A Walk Down Manipulation Lane

Morgan walking

Morgan walking


Back in August of 2012, I shared on a post some information from the Office of Women’s Programs and Studies at Colorado State University about the manipulation tactics of Stalkers, here’s a link, Manipulation Tactics of Stalkers.  I revisited it with an eye toward the tactics that were relevant to Morgan’s Case, and it goes like this…

No Gifts or Notes: Morgan was not the recipient of gifts or notes, her stalker did not choose this approach.

Constant Communication: Stalkers work to harass their victims with a continual stream of information so that they know the assailant is always lurking out there.

Communication comes in many ways, and through his knocking, and banging he effectively communicated that he was always lurking out there.  One time even showing up, all dressed in black, standing within 10 feet of her in the pitch darkness of the early morning, when she opened the back sliding glass door to let her puppy out to go potty.  Some have suggested he was a complete coward as his preferred time to terrorize Morgan was coming in the dark of night, when emotions of fear and uncertainty naturally run at their highest.  But then he was either emboldened or cavalier in his car as he confronted her 6 times, four in broad daylight, and in a way that she was sure to get a good look at him.

It was an odd behavior because for all his diligence to remain unseen at night, he completely exposed himself in his car.

Surveillance: Most stalkers are very good at tracking. They follow, peep, and record. They usually keep logs or diaries, or memorize as much about the victim as possible. Electronic means of stalking have increased significantly in recent years.

This too was a manipulative tactic of Morgan’s stalker. He used his tracking skills without question, he followed, eavesdropped and peeped whenever he could. And this has always been a question for me. I feel that Brooke would have been so upset at his fascination to watch Morgan through windows.  Did it not upset her, or did she only find out in the end, and then ask for the ultimate form of retribution from Keenan….

Keenan was a trophy hunter, and fisherman too.  Most pictures I have seen of him revolve around being all geared up and ready for a hunt, or after a successful hunt, posing with his kill.  He followed / tracked Morgan in his car, and Steve had the constant feeling that he was testing us.  That so much of what he did was to see what our response would be, as if always preparing for some future moment.  I do not know if he had a log or diary, but it is completely possible that he did.

And as for electronics we know about the night vision glasses, There are also suits that minimize your signature in front of infra-red cameras, as we had around the house.

 Threats of Violence: Threats of violence may be a way to get the victim to do the stalker’s bidding. Also, there are stalkers who make no direct threat but do in fact commit acts of violence against their victims. Even if there are no physical threats of harm, continual harassment and surveillance become a very real emotional and psychological threat to victims of stalking.

 I don’t believe that Morgan ever heard his voice throughout the stalking.  Keenan fit the mold of the stalkers who make no direct threat, but do in fact commit acts of violence against their victims.

Legal Harassment Tactics: Stalkers may file small claims or other legal actions against their victims. These cases are usually eventually dropped, and are strictly used to harass and manipulate the victim.

Morgan was not the subject of any legal action, but Steve and I have been.  Brooke and James Harris filed a restraining order against Steve and I because of this blog, but it was eventually dropped.  It seems that someone within Keenan’s family or friends is always threatening legal action.  It has now broadened out to include all supporters of Morgan’s case.

Libel and/or Slander: Stalkers may make slanderous remarks to victims’ friends or associates, thereby causing victims damage in both interpersonal relationships and associations in the workplace.

Since Morgan’s death the libel and slander against Morgan has been non stop.  Once again from the family, and friends of Keenan.  I still am not sure when it was that he said, “I never worry, because someone has my back,” he was referring to this group now who seems willing to do anything to protect him, almost always under false or nonexistent identities.  Or someone who works within an official capacity, as so many have suggested.

Harassment of Family Members: Stalkers may resort to harassing family members if they are not able to contact the victim directly. A jealous stalker may make threats to a significant other if they view them as a barrier. Some stalkers may harass victims’ pets.

This is another big yes.  During her stalking Steve and I were always harassed by his actions.  When you are constantly awoken at or after midnight, and will have to spend the next two to three hours before the responding deputies have left and everything is calming down somewhat, how that could be anything but harassment, constant harassment, is beyond me.  Indirectly and directly Morgan’s pets have all been harassed,  Wylah especially.

Fraud: A stalker may run up large bills on the victim’s calling and credit cards, or go through the mail to disrupt services.

 This has not happened

Vandalism:  This is a common tactic used by stalkers, causing emotional and financial burden on the victim.

My car has had so much vandalism heaped on it.  Starting all the way back with the “bitch” inscription on my driver’s door, and scrapes up and down the sides.

Trophy Collection: Some stalkers will commit burglary both to further their information gathering as well as spur on their fantasies. Several types of stalkers are known to collect undergarments.

Breaking and entry for information gathering has been supposed by so many it’s hard to imagine that it did not happen.  Mostly before Morgan was killed.  There are in reality so many ways to enter a home such as ours without leaving a mark.  The Sheriffs Deputies said that there was no sign of forced entry, but that has been completely dispelled by so many as they easily enter without so much  as a mark.  And on the night Morgan was killed so many things were taken.

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