October 16, 2011 – Day 76 of Morgan’s Stalking – It’s on FaceBook

Roaring Fork River

Elliott (our neighbor across the street) saw me getting into my car, and ran over, as he had to tell me something – that he just saw on Keenan’s FaceBook that he is single, and not in a relationship.  I thank Elliott for making it “official.”   And I have another more important question for him.

Our detective is quite convinced that Keenan works at GM and he is a manager there.  So I ask Elliott if he is knows where Keenan works, and how sure he is about it.  Elliott once again says he works at the City Market in El Jebel, definitely, he has been in there when he is working.  He works the night shift.  He wonders why I wanted to know.  I told him I was getting conflicting stories, and in case it became important, I wanted to be as certain as I could.

Elliott wondered what the detectives were going to do now that he had moved away.  I was thinking the deputies had made progress with the fact he lived here, but it hadn’t seemed to matter to the detectives.  They had a different program going.  Morgan was all around town with her friends, calling me a few times to check in.  I really didn’t like that we had to do that, but I got nervous if I did not hear from her all day.

When Steve came home I told him about the conversation with Elliott and how Detective Glassmire had thought Keenan was working for GM.  It made perfect sense to Steve. One of them made a typo it’s really CM he said. CM for City Market, he wondered which one?  El Jebel, I told him. That’s less than a five minute drive, going the speed limit, he told me.  He could walk out the back door there and be here in five minutes easy.  Terrorize and be back to work before his break was over.

I could not wait to give Detective Glassmire this information, there must have been something they could make out of this.  Some trap, some way to catch him driving from there to here.  And now that he had broken up with Brooke, there was no reason for him to be here – interesting how he moved out right after the sheriffs kept stopping by her house to speak with him.  I told Steve that I wondered how long he had worked at City Market – because if he was there last summer too, then he could have been the Blue Creek stalker.  It was right across the county road from us – within walking distance.  I never even texted Morgan to bug her about coordinating when she came home.  It made sense in ways I had never thought of.  The detectives were obvious enough to spook him.  They would be drawing a bead on him and closing in.  So he either bolted for safety, or he just broke up with Brooke and moved on.  I wish I knew which it was.

Click here to read about the 77th day of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/?p=1696

October 15, 2011 – Day 75 of Morgan’s Stalking – More Eyes Watching

pumplin carving 2011

We went to the pumpkin patch early, all of us, along with our two grandchildren.  Morgan loved the picture taking opportunity, and for Morgan to spend time with her little niece, Joni, was special for Morgan, they were getting closer all the time.  Her nephew Odin was still a little too young, but Morgan thought Odin was going to be just like her when he grew up – even his little feet were like hers and they had the same color hair…she adored him.

Back at home I we had plans to meet Detective Glassmire after twelve, and we zeroed in on after 3:00 pm.  When he came to the house at 3:30 with more interesting news.  He had spoken with Brooke about the rumors we were hearing in the neighborhood concerning Morgan and the stalker, and what things she had spoken to others about.  He said that Brooke told him that she gets all of her information from her mom.  Then he went and talked with Brooke’s mom, asking her the same question.  Brooke’s mom in turn said the exact opposite – that she gets all of her information from Brooke – so who’s zooming who?

I expressed to the detective that obviously one of them, if not both were not being truthful, and I was curious as to what he was going to do next.  He said he had decided to let it go for now and revisit it later – why?  He was concerned that Brooke was under eighteen, and he needed to have her father right there to question her, and it had to be done just so.  I didn’t really understand, but I dropped it as well.

Then we discussed the conversation I had had with Elliott and all of the ways that it could be taken.  I thought it would be very positive for Detective Glassmire to question Elliott, particularly about the “they” part of the conversation, as in “they were freaked out,” it had a feeling of guilt to me, and the detective agreed.  But then he did not want to tip off Keenan, or the Harris’ about exactly what we are thinking, better to keep them in the dark.  I told him I really thought Keenan already knew that they were watching him, and that they were trying to talk to him.  And now that he had moved out it might become more difficult.

They had never actually been able to talk with him while he was living in Brooke’s dad’s house with Brooke, and I asked Detective Glassmire if they knew where he had moved to.  The detective said they didn’t, but that they would start checking into it.

That night we all went to a birthday party for a friend of mine.  Steve and myself, with Morgan and Danny.  It was great fun to be out of the house, and at first Morgan had been concerned about how late we were going to stay, as she thought it might be not her cup of tea – Morgan usually did not go birthday parties for my friends with us.  But Danny said he would like to go and after a while she was having a great time, and kept saying how she didn’t think she was going to like a “Grown up party,” (I guess she meant with older people), but was finding fascinating people, and having some really intense conversations.

Steve and I talked about how much she had grown, and watched her mingle.  When we were getting tired, and looking to go, it was Morgan who wanted to stay, we had to promise to bring her with us to the next party before she would leave.  Morgan loved intellectual conversations, and she said this was the first time in a long time she felt she was really satisfying that.

