And she said, “I love you daddy.”

 Ask any adult woman about their father, one who still calls their father “daddy,” and you will hear stories of immense love and respect. I have been blessed to be married to one such “daddy” – Steve.  Both Morgan and her oldest sister always called him “daddy,” and they absolutely adored him.

Blood doesn’t always make you a “daddy.”  Another person has always called Steve “daddy.”  My niece never knew her own father, so ever since she was a small child, Steve treated her just like one of our own daughters.  She loved him very much.  And just like our own 2 girls, she made him father’s day cards, always got excited to see him and never got off the phone without saying she loved him.  And to this very day my niece still ALWAYS calls Steve “daddy.”  Even as a mother herself, and almost 40 years old, to her Steve is “daddy.”

I have met many friends over the years that still call their fathers “daddy.”  What a beautiful thing – I love hearing them talk about their childhoods and all the wonderful memories they have.  It really does take someone special to be a daddy.  A person that really loves spending time with their children.  Someone that is always there for them, someone they can count on.  Someone who knows there is no greater gift in this world then a child…that makes a “daddy.”  One of my dear friends just lost her “daddy” to cancer – it was painful and cruel.  She is hurting so much and yet every time she speaks about him she smiles (with tears in her eyes) and you can hear the love in her voice for the man she will always call “daddy.”

You are probably wondering why in the world I am going on and on about this.  Well because I just remembered something that happened about a year after Morgan was killed.  A woman contacted me to say that she was convinced Morgan killed herself because she had read that the last thing Morgan said to Steve was, “I love you daddy.”  Now I have heard a lot of crazy things from people over the years – but when I heard this woman say that, I felt a wave of sadness for her…what kind of childhood had this woman had that would make her think that?  It was just all too sad.

For Morgan to say, “I love you daddy” was completely normal behavior for Morgan.  I know for many other girls and women this would be normal behavior as well, and for those who can not understand it, I feel a deep sadness.  Unconditional love comes from the heart, it’s what every child deserves, but not every child receives.  What a wonderful world this would be if everyone could know, and understand, unconditional love.


Here we go again…


Guess he or she didn’t want to wait long.  The same person I wrote about in my last post about a “troll,” wrote in again tonight.  They wrote the following:

Comment: January 30th, 2013 you posted this “We have no choice but to forge on, and as her room is almost finished so I tackle what is left. Her bed is first, blankets, sheets, pillows, pillowcases. That none of this was ever collected has been universally frowned upon since her death. ” Now you’ve changed your own history to say her bottom sheet was missing. WTF, Toni, the truth DOESN’T change. Why does your story keep changing? Poor Morgan!

You are right when you say, “Poor Morgan” – she would have had justice by now if people like you would stop trying to make a big deal out of things that don’t exist, and feeding right in to the hands of the people that are trying (for their life) to keep her case from ever becoming a case…Morgan WAS a felony stalking victim, Steve and I WERE also listed as victims, as we had incidents against us when she wasn’t even home.  And Morgan WAS murdered.  Morgan was an eye-witness as to who her stalker(s) were and the sheriffs knew.  So her stalker(s) eliminated the witness!  And we have evidence that shows she was murdered.  So give me a break “troll” you are not only misinformed you are illiterate as well. When you read things – you should really read them.  Also, if you have questions, just ask.  It’s not that hard.

What the “troll” is referring to is the following link to my blog post:

Here is my answer…although I am sure this person could case less about the truth.

Morgan had a Queen sized bed, she had lowered it down on to the ground 1/2 way through the stalking, so she wouldn’t have to worry that her stalker could hide under it.  I have been told by other victims that she did the right thing, intuitively.

When we found Morgan her bed had a white mattress cover on it, a down comforter with a comforter cover over it (pulled up her arm), at least 4 pillows, along with pillow cases.  She also had a flat top sheet for her bed that wasn’t on her when we found her – it was crumpled up on the floor.  Morgan’s bottom fitted sheet, the sheet that matched the flat sheet, the sheet that covered the quilted mattress cover was GONE and was never found.  It was there the night before, and it was gone the next morning along with jewelry, drivers license, p.j.’s she was wearing, memory chips out of her camera, an antique special book from her case, and a few other things missing as well.

This was a staged crime scene.

And sadly enough, I now know it happens a lot more often then it used to.  Her body had been moved postmortem – you could tell by her lividity that she had died in a completely different position then she was found in.  And bodies can not move on their own, as per Michael J. Dobersen, MD, Forensic Pathologist/Medical Examiner, and now retired Coroner for Arapahoe County, Colorado.

