October 9 – 13, 2011 – Days 69 -73 of Morgan’s Stalking – Hope for the Victims…

Bird feeder in the Aspen tree by the front door

During these four days it starts with me telling the story, in place of the usual retelling of the story.  Just like with every other blog post I look through, there are things no person should ever have to have, like an event recorder log, that time stamps every stalker event and saves texts, a surveillance camera log, and my trusty day runner.  And, it took me a while to see it, but there it was…I had them all.  I wish with all my heart that I hadn’t needed them.

A little something, that was not so bad, unmistakably surfaced over this four day period.  Over and over there are notes about the “little green car” – being gone, not there, don’t remember noticing it.  And almost within twenty-four hours of it being gone, Morgan’s activities picked right back up.  She was talking with her friends, making plans, saying, hey you, long time no…

For victims of stalking I take this as a good sign, no make that a great sign.  Morgan was strong, but she was also becoming scared from this ordeal.  And when I read back through this four day period of time, I really had the feeling at that time that he was really gone, for whatever reason.  I tried to convince myself that she was no longer being stalked and that she knew it had ended.  And she would go back to living life, as it used to be lived, as soon as she was able. Sadly, that was not to be.

Then in the early hours of the 13th, between 3:30 – 4:00 am it started again, Morgan heard tapping or pebbles thrown against her bedroom window again, and sent me a bubble on my phone, then sent a text to clarify the timing.  Our motion alarm covering her side of our house went off at 5:15 am.  Steve had installed two new wildlife cameras tonight.  At 1:15 pm I sent Detective Glassmire a text, “Just wanted you to know Morgan heard tapping or pebbles on her bathroom window at around 3:30 – 4:00 am this morning and our motion alarm went off on her side of the house (where your wildlife cams are located) and it went off at 5:15 am.  Just need to run some errands so please call or text me on this cell phone when you know you are coming over as I would like to show you our new camera set up.”  He sent a text back, “Okay, will do.”  And I said, “thanks.”

Morgan texted a friend in the afternoon and went for a visit.  She didn’t stay late, and I think we took her puppy and Tessi for a walk together.  The leaves would have been almost out of the trees, and it would have been getting cold, that – “Oh it won’t be long before it’s snowing” time that you have to live through, a few times to really appreciate the meaning of it – the simple times.

Click here to read about the 74th day of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/?p=1656

Photos By Trail Camera