The Facebook called Morgan’s Stalking – is not there at the moment

Just as I have said more than once this Blog is about Morgan Ingram, and her stalking and murder.  It is the truth, because if it were not I would have to answer for that.  Her Facebook site called Morgan’s Stalking was taken off line on 10/11 this evening.  The purpose for that Facebook site was the same as this blog.

  • Justice for Morgan
  • Help other victims of stalking

Once measures are put in place to control mass outbursts of anger that are not in keeping with these two goals Morgan’s stalking will be back on.  Sorry for the disruption, who could have guessed so many people with a different agenda would go on that site and cause a ruckus   Are there that many stalkers out there??? Even I would not have guessed that!!!



October 18, 2011 – Day 78 of Morgan’s Stalking – Who can this be? BTW I grant you all permission to give me your opinion!

Normal was a different word now.  Morgan had an appt. with her dentist.  Steve was going to drop off a trailer for someone to use after work.  My daughter-in-law had a birthday and Steve and I were going to be normal grandparents,  babysit while “the kids” went out for a dinner alone.  And Morgan would not be home, so it all could work out.  it all sounded so, “normal”.

Morgan came home from her dental appointment and was getting ready to go out for the evening.  At least until we came home.  She was cleaning up her room, and amassing a pile of laundry in the hall.  Sometimes her room looked like the proverbial bomb had just gone off, and sometimes it was quite organized.  Today it was moving toward organized.  She loaded the washer and left for Carbondale.  A little later, just before four she texted me, “What time do you need me?”

I did not see it, and didn’t answer until 5:02 pm when I said, “Don’t worry about it we are taking the truck now to drop off the trailer”.  Morgan answers, “Sweet. :)”, she was with her friends in Carbondale, and Steve and I were on our way to Glenwood Springs.  It was the first time we got to babysit while our son and his partner went out to dinner and we were very excited about babysitting our grandchildren.  We were very engaged with the grandkids, and not thinking of very much else.

Then Morgan made a mistake – a mistake that stalking victims inevitably face during their stalking.  She felt it was getting so back to “normal” and she decided that it would be okay to come home alone, for a just a few minutes, to switch her wash and grab something to eat, even though we had asked her to never go home alone.  She is home alone, busy going from her room to the laundry room, when she hears our dog Tessi growling, and barking furiously, and throwing herself at the front door.  She is frightened, stays inside her room, locking the door, and piling whatever she can if front of it.  Morgan tries to call us on the cell phone, but we don’t answer.  Cell service is not the best at our son’s house.

She stayed in her room until Tessi stopped barking, and attacking the door.  She thought it was about five minutes.  She carefully ventured from her room and saw Tessie sitting quietly at the front door, looking out.  There was no tail wagging, only intent starring.  Morgan looked out the door, and saw nothing.  She ran through the house and turned on every outside light she could think of.  Stood at the front door for a while, and then with pepper spray ready, and keys in the other hand she ran out to the car, hopped in, and locked it.  She drove out of the subdivision and decided to take the highway back to Carbondale instead of the back road, the highway had more lights and people. She wanted to be with other people – she felt safer with others than by herself in her own house…

Morgan called again and this time I answered.  I felt sick as she explained that she had gone home to switch the wash, just for a minute, and Tessi was barking like, “none other.”  She said we might want to check the cameras when we got home.

Ryan and Leesa got home from a great dinner at 8:10 pm.  We had a quick slice of cake with them and said we had to leave.   At 8:22 pm I texted Morgan, “On our way home.”

At home everything looked normal, and Steve and I went straight for the cameras to see what had caused our dog to bark like that.

We have six video cameras, and 3 of them will catch different parts of the street in front of our house.  First there is the task of seeing what, if anything, was causing poor Tessi to get so upset.  We were rolling through hours of video before we found this.

Car pulls in Driveway and leaves from on Vimeo.

