through our fingers and we were left with nothing.  Steve disagrees, he thought all of this was adding up, we just had to be as accurate as we could be about what happened, diligent, and we would get him. He also shares an eerie feeling he has, that this is like an alien movie where the unknown thing is, “testing the defenses.” The stalker is just standing across the yard tossing pebbles at the windows, and testing our defenses, he thinks that’s what is going on.

Out comes the suspect list again, we go over it at least once a day, this time Steve wants to do something different, and circle all the names it could have been and hopefully that will considerably shorten it.

I call the sheriff’s dispatch and meet with them later. The deputy also draws a few conclusions from the experience.

Later that day we are all trying to feel normal, and not under attack.  Steve was in Glenwood Springs and wanted to do something for Morgan, he knew she liked to baby herself with a good skin scrub so at 4:12 pm Steve sends Morgan a text, “Going to Walmart do you need an exfoliant that they might have??”  Morgan texts back, “Yeah!  If they have St. Ives Apricot that’d be preferable, but if not any exfoliant would work.  And if they have dog toothpaste?”  Steve answers her, “K.”  Morgan answers again, “Thank you!!”  At 6:46 pm Steve sends Morgan another text, “Morgan, got your stuff, sheriff’s deputy wants to show you a line up of possible suspects.”  Morgan texts back, “well I’ve never seen him…”  Steve sends her another text, “Mom thinks she saw him this morning, and he wants to talk to you too.  They did not have toothpaste so I got dental chew bones.” (For her puppy).  Morgan texted back, “Ooo thanks!!  Tomorrow they want to talk to us or?”  At 6:54 pm Steve texted her back and said, “Tonight if he can.  He said you might see someone you recognize for some other reason??”  Morgan wrote back, “Gah.  When does he want?”  Steve wrote back, “He is going to call when he is on his way here & we will call you & you can be here in 10 minutes, so that seems like it should work..”  Morgan answered, “Sweet.”  At 8:54 pm Steve sent another text to Morgan, “He is not coming over to talk till 7:00 pm tomorrow evening, but they will patrol this eve.”  Morgan answered, “Alrighty.  Thank you!”  Steve answered, “K.”

Then later on I sent Morgan a text, “Are you heading home yet?  Just really tired…”  Morgan said, “I’m waiting for someone and then I am.  I am so tired.”  I texted her back, “Poor baby – well just text me when you leave OK?”  Morgan said, “I will :)”  I texted back, “Thanks”  Then at 9:13 pm I sent Morgan a text, “Dad’s asleep & I am fading fast, coming home???”  Morgan said, “Yes, I’m so sorry.  I’m getting close to leaving.”  Then I sent her a text that said, “OK I’m hoping – my eyes are blurry.  How’s Wylah?”  Morgan said, “Asleep”  Then I texted her, “Oh she (Wylah is her puppy) needs your bed.  Can’t stay awake much longer – PLEASE come home”  Morgan said, “I am”  I said, “Now?”  Morgan said, “Yeah”  I said, “OK, I’ll be looking for you.”  I was so extremely tired, but I needed to meet her in the driveway, holding pepper spray – we can’t be too safe.

Now looking back on last summer it is so amazing to me that Morgan was so good about coming home early, instead of staying out late like most 20 year olds.  She knew none of us were getting very much sleep because of the stalker, and she was trying her best to have a life, but didn’t want to make it any harder on us.  Morgan knew my mother lion instincts were functioning at full tilt and she didn’t want it to get any worse.  Unfortunately since Morgan was coming home pretty much by a certain time every night, that only made her more predictable for the stalker – and that was not good.

Click here to read about the 25th day of Morgan’s stalking

(Years later we see that on this day the sheriffs had put our case # on Keenan Vanginkel’s Global Subject Activity Report (report of crimes), and as you can see the sheriffs wrote ‘Criminal Trespass’ – which, in my opinion, is much too minimal a crime for what has been happening to our family for the last 24 + days!)