Today I just need to get this out. I don’t know what the heck is going on in this valley, but it’s just not right! There seems to be a handful of people who always come up with the wrong conclusion to something they know nothing about or someone that don’t even know, and then spread it around as if it were the gospel truth. What is up with this? I have lived in this valley since the 70’s and I have never seen this happen as much as it is now.
Example: Jeff Walker an Aspenite has been missing for 20 days as of yesterday. I did not know him, but from everything I have heard about him he was very much-loved, just like Morgan. He skied Aspen Highlands almost on a daily basis. He went on the Exhibition chairlift at 12:04 p.m. on Thursday, March 7. By Saturday his friends were really concerned, as they had not seen him since Thursday, so they contacted the authorities. That Sunday, and Monday dozens of personnel, dogs and even a helicopter were unsuccessful in their search for Jeff. The authorities decided to stop looking for a while and Jeff’s friends and family were not about to give up. They kept looking and then his family contacted Jennifer Shaffer – remember Jennifer? She is the Psychic Medium Investigator that has not only helped police, fireman, and therapists just to name a few, but has also been involved with Morgan’s case. She has always been 100% right on everything she sees, and she helps solve crimes, and helps in the location of missing loved ones.
Yesterday Jennifer was on the phone for hours in the afternoon with the search party looking for Jeff’s body. She had told his family he was dead and buried under 3 feet of snow, and that our Tuesday’s melt off helped part of his body to become exposed, and she was guiding them to where he was. She said his body would be found yesterday and it was. A snowboarder – not part of the search party, found the body and reported it yesterday afternoon. Jeff’s body was found in the same back bowl area that Jennifer had the search team looking as well…it was very steep with deep snow so Mountain Rescue could not get his body out until today.
The point I am trying to make with this blog is that there was a rumor circulating Aspen while Jeff was missing – it said that Jeff had just run off…this is the craziest accusation that anyone could make in this situation, but that’s what the rumor mill was stating. This really infuriates me because of how this affects his family and friends. I feel like if you really don’t know about a situation, don’t make up lies – because that’s what they are – lies! No benefit to them, just hurt for people who are already hurt as much as they can be. Just like some people have done with Morgan’s case.
Jennifer very gently told Jeff’s family that he was dead, and that his body would be found yesterday, and it was – people want to know the TRUTH not LIES. There are a few more bodies around this valley that have not been found yet, and yes there are plenty of lies spread about those missing people too – like they just ran off, but they didn’t, and it should not have to be that until their bodies are found they are fair game for rumors. And then what happens to all these people spreading the lies when the TRUTH appears? Probably nothing, but the damage the lies do in the meantime is immeasurable.
So I guess I am at the end of my rant now.
I hope the best for Jeff’s family and friends because I know this is hard, very hard. I hope the community comes together to give them the support they will need. And I hope that people in this valley that heard the lies can turn around to the person that was spreading the lies and tell them they don’t appreciate lies being spread. Truth and only the truth should be spoken, and if you don’t know the facts keep quiet or do the research, ask questions, don’t try to act like you know someone when you don’t, and don’t act like you have some inside information – which you don’t. This world is hard enough on all of us who have lost a loved one, and we don’t need naysayers with nothing better to do that to bump us off course.