Monthly Archives: August 2015
Friends remember Morgan
From the Blog: Sarah Afshar
Post: Friends remember Morgan Ingram
Northern Colorado Crime Stoppers Added a New Button :)
So many people have been writing in asking how they can help get justice for Morgan, some have said they went on the Northern Colorado Crime Stoppers page to donate to the reward fund, but the donation button wasn’t giving them an option to have the money go into Morgan’s reward account. I asked Norther Colorado Crime Stoppers about it and they were so kind they added a new donation button to the front page of They said this will give a link to allow donations to be added to Morgan’s fund via Paypal or credit card.
Once you click on the link all you have to do is you scroll down their page and you will see:
To Donate to the Morgan Ingram Fund
To send us Donations via mail:
Northern Colorado Crime Stoppers
P.O. Box 18063
Boulder, CO 80308-8063
Thank all of you who have already contributed to her reward fund and sincere thanks to all who are planning on donating in the future. Your generosity is very much appreciated…together we will get justice for Morgan!
P.S. I know the reward poster says $1,000 cash reward to any person providing information that leads to the arrest and criminal charges of the person(s) involved in the suspicious death of Morgan. Additional rewards may be available. Now the reason for that last sentence is because of the level of importance of the tip there can be more than one reward paid out for amounts over $1,000. So more people can call in (an stay anonymous if they like) and receive more than $1,000 depending on the tip. I know people are used to seeing a reward for $50,000 or some big amount, but doing it this way and not saying what the total amount in the fund is we feel like people that know some important information about Morgan’s suspicious stalking and death will feel more comfortable to call in and depending on the importance of their tip they can receive an undisclosed amount of money. There are people that know what happened and who was involved – if they do the right thing and call in they will be the warriors that help get justice for Morgan. We are not allowed to know about any of the tips coming in but we do know there have been tips. So for those of you that have called in…thank you!
We Want Justice & Only Justice!
The only thing we will accept for our daughter is JUSTICE! This December 2, 2015 will mark the 4th anniversary of her murder. It is time – it is way past time for justice…
Our daughter Morgan was a victim of a felony stalking case (case #11-20197) with the Garfield County, CO sheriffs. She identified her stalker, there was ample evidence to arrest and charge the suspect(s) before she was killed, the lead detective said he was getting ready to make an arrest and then she was murdered. A stalking victim murdered in order to silence her as the witness. Then it gets worse, it is then covered up so none of the irregularities or atrocious practices of the sheriff & coroner’s office can be revealed.
According to the Colorado Constitution victims should be treated with dignity, honor & respect. Morgan got none of that in Garfield County. I believe the state of Colorado cares, but I do not believe the officials in Garfield County care. What can be done about that? Can they just remain on the outside of Colorado law? I don’t think so – not for much longer.
60% of all homicides are not solved. It is then left up to the families to become their own detectives and to investigate the murder. Not an easy task when critical information is being withheld by law enforcement and the coroner, but not impossible. We have been extremely lucky to have so many wonderful people, in positions of authority, that are willing to help us, and for all of those people I am EXTREMELY GRATEFUL! Good people doing the right thing is what is going to help change things in this country.
This has been a travesty of justice for Morgan, her family, and friends as well as all other victims of stalking in this country. A stalker/murderer remains free to do this again to another innocent victim, because of the actions of Garfield County. This needs to stop and this needs to stop now!
Candles burning brightly & more birthday love…
So many people have sent words of love today for Morgan’s birthday. They have been burning candles, sending her personal messages, and creating images like the picture above. I know Morgan can feel all the love she is being sent, and my heart is full of gratitude. I know she is not forgotten.
People have written in to me to say how heartbroken they are over the injustice that has been done to Morgan…it’s hard to fight for so long for justice – it starts to wear you down after a while. And then all of a sudden a bright glimmer of hope just seems to pop up out of nowhere and propels you forward again. One of those bright glimmers is shimmering right now – keep your fingers crossed! And thank you all for the beautiful light from your candles that you are burning for Morgan.