At 8:32 pm, while we were gone, the video surveillance recorded the rear light going on twice.  We reviewed the cameras and did not see anyone.

We now had an extra set of eyes in the neighborhood.  A couple was staying next door for a few days, and their hours were completely different from ours.  They liked to sleep more during the day, and then stay up all night.  They could not patrol much, but they were trying to keep a look out for anything that happened outside or around our house all night.  They had Steve’s cell number, and would call him if they spotted anything outside.  It just figures that they were here to possibly spot something from next door when one of the suspects had just moved out.

Click here to read about the 76th day of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/?p=1684

(Police reports later show the “suspect” was not working on 10.15.2011)

October 14, 2011 – Day 74 of Morgan’s Stalking – Crank up the Coconut Telegraph Line…

Wylah looking up to mom

At 9:30 in the morning Morgan texts with a friend who was heading into Aspen, and wanted company, but Morgan had a jazz class and couldn’t go with her so they made plans to meet later that afternoon at a coffee shop.

Our neighbor Elliott suddenly wants to talk with me, he has news.  We had not talked about the stalking in quite a while. It had reached a point where Steve said from what I was telling him, that it was a one way flow of information, Elliott was always wanting to know how the stalking investigation was going, which I would bring him up to date on, and then Elliott never really had any new information except another rumor that always came via Brooke Harris’ mother, Christina Harris.  Steve had reached a point that unless someone had real intel we should not be sharing what we know any longer. I had agreed, so with Elliott I had just avoided him. But this seemed too promising.

We meet out front, as he was walking his dogs. The first news was that Elliott heard from Brooke’s mom that Brooke and Keenan had broken up and Keenan moved out of Brooke’s dad’s house. He wondered if it had been quieter lately. I tell him that, yes as a matter of fact, it has been quiet, silent even, Morgan seems to have this feeling lately that somehow it was over. I didn’t know what to make of it, but now it made sense.

Elliott says this is great, and then he said something that was out of place enough to become locked in my memory. “Yeah, ever since the detectives have been coming around more often they freaked out.”

I immediately ask him who he means by, “they.”  Elliot changed the subject. Telling me how glad he was that Keenan was gone, and now everything could get back to normal. Which only added to my need to know and my attention was piqued, so I again asked him, “Elliott, what did you mean by they?”

He again tried to change the subject by asking what we had caught on the video cameras, and launched into an explanation about how he’s been extra careful lately because he walks his dogs at night sometimes, and he doesn’t want to get caught on camera, and have us think he is the stalker. His nervous laugh sent shivers up my spine, and I will never forget it.

I thought for a moment, not concerned at all about the awkward silence. We had not talked to anyone about the detectives. Only to ask permission from Rhonda to use one of her trees in case they wanted to mount one of their cameras in it. They used bolts to put them up for extra security, and Rhonda was absolutely fine with it. Anything that will catch the stalker, she had said and was still looking to talking to them about things she had noticed anyway.

I told Ellliott we hadn’t really had a chance to talk to anyone about the detectives yet, we were all so busy and they were sort of putting together a game plan. But as soon as we had one I assured E we would talk about it, that we would probably want him to be a part of it. I told him I guessed it was up to the detectives from here, how they wanted to proceed and all.

Elliott did not stop surprising me. He then told me, “Toni, its kind of obvious, first it was deputy trucks at all hours of the night, two and three at a time, and now all of a sudden it’s detectives, everyone is talking about it.”

I wanted to ask him who “everyone” was, but I still had not gotten answer to who they were, so I paused again. The detective’s truck was nondescript.  It said nothing on it, I thought about it, and to me I would not even know it was a Garfield Sheriff’s vehicle.

Elliott suddenly remembered a phone call he had to make, and our little conversation was over.

I called Steve as soon as I was in the house and he was amazed, he also had his hands full and said as soon as he could he would break free so we could talk about it. He also cautioned me to make sure the windows were closed if I talked about this with anyone on the phone today.  He knew me so well – my voice carries.

As soon as Steve came home it was obvious this had been on his mind since I talked to him.  Before we even said anything he was telling me about Detective Glassmire’s truck.  It might have county plates on it?  I’m not sure.  And he said maybe there were the pull you over lights, but they are behind the grill. If that truck passes you on the highway, you might think, oh yeah sheriff, but you would not be sure.  He wondered how it was common knowledge around the neighborhood.  He wondered if they had canvassed, gone door to door asking a few questions, and not told us about it.  He surmised that would put the buzz into high gear.

Then he was talking about the other detective’s car.  He was pretty sure it was a silver SUV, small, an Explorer, once again not certain of the plates. He compared it to one of my friend’s car (a friend of mine that stops by, while on errands, from time to time). Steve said they park in the same place, in fact right behind the same tree, slightly pulled off the street. He thought you would have to be very observant to detect the difference.