Much later after we have the whole sequence of where this car was at what times and the two times that it came into our driveway, I felt it was trying to block Morgan in by pulling up right behind her car.  And all of the other places it had stopped around the neighborhood, Steve wanted the latest picture from Keenan’s facebook that we had him leaning against the front of his car so we could compare the front of the car that was in our driveway and it’s grill.  He held the picture along side the monitor, and felt it certainly could be Keenan’s car.  Plus the detectives had just told us there were very few of that exact model with that grill in our valley and the next valley over, strictly by registration records.

Once we had a time of one event it was then easier to search in ten minute segments from camera to camera and a few minutes later we were watching this.

Suspect in the driveway from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

The motion detector on the camera detects motion for this entire time however the person is only visible for the 2nd half.  I posted the entire time even though most of you will not see anything for the first half.  Please note this person appears to be LEFT HANDED.  Many people wrote in to me to tell me this after viewing this video…another important clue.

No wonder Tessi was so upset, and no wonder this person was afraid to approach the house.  Tessi is for the most part pretty calm, but I can only imagine that if you were up to no good and approaching our front door, which is beveled glass, and a 160 pound dog was smashing against it from inside you, would think twice before getting any closer.

I called the sheriff’s dispatch and told them what happened, but no need to send anyone as it was over, the detectives can take it from here.  I wondered aloud to Steve as we replayed the video – what if our 160 lb. dog hadn’t been throwing herself at the front door?  Would this person have tried to come in to get Morgan?  What was in his hand that was in his pocket and what was small, black object in his other hand? Was it a taser gun, or a real gun, or just a cell phone?  Does this show the stalker is left handed?

Our neighbor Elliott called and he wanted to know what’s happening.  I texted him back and said, “The guy drove up our driveway and then turned left and came back up our driveway and looked in our front door window at 7:42 pm tonight when after Morgan came home alone – we weren’t here and Tessi (our dog) went crazy at the front door when she saw him coming up through the beveled glass window, and scared the guy off.”  Elliott wrote back, “So he knew she was home, but not you?”  I wrote Elliott back, Yes, he drove up within 15 minutes of her getting home, pulled out and then drove back left again toward Equestrian Way and then came back on foot right up our driveway one hand in his pocket and one hand with a cigarette or something black, looking all around, as if to make sure no one was watching.  Elliott wrote back, “What kind of car?”  I said, “not 100% sure yet, but it was smaller than my LR3.”  (Later on I told Elliott that we can see the exact shape of the front of the car as well as the grill, which is very unique – it is the same year, same model as Keenan’s car)

Elliott wrote back, “Please have her call us and we can look for him, or his car, or come over to help!  Whatever we can do!”  Then at 10:06 pm he texted, “Did the police come?”

I answered, “No, I asked them not to send a patrol officer.  I am just waiting to talk to the detectives that are assigned to her case.  The yellow lab down the street was sniffing under Morgan’s window (caught on the camera) after the guy left so I don’t think the dogs can scent him.”  Elliott wrote back, “Just thought of something.  I might have been a foreclosure looky loo.”  I wrote back, “Not this guy, he was young and squirrely.  Maybe a delivery guy, but I still think that’s a little iffy.”

Morgan came home and was absolutely sick watching the video.  She said she was in the laundry room a lot, bent over sorting and folding and switching machines so from where he was he was just waiting for her to see him.  I thought how crazy the best part about this is Morgan had no idea what was going on at that time.  Steve told her that if anything at all happens like this to go into our room lock the door and watch on the cameras.  You can see what is happening all around the house.

There was a knock at the door and it was a deputy.  He had spoken with someone and they wanted him to come by anyway.  At that point all of us were pretty convinced it was Keenan’s car, but Steve did not think it was Keenan, Morgan and I did.  Steve said that the most innocent explanation here is a delivery person, but I don’t think so.  He felt in any event that it would be easy enough to check out tomorrow.  The deputy really thought he was a delivery person, even pointed out where he was checking for an address.  Steve told him it would be easy enough for the detectives to check with the 6 or so neighbors and see if anyone was expecting a delivery and then check with the few places that actually deliver out here.  That would not be many phone calls to confirm yes or no for sure instead of always guessing.

