November 12, 2011 – Day 103 of Morgan’s Stalking – What are the streaks?

Last night we had an event that I forgot to put on the blog.  It would normally be an upsetting, frightening ordeal.  But on day 102 of a gang stalking, it was something to sigh, and laugh at -how strange your world can become.  At 8:00 pm Morgan was getting ready to go out. The last few days have been good to her, and I don’t want to be the one to ruin it,  but I am watching the live feed from outside her window.  With the addition of the separate Morgan outside cam, Steve has been able to go to synchronized times, and detect the “movement toward her window on both cameras.  Once he showed me what to look for any streaks – like things hitting Morgan’s window, I can see it also.  I am watching the camera and it happens right now as I know she is dressing to go out.  It angers me and I head straight for her room and knock.

Morgan is just finishing up, and burst out the door (music playing in the background) just as radiant as I have ever seen her.  She is smiling and happy and I almost feel guilty about an email I sent to Detective Glassmire where I worried about how she was taking all this, and I wanted him to see if Detective Alstatt would take her on the side for a little talk so we could have her opinion.  Detective Glassmire felt Detective Alstatt was “Really good at this” and a mother can never be too safe with her kids, so I had set that wheel in motion.  As I looked at her now I knew what Detective Alstatt would say, but like I said, you can never be too safe.

Morgan wondered what was up and the first thing that came to mind was that (obviously she had not heard any banging), so I wanted to say good bye, and hoped she had a good time, so I did.  Morgan looked a little perplexed for an instant before bursting into a broader smile, and said, “Thanks mom.”  I walked her to the car, and stood there watching her drive away.  So easy to feel it is all over, your mind begs you to do it, countless times every day, and this was certainly one of those times.

Morgan waved from the street, and I watched her speed up as she drove for the end of the street.  I didn’t move, just stood there and watched, not sure what I was thinking.

And then just like that, one snap of the fingers, and all that warm fuzziness was gone, completely replaced.  A car had come from the right (on the right was the dead end of our cup-de-sac), very slowly at first.  I could not see anything of the inside (it was dark out), and now it was rapidly accelerating toward Morgan, she was just turning the corner at the end of the block.  I cried out, to anyone and turned for the house, yelling for Steve who came running from the room wondering what was wrong.  I didn’t feel like the words came out correctly at all, but Steve understood it just fine, a car was following Morgan and as I heard his words to call dispatch I heard the front door slam, then his truck screeching down the driveway.  Dispatch was speed dial #1 and I could still hear all the commotion he was causing out in the street, as I was connected to an all-too-familiar voice.

But instead of her normal concern and rapid fire questions for information, I heard her saying it is OK, everything is fine Mrs. Ingram, just fine.  I told her no it was not, Morgan was just followed out of the cul-de-sac and my husband is in hot pursuit, we need officers, now.

She was silent for a half-breath and then came back, that it is their car following Morgan, they had a tip.  You better call your husband and tell him what is up.  I slammed the phone down not sure whether to be happy or outraged.  Why could they not tell us, I told the empty house.  I was dialing Steve’s cell phone and hoping this was one of those times it went right through, because sometimes it took a few tries.

Then it was worse, I heard his phone ringing from somewhere in the house.  Of course he had not stopped to grab it, he was after whoever was after Morgan.

According to Steve the car chasing her caught up to her just as they were approaching another deputy up off the side of the road.  He wouldn’t say how fast he was going at the time, just that it was as fast as his truck would go.  The chase car pulled over alongside the deputy that was already parked and they all had begun to frantically wave him down.  He slowed and then slid as he came to a stop alongside them all.  Steve pointed at Morgan slowly driving away, apparently she had not seen anything that was going on behind her.  Then Steve pointed at the unmarked car as it pulled away and the deputy explained it was one of theirs and they were just being cautious.

Steve said he told them something like too much caution is better than not enough, but all he really remembered was he was shaking pretty badly.  He said good night and left the officers.  He told me later he realized right then that he didn’t have his phone, as he reached for it to call me – and tell me to relax, everything was fine.  He knew I was home trying to call him and there was little to do, but laugh.

I called Morgan later and told her the story, she was so happy that they had done that, said that it made her feel safe.  I was thinking how strange it had all turned out and even more strange was how Steve had found it so funny, because it wasn’t.  What did they think they were accomplishing by chasing after Morgan?  Later on if was even stranger to me when I asked the detective why his undercover officer was chasing Morgan and he insisted that he knew nothing about it and greatly doubted it was one of theirs…how in the world could he say that?  I was told by dispatch that it was one of theirs following up on a “tip” and then his own patrol officer told Steve the same thing…who was zooming who?

On November 12, Morgan lounged around the house knitting all afternoon.  Then she went babysitting until 9 pm, and came home showered, had dinner, and was in bed by 10 pm.  At 11:11 pm Sammy (our next door neighbors little dog) started to bark that bark of his that was a warning bark.  Sure enough a motion light came on.  I went to watch the feed of Morgan’s camera and Steve was quietly slipping out the back door.  I knew he had stopped right in the back corner of the house because I could hear the motion detector, then I saw he just sitting there behind a tree for the longest time.  I just hoped he was watching something.

When he finally came back in it was long after everything had stopped, and he told me he heard something, a noise like a sudden exhale.  He stood perfectly still waiting for whatever it was to move, or run, but that was it.  All he heard was the one noise.  And then just like that it was all he could think of…didn’t know where it came from, but he knew the stalker was close by and couldn’t figure out how to catch him.

Click here to read about the 104th day of Morgan’s stalking