Her room showed a struggle!  Vacuum knocked over, clothes that were earlier folded in neat piles on her desk and bed were scattered all over the floor.  Her cell phone tossed under her bathroom door, her laptop on it’s side as though it slid off the bed onto the floor.  The light in her bathroom was left on – she ABSOLUTELY would never leave a light on during the stalking – it always caused more tapping, banging and horrific startles from her stalker.

We found her body curled up (knees drawn up, and bent at the knees, arms bent at the elbows and when her body was put on the floor, as per the 911 operator so Steve could continue CPR, her arms stayed bent with fists pointing towards the ceiling and her legs straightened out.  she was found lying on her right side, on the opposite side of the bed (she never slept on that side), Her body was facing away from her end table, where her panic button was held (later we saw it had been ripped of it mount and tossed in a corner of her room), her eyes were wide open and black, both hands clenched, hair all tangled and matted in a bunch, flattened nose, blood on the inside of her mouth with a little on her fat lip, blood on her forehead, torn nails, abrasions, what looks like an injection mark on her inner arm, abrasion on her breast by her nipple, her neck looked like she had been strangled…he/she or they really worked her over.  She fought hard but couldn’t stop them.  Her pants were unzipped and unbuttoned and she had minute spots that showed up under the UV light to indicate bodily fluids, and yet they didn’t check under her nails, they did not do a rape kit, and did not take a sample of the minute spots on her chest.  A body temperature was never taken so they couldn’t even determine exactly when she died. Shocking, outrageous and all very true!


Murderer’s Denial of the Victim…and Victim-blaming

I have read, Criminals sometimes neutralize wrongdoings by maintaining that the crime victim “had it coming.” This is an example of the technique of neutralization.

In the past year I have heard from a person involved in Morgan’s murder…shocking I know, but not entirely unexpected.  

This female has been in trouble her whole life, and has always blamed others for her wrongdoing – so why stop now.  Does anyone think that a person involved in a criminal activities, like stalking and murder, will just admit what they did, and joyfully go to jail?  I really don’t ever hear of that happening, but I do read many articles about people that starting killing at a young age and were not caught until there were many other victims.  This female has used one-liners over and over when asked if she killed Morgan, as in her famous statement on the Dr. Phil Show, “Show me the proof.”  Ask most criminalists and they will tell you that an answer like that, to a direct question of culpability, is a major red flag…

In the message I received from this female, she said Morgan was an ‘evil psychopath,” and said, “she had it coming,”  and “her death was an accident” (they deny the injury), and she is happy because “Morgan deserved to die” (they deny the responsibility).  She accused Morgan of “destroying people’s lives and making them kill themselves” (they deny the victim).  

This is so “text book.”  This female is delusional.  She is giving herself, and others, a justification for Morgan’s death.  None of what she said to me was true, so it really didn’t upset me, but it was a “glimpse” into the mind of Morgan’s murderer.  Pretty scary stuff, and don’t think for a minute that this person has changed…no, she will only get bolder and harm more people in my opinion.

Syke & Matza (1957) and Matza (1964) wrote their conclusions on the process of delinquent youths becoming criminals as a matter of neutralizing their personal values and attitudes as they drift from conventional behavior and illegitimate behavior.

They deny responsibility, they deny the injury, they deny the victim.

They condemn the condemners.  The say, “It was not my fault,” “No harm was done,” They had it coming.”  In their minds they really believe they can shift the blame and their guilt of the crime in order to lesson the value of the life they destroyed.  Sound familiar?  Well it sure does to me.

This is a very basic article that explains the techniques of neutralization…i.e. Victim-blaming.  Excuses made by the person responsible for the crime in order to shift the blame from them to their victim. 



The comment below is from a person that has written into my blog many, many times over the past 3 years, and still to this day – I guess people would call him/her a Troll 🙁  But when it comes to Morgan’s case there are a handful that keep up their lies and deception on the Internet, as well as on their Podcasts. It’s hard to imagine anyone would believe the lies that come out of their mouths.  These are people that have no personal knowledge of what they are talking about and yet they act like experts…sick.

Over the Internet you never know if the person commenting is male, or female – you only know who they want you to believe they are, and what they want you to believe.  You don’t know where they are from, or who they are connected to.  This particular person, over the years, has changed their identity many times, as well as their email address many times, but their IP address has stayed the same.  If I had to guess I would say that I believe it is one of the small “group” of people that have gone completely out of their way for over 4 years now searching any mention of Morgan’s case, or my name so they can attack and spread lies, they basically try to tarnish my credibility in order to keep Morgan’s case from ever being investigated..