The deputy left and Steve thought it would be good if Morgan slept in our room and he slept on the couch.  I didn’t think Morgan would agree and she did not.  She went to her room and at 11:14 pm texted that, “I just heard noises outside my window.”  By the time I texted her back, “Got it” Steve had been out the door for a long time, with no pepper spray, but wielding a baseball bat instead.

When he finally came back in we argued for a long time about the person being Keenan or not.  I had watched it over and over while he was gone.  Light was on in that front room and then it went off Steve had told me.  And no green car in their driveway.

Click here to read about the 79th day of Morgan’s stalking

Today is October 11, 2012 – In the many months since this video I have come to agree with Steve, that this is, in all probability, Keenan’s car, but Steve thinks it is not Keenan – he thinks it’s someone Keenan knows trying to set up an alibi, the detective, Morgan and I believe it’s Keenan.  He had a thought late the evening this happened.  What if “they are all freaking out” we still never found out who they are, but what if to diffuse attention he was smart enough to have someone else drive his car into the driveway.  What if that would be all it would take to throw the sheriffs department completely off the trail on a night he was gone.  We were pretty sure the car was Keenan’s as the unique grill and shape of the car was an exact match and the person up the driveway looked just like Keenan, and he was wearing the exact shirt Keenan was wearing in one of his online social media posts, what do you think?

In September 2017 Crime Watch Daily did a 4-part series about Morgan’s stalking and murder, and on Part 4, on their Facebook, you can watch and hear Detective Glassmire interrogating Keenan Vanginkle about this exact incident of stalking, 5 months AFTER her murder, making it VERY CLEAR that he believes it IS KEENAN, and he IS STILL A SUSPECT

For all 4 parts of the Crime Watch Daily series…you click here.

Sorry – but I just had to share a little color…

Morgan painted this as a gift for me for Mother’s Day after her first oil painting class she took from Majid in Carbondale with her Dad – I have always had it hung by my kitchen to brighten up my day and just like the other picture I showed you of the girl kneeling by an angel – all Morgan’s paintings had a bright white focal point be it a girl or a vase or anything.  I always wondered about that but then I have been told it is a clue to a spiritual center…I wonder if that’s true?  Anyway I just love the colors!

Mother’s Day Oil Painting

Morgan’s Medical Past

I am posting this today, but it will always be available on the upper right hand side at the top of this blog under helpful pages – just click on Morgan’s medical past.

