During These Difficult Times…

During these difficult times, always remember to keep HOPE alive.

“Of all the forces that make for a better world, none is so powerful as hope. With hope, one can think, one can work, one can dream. If you have hope you have everything.”

Never give up on HOPE!




National Crime Victims’ Rights Week – 2020


This year’s NCVRW theme—Seek Justice | Ensure Victims’ Rights | Inspire Hope.

As you observe National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) and the 2020 theme—Seek Justice | Ensure Victims’ Rights | Inspire Hope—view and share the 2020 NCVRW Theme Video.

This year’s theme underscores the importance of seeking justice for all victims of crime, ensuring that crime victims’ rights are honored, educating the public about those rights, and inspiring hope for individual survivors and communities. View the Theme Video to learn more about this year’s theme and share as part of your online campaign.

Share the story of your stalking…your story could save a life

Writing down the details and feelings of your experiences is not only extremely healing, it can help others that are suffering in silence. If you would like to share a short form of your story here on this blog please post a comment here and I will get back to you as soon as I can. I would then be able to post it for you here as a blog post – you can have your name on it or I can keep it anonymous if you would rather do it that way.

I know stalking is terrifying. I know stalking changes you forever. It’s hard to comprehend how many victims and survivors of stalking have contacted me over the years to thank me for sharing my story – I have been told it has helped so many, and that makes my heart happy. So, now I would love to see others share their story as well, in the hope that more victims and survivors will get something out of those stories too.  Thank you so much!



I Miss You Morgan…Happy Valentine’s Day in Heaven

I miss you so much Morgan…I smiled this morning remembering how happy you were when I bought you the frog prince key chain for Valentine’s Day. I wish with all my heart I could give you another present today on Valentine’s Day. I will close my eyes and talk to you about all the little “hearts” you always put everywhere.

Thank you so much for always telling everyone how much you loved them…at the end of every phone call, every time you said goodbye, an every time you had an opportunity, you always told people how you felt, and that my dear daughter was something very unique and precious that I will always keep in my heart when I think of you.

Someone said grief has 3 stages:

  • First stage is the beginning
  • Second stage is the middle
  • Third stage is FOREVER

There is no “getting over” grief there is only learning to live with it and on days like today it hurts a little worse than normal. Miss you baby!

Mom (Your Motina)

Morgan – You were supposed to be here…

My sweet youngest daughter, you were supposed to be here to see and enjoy your big sister’s first baby. Your sister really wished she had you with her to help and share in all her “first” moments with her new little one.

You were supposed to be here for your older brother’s third baby, Steven. This little one is always smiling, just like you, and even has your beautiful blue eyes and the same hair color as you.

You were supposed to be here to enjoy your niece’s 11-year-old birthday party and your 9-year-old nephew’s celebration. All our family’s happy moments are bittersweet because you were not here to enjoy them with us – it always feels like something is missing…you 🙁

You were supposed to have your own engagement, wedding and first born. But a “stalker” stole that away from you, and us, when he took your life. We miss you every day. You’re never far from our thoughts, and will always be in our hearts…forever!

Rest in heaven my sweet baby girl.
8/16/1991 – 12/2/2011