This person acts as though they are an expert on whatever they decide to attack me about at the time.  They have made up many different ways they think Morgan died, they have accused me over and over again of lying – which makes me wonder what their “agenda” really is…this particular time he/she said they are an ER nurse.  If they really are a nurse, then I feel very frightened for their patients, as they have absolutely NO idea what they are talking about.  After all these years of relentlessly spreading lies about Morgan’s case could this person actually be connected to Morgan’s murderers, or be the murderer?

Blog comment: Would you please explain why there are multiple antibiotics, cardiovascular and endocrine meds on what you have labeled as a “Sexual Assault Drug Panel”. I am a nurse of many years and none of these particular meds can be used to cause drowsiness or unconsciousness to lead to a sexual assault so why are they listed? This makes no sense and just adds question to your honesty, seriously.

My response: NONE of the drugs found in Morgan’s blood, or gastric fluid on the toxicology reports were antibiotics, cardiovascular or endocrine meds – NONE of them.  Do your research!  All of them ARE on the Sexual Assault Panel from the lab that did her toxicology testing (AIT Labs).  They are on Sexual Assault Panels at labs because these drugs DO cause drowsiness, and can cause a victim to become unconscious, which is the reason they have been used as date rape drugs.

People need to do their own research.  Research from reliable sources.  Even though most public attention over the years has focused on Rohypnol and GHB as “date-rape” drugs, Mark A. Lebeau et al (1999) Forensic Examiner/Toxicologist, Chemistry Unit, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington DC writes his article on Toxicological Investigations of Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assaults. He explains there are many other substances that have been detected in victims of alleged sexual assaults. These include ALL the drugs found in Morgan’s toxicology reports.

You may have heard the term “date rape drugs” to refer to substances that can aid a perpetrator in committing sexual assault. Here are the actual drugs that were detected in Morgan.  All the drugs found in Morgan ARE listed on the Sexual Assault Panel:

Amitriptyline (in low does it has various off-label uses)

Nortriptyline (A Metabolite of Amitriptyline)

Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)



Flurazepan (Dalmane)


Morgan’s toxicology results are an important part of the evidence that shows she was murdered.  They are evidence that she could not have taken her own life.  Why? For the following reasons:

  1. Morgan had no alcohol or illegal drugs in her body – only date rape drugs
  2. Morgan never had a prescription for any of the other 6 prescription drugs that were in her gastric fluid, and neither did Steve or I.
  3. None of the drugs, except an old expired bottle of low-dose Amitriptyline, were ever in our house, and were not in our house when we found her body – whomever brought them into our house took them with them when they left.
  4. Even though Dr. Kurtzman, the contracted forensic pathologist who performed Morgan’s autopsy, declared her death as natural causes for the first 8 months, insisting that the “massive” amount of Amitriptyline in her blood was “insignificant,” it was in fact the cause of her death.
  5. Dr. Kurtzman also insisted that Morgan must have been taking the Amitriptyline without telling anyone and this, coupled with Postmortem Redistribution, was his reason the number was so high.  He was so very WRONG!  The percentage of the metabolite Nortriptyline in comparison to the Amitriptyline is evidence that:
    1. She had not been taking it – it was a one-time massive dose of Amitriptyline
    2. Approximately 1,000 ng of Ami would have killed Morgan, and yet she had over 10,000 ng in her blood (we have been told you need to add the Ami along with it’s metabolite to arrive at the true total).
    3. Morgan did not have enough of her expired prescription of Amitriptyline to cause this level
    4. Since 1,000 ng would have killed her the only way that massive amount could be in her blood is if it had been injected – and yes we have a photo of the injection mark
  6. No syringes or containers were ever found in, or around our house – whatever was used to bring them into our house was taken away by her murderer(s).  When a body is found with a knife wound or a bullet hole, or even an obvious ligature mark around their neck, and the murder weapon is missing from the crime scene, is obvious someone else committed the murder – the same should be considered if someone is poisoned, and that poison (i.e. drugs) are found later on the toxicology report.
  7. None of the date rape drugs found in Morgan’s gastric fluid made it into her blood – her body had stopped digesting – she was either dead or almost dead when they were put in her stomach, plausibly via a feeding tube
  8. All these facts we learned from a renowned forensic medical examiner, and multiple forensic toxicologists.

The following comment was sent to me just the other day.  “It just isn’t right.. so many leads, but yet you have had so many blocks. I will never forget Morgan’s story and will always be waiting for the ending she deserves… and you the family deserve.”

I get comments from people all over the world, almost daily, that continue to follow Morgan’s case, hoping for justice.  These supporters keep Steve and us strong….they keep us from ever worrying about the “Trolls” on the Internet who spew their deception and lies for their own personal reasons.  Justice for Morgan!