Contrary to what some believe – Morgan’s right to privacy survives her –

  • If there was a medication that was involved in her death then that is a different situation that can become public record.
  • However; if there is a current or past medication that was not a part of her death then her right to privacy with respect to that information is still in full force and effect.
  • The original Toxicology report found ONE MEDICATION and its naturally occurring synthesis. No drugs of abuse, no alcohol, ZERO. Just Amitriptyline AKA Elavil.
  • When Dr. Kurtzman performed the autopsy he reported seeing no pills or pill fragments, this led to the conclusion it could not have been a suicide.
  • Two facts drove our research and seeking out 2ndopinions about Morgan’s death.
    • We had to know what killed Morgan as we have grandchildren and wanted to be sure they were not in any danger from an as yet unknown condition.
    • Dr Kurtzman wrote that in view of the stalking at the time of her death, that should additional information be provided he was open to changing her manner of death.  So we wanted to see if such information existed.
  • The very first 2nd opinion was an opinion with no doubt in her mind that this case was not natural causes, but a homicide.  We were not expecting this and were shocked.  And concurring opinions just kept piling up.  Dr. Kurtzman was resistant to this and the lone voice supporting his conclusion.  As we moved toward finding a cause of death and engaged toxicologists we were again shocked to begin hearing the level of Amitriptyline being described as massive.  Once again Dr Kurtzman was the lone dissenter to find Morgan’s level as insignificant, and continues to this day to believe she was prescribed and taking Amitriptyline daily right up to the day she died, she was not, and this is an irrefutable medical fact.  This caused an immediate issue for us.  That she had amitriptyline levels being accepted as the certain cause of her death and she was not taking amitriptyline.  If she ever had in that distant past that would certainly be part of her Medical History and off limits.
  • We were being advised by other specialists that Morgan’s death was a homicide based on the super high levels of amitriptyline and possibly contributing could be the fear response to stalking.  Meanwhile; Dr. Kurtzman found her death to be caused by Porphyria – DESPITE THE MEDICAL FACT Morgan had never been diagnosed with Porphyria.  Hard enough to properly diagnose in the living, virtually impossible once deceased.
  • Based on expert medical opinions we disagreed with the conclusions being made by Dr. Kurtzman.  This disagreement led Dr. Kutzman to threaten Toni on three occasions to abandon her efforts to see the manner and cause of death corrected from Natural Causes to Homicide.
  • The second Toxicology test run in June 2012 again found Amitriptyline. And also the presence of five other drugs commonly referred to and contained on the standard date rape panel. The levels of two were established and the sample exhausted before the last four could be.
  • In the second autopsy report Dr. Kurtsman admits to the two drugs with established levels, but chooses to ignore the other four, which were definitely present in Morgan, just in unknown quantities.  Any one, or all of these other drugs could have played a role in Morgan’s death.
  • Dr. Kurtzman is credited with having said that upon re-examination of the gastric contents he saw a “granular substance” which he assumed to be Amitriptyline.  This “substance” was not collected, preserved, or tested and is now lost forever.  Based upon this substance and the number of pills he calculated would be needed, in his opinion, he changed her death to a suicide.
  • In the state of Colorado we have been told that to find a suicide requires intent to be established.  This is generally accomplished though multiple assessments and interviews with, doctors, teachers, employers, parents and friends.  No attempt has ever been made to establish intent, a requirement under state law.
  • I have just started to read police reports.  All references to drug use contained are second hand reports, “hearsay”. This is pure speculation.  That Morgan might have tried something once would be one thing.  I seriously doubt if she would have become a regular user of any drug and there is nothing in the report that establishes drug use as a fact.  Quite the opposite, it is a FACT that her toxicology report is completely clean as to any recreational drugs.  One of the Detectives on this case told me there was probably not a person in the Sheriff’s department who had not tried cocaine at least once.  I do not know what he bases this on, but I doubt that it is completely true.  That Morgan could be just one of those people who choose not to do drugs is very difficult for some to believe -but then her lifelong friends all find it easy to believe – perhaps there is something to that.

October 17, 2011 – Day 77 of Morgan’s stalking – They Caught Him? Really?

icy leaves

Morgan leaves for classes in the morning and I make a note to myself that she looks great.  I have been so worried about her and now there is a thought that was never considered just last week.  What if it is over?  What if this is it?  We have six cameras humming along all day and night, the motion alarms have found nothing to beep about, and even Tessi have little to bark about.

Last night Steve, out of the blue, said that this is bad to say, but how do you know if it is over, how do you ever really know?  Last night I thought his statement was sort of out there, today it has a whole new meaning for me.  I watch Morgan coming and going and I don’t want to say anything, but then I’m worried if I don’t, something bad could happen.  I wish Steve had not said that.  I really want it to be over, but really, how do we know?

Elliott called me, and that makes it two days in a row, after a long period of nothing.  More news, Elliott just heard through Brooke’s mom again.  He tells me that no one has to worry about the stalker anymore, he has been caught.  Obviously Elliott is looking to me for confirmation, a simple yes or no.  I tell him this is news to me.  I would have thought that I would be the first person that Detective Glassmire would call if the stalker had been arrested, so I’m beginning to doubt the news.

After a second thought, I tell Elliott that I am going to call the detective and verify this.  And that if it is not true I will ask Detective Glassmire to interview Brooke’s mom as soon as he can, as this would be a rumor in incredibly poor taste, if that’s what it turns out to be again.  And if it is true, then what happened? Why were we not told?

Elliott also wonders about how it’s been lately.  If this could make sense that the stalker was caught?  I told him yes, for days now the lights are not constantly going on and off around the house at certain specific times like they had before so maybe it is true – I will check.  Elliott thinks this is just great, he would be so happy to see the neighborhood get back to normal.

I could not have agreed more with him, but I had the distinct feeling I was suddenly being lobbied for something.  But what?

Click here to read about the 78th day of Morgan’s stalking