Another Big Lie Rolling Around On The Internet…


Just the other day I received the following comment in connection to my blog post

That blog post goes on to explain, “In the over 71 incidents of stalking, there are only 2 times, evidenced by his timesheet from work, that he was actually clocked in at work.  Only 2 times!  So if he wasn’t clocked in at work how was he on camera stocking shelves?  He wasn’t. Go ahead and read the timeline from the beginning – I have added screen shots of his work hours out of the police reports. But don’t just take my word for it – look for yourself, starting from the first day of the stalking from my timeline.” 

Obviously the person who commented never ever read the post – they just read the title and decided to comment the following, “So Keenan was proven to be in work at every time this person was seen standing outside of the house. CCTV cameras show HIGH QUALITY images of him stocking shelves etc at the actual time of Morgans death. The people who created these blogs and people who continue to accuse this man of murder are ruining the life of an innocent man. Morgan killed herself. She took too many pills. Why? I don’t know. But I do know that Keenan Vanginkel had absolutely nothing to do with the tragic death of this young girl.”

This person obviously never looked at the post about the night of Morgan’s murder…he did not clock in to work until 2:00 am – we have been told Morgan was dead by that time. You can see the exact time he checked in to work on his timesheet (all timesheet are included in the actual police report – which Keenan Vanginkel is called the “Suspect” in the stalking case)

I guess this is what we all have to look forward to with the surge in social media – people can anonymously hide behind their computer screens and act like they know what they are talking about BUT they don’t…they just continue to spread lies. Very sad, but expected. In the past bullies and liars did it in person, now these cowards are even more emboldened because they can do it from the shadows of their own home 🙁

So to the person who calls themselves Lau, the lesson learned is this, “When you don’t know the whole story, shut up!”


Hope & Peace…For All Victims/Survivors of Stalking

Acronym of Hope written on green chalkboard

For any of you reading this post, especially those who are living through a horrific stalking, I want to send you blessings of hope and peace.

So many times in our lives we hope, some say they pray, and others say they manifest…to me they are one in the same, but no matter how you think of it, just remember to ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE & NEVER GIVE UP!

Here’s the good news: You don’t have to make all the mistakes, because I already made many of them for you. When you read through the timeline of the stalking, starting at day one, you will read about what we thought, how we reacted, along with the things we did to try to catch the stalker, protect our daughter, and keep our lives moving forward. You will also read about all the mistakes we made along the way…at the end of 4 months of horrific stalking, all I wanted was to push a redo button. They say hindsight is 20/20 and that was so very true in my case. But, as we all know, there is no redo button – I could not change the outcome, Our youngest child, Morgan, was gone forever.

My hope has always been that through my timeline, of the actual day-to-day happenings during the four months of stalking, as I show what happened to our daughter Morgan, as well as my husband Steve and myself, that readers could understand what we did that worked and what we did, out of naiveté about stalker, that did not work. As of today I feel like it has helped many people, as they have written in to me over the years to thank me for this help. This Blog has reach almost 8 million people to-date and I hope it continues to help others over the years.

We can never bring our amazing daughter Morgan back, but for every other victim of stalking that may receive help some from me, in order to stop their ordeal, that is a piece of justice for Morgan. Stalking is insidious and frightening and can escalate to violence which can include rape and murder. Everyone needs to treat stalking with the seriousness it deserves. It is one of the most underreported crimes to-date, and there are many misconceptions about what stalking is really about. It is not romantic – it is a fixation and an obsession. It is a crime which destroys lives.

Happy First Day of Spring…

Picture above was taken by Morgan Jennifer Ingram in 2011

Today is the first day of Spring – it is the Spring Equinox (also called the March equinox or vernal equinox). This year the Spring Equinox falls on Wednesday, March 20. This event marks the astronomical first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

We now get to enjoy the increasing sunlight hours, along with earlier dawns and later sunsets. I’m sure most of you get a little excited about this change in the season…it sure seems like nature is reminding us that life goes on, no matter what. The first Spring I experienced without Morgan was like a slap in the face…it was hard for my heart to understand how life could continue on, without a hitch, when Morgan was no longer a part of this life. The pain was immeasurable. Now, after 7 + years, I understand a lot more – doesn’t mean the pain is any less, it just means I understand how and why life continues on, Spring brings forth new life, and the lives we have lost are not ever really gone.

Wishing you all a wonderful and bright Spring 🙂


Sunday, March 17, 2019 – A Little Reminder Left Behind

This morning I looked in Mogwai’s bed, (Mogwai is Morgan’s cat…her fur baby that she loved so very much), and I saw one of the little cat toys she had crocheted for him…he still has it. As you can see it is very worn after 7 + years, but he still cuddles it in his bed.

Morgan was constantly making things for everyone, with her own two hands. In the weeks before her murder she was knitting gloves for one close friend, painting glasses for other friends, and baking goodies for relatives. She had gone shopping with me and found matching P.J.’s for her and her sister for Christmas, as Christmas was only weeks away. She asked if we were going to pick up a tree cutting permit again this year, in order to hike up in the mountains to find the perfect tree to bring home. That was always a fun outing, including hot chocolate and lots of laughter.

Morgan was excited about the possibility that her stalker would soon be arrested…she was scheduled to give her on-camera interview only 4 1/2 days from when her life was taken from her. She was scared, she was nervous, but she was also excited that life could go back to how it once was, after an arrest was made. She had also been going through all her stuff and packing up boxes and putting them in our dining room, just as Steve and I had started to do, as we were planning on moving to a safer new home…but we were too late. Just 23 days before Christmas, she was gone and all her plans and dreams, along with all of ours were gone forever.

None of us ever stop thinking about Morgan. We all miss her, even her fur babies miss her. But all our memories stay with us. Everywhere I look I still see Morgan.