Steve had a conclusion, he was now certain and it would seem that it has to be someone who lived in the neighborhood – at least one of them. I told him I thought we were already sure of that. He had a more global outlook.  Until we are 100% certain then we are not really certain of anything.  We have to avoid the trap of becoming locked in on one person and miss another.  Many times Steve had said he not only wants it over, but he wants to know that when it is over it is really over.

Together we arrived at one thing, obviously Elliott knows more than he is telling. After that it was all guesswork – all good stuff for the detectives.

This said something to Morgan

At 8:09 pm I text Morgan and ask, “Are you in Aspen? Everything OK? Tell Paul I said hi. ”I want so badly to tell her that Keenan has moved out, but we have already decided to tell her in person, we are trusting everything less these days and are concerned about our phones, Steve has checked Morgan’s out and looked for some spike you can see in the data usage. So far it looks normal, but he still wanted me to be more vague when I sent a text message.

Morgan answered, “Yes. Yes. Ok.” With a smiley face icon. I sent her, “Short and Sweet.” With another smiley face icon. And Morgan answered, “Coming home soon with Danny, won’t be long.” I thought oopsie, so much for vague, and I ended with “Great.”

About 10:00 pm a man showed up at the front door with a very pregnant woman at his side.  Steve walked out and talked with them. When he came back in I asked him what that was about.  He said right street, just wrong house, and winked at me.  I knew what he meant and just shook my head.

Click here to read about the 75th day of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/?p=1670

October 9 – 13, 2011 – Days 69 -73 of Morgan’s Stalking – Hope for the Victims…

Bird feeder in the Aspen tree by the front door

During these four days it starts with me telling the story, in place of the usual retelling of the story.  Just like with every other blog post I look through, there are things no person should ever have to have, like an event recorder log, that time stamps every stalker event and saves texts, a surveillance camera log, and my trusty day runner.  And, it took me a while to see it, but there it was…I had them all.  I wish with all my heart that I hadn’t needed them.

A little something, that was not so bad, unmistakably surfaced over this four day period.  Over and over there are notes about the “little green car” – being gone, not there, don’t remember noticing it.  And almost within twenty-four hours of it being gone, Morgan’s activities picked right back up.  She was talking with her friends, making plans, saying, hey you, long time no…

For victims of stalking I take this as a good sign, no make that a great sign.  Morgan was strong, but she was also becoming scared from this ordeal.  And when I read back through this four day period of time, I really had the feeling at that time that he was really gone, for whatever reason.  I tried to convince myself that she was no longer being stalked and that she knew it had ended.  And she would go back to living life, as it used to be lived, as soon as she was able. Sadly, that was not to be.

Then in the early hours of the 13th, between 3:30 – 4:00 am it started again, Morgan heard tapping or pebbles thrown against her bedroom window again, and sent me a bubble on my phone, then sent a text to clarify the timing.  Our motion alarm covering her side of our house went off at 5:15 am.  Steve had installed two new wildlife cameras tonight.  At 1:15 pm I sent Detective Glassmire a text, “Just wanted you to know Morgan heard tapping or pebbles on her bathroom window at around 3:30 – 4:00 am this morning and our motion alarm went off on her side of the house (where your wildlife cams are located) and it went off at 5:15 am.  Just need to run some errands so please call or text me on this cell phone when you know you are coming over as I would like to show you our new camera set up.”  He sent a text back, “Okay, will do.”  And I said, “thanks.”

Morgan texted a friend in the afternoon and went for a visit.  She didn’t stay late, and I think we took her puppy and Tessi for a walk together.  The leaves would have been almost out of the trees, and it would have been getting cold, that – “Oh it won’t be long before it’s snowing” time that you have to live through, a few times to really appreciate the meaning of it – the simple times.

Click here to read about the 74th day of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/?p=1656

Photos By Trail Camera

A post from Morgan’s friend Tacia…

I came accross this band this morning, and it reminded me of Morgan because of her kitty Mogwai. I think she would have liked this song. I can picture her smiling and swaying gently to it with the soft morning sunlight pouring over her face. I could never recreate her in my imagination as beatiful as she really was, but it is a warm thought and a fond feeling it gives me all the same. She had an incredibly diverse taste, and divine appreciation for music. I loved listening to music with her, we would just immerse ourselves in the sounds, cuddle up together in a blanket of tones, tap our toes to the beat. She really felt things, she was so open to life. I feel like the whole world is asleep, they don’t see the beauty in everything like she did. She always inspired and amazed me with her capacity to absorb and embrace everything with such loving, open arms. I felt like she could swallow the whole world up in one great gulp, breath it in with one deep breath, and if she were to breathe it all back out, in a gentle sort of sigh, the world would have been a better place. Anyway, I just thought perhaps it might brighten your day just the tiniest bit. Many, many wishes of love and healing to you and your family Toni. Click on the following like to see the video.


Mogwai – “How to Be a Werewolf” Sub Pop Records


Check Out The Incredible New Video For Mogwai’s “How To Be A Werewolf” In case you missed it, there is now available for your viewing pleasure a video for an…