Friday, August 26, 2011 – the 25th day of Morgan’s stalking

At 5:09 am I send a text to Morgan, “Are you awake?”  She didn’t answer me – I had been woken up, from some sound, so I got out of bed and did my rounds inside the house to make sure everything was OK.  It has been hard to understand why our big dog, Tessi (she is a 160 lb. Newfoundland, a Landseer), has never reacted to any of the noises that the stalker has made.  The only time she barks or goes crazy is if she actually hears someone knock on the front door – which the stalker does not do.  Morgan’s puppy is too young and has never barked or growled yet.  We had a little Lhasa Apso (only 14 lbs) that was the best watchdog ever, but after 16 years she died just 2 weeks before Morgan’s stalking started.  She was a great watchdog, as far as alerting us to any sounds of people outside the house, before we ever knew they were there.  I can’t find a reason for the noise, and none of the detectors have gone off, so I assume we are OK.

At 8:09 am Morgan received a text from her friend Tyler, “Got my computer.  Skype date ASAP”  Morgan texted him back, “Yessss!”  Tyler said to Morgan, “When are you Skypable?”  She said, “Ummm now?  Haha.  Whenever.”  Tyler wrote back, “Now!!!”  Morgan said, Yay!  What’s your sn?  Or is it under your real name?”  Tyler wrote back, “it’s _______.”  Morgan said, “You have been added.”

The day was quiet and at 7:00 pm Sheriff Deputy G. Choinkowski came over to speak to Morgan, Steve and myself, he was very thorough with Morgan, asking about past boyfriends, recent acquaintances, someone that might have ever shown anger toward her.  Then we were shown a page of instructions and a photo line up of people, one of us at a time.  None of us recognized any of them.  He knew about  the window tapping incidents in Blue Creek the past summer, and then he wondered if we had heard about a person who was exposing himself to women on the new RAFTA bike trail along the Roaring Fork River, just down the road from us.  They had a picture of him, but still did not have a positive ID. None of us had heard about him either.  I was shocked!  Why haven’t I heard about any of this stuff before? It’s not like I never read the news.

There are not many people in a five mile radius of our house, a few hundred perhaps, and it seemed like we were having a few too many incidents in what we had always thought was a nice quiet, and safe place.  We weren’t ignoring any problems that existed here, we just weren’t hearing about them. Steve wanted to know more about these deviant people that had not yet been arrested, so he could add them to the suspect list.

The deputy walked the entire block with us, and Steve pointed out what he knew so far.  He had been taking really good notes about the vehicular activity whenever there was the slightest stalker issue, between that, and yesterdays sighting on the porch we had narrowed down our list.  The officer took down license plate numbers off some of the vehicles that were on our most suspicious list. We also had a list of houses that the stalker could be in, also the empty houses that could be used for hiding.  As summer was winding down the seasonal houses were emptying, almost a third of our street had empty homes.  This all gave the deputy things to check out, and he was going to get back with us once he had done just that.

Steve’s brother was vacationing with his family in Steamboat Springs and we finalized plans to go there for a couple of days after the deputy had left – we needed to get away for a night of peace and quiet.

Morgan received a text from an old friend at 1:23 am that said, “You awake crazy lady?”  Morgan texted back at 4:10 am, “Now I am?” 🙁

Morgan is excited about going to Steamboat Springs tomorrow, so Steve and I are very happy about that…we can’t wait to have a quiet weekend! Look below for the ‘suspects’ work hours as well as the sheriff’s supplemental report.

Click here to read about the 26th & 27th days of Morgan’s stalking