Yesterday I woke to a dream & Morgan was there…

Yesterday was my birthday…it has been 11 years now since I spent my last birthday with my sweet Morgan, and as you can probably understand, it was an emotional day for me.

I remember how excited Morgan was to watch me open the present she had given to me on that day in 2011. It was a black iron cow bell that I could hang on the outside of the house – the kind you ring to let everyone know it’s time to come in for dinner. I loved it!

Steve had designed and built, with his own two hands, the horse ranch that we lived in in Old Snowmass, CO. It was the place where Morgan was born. She knew I missed the ranch – there were so many wonderful memories made there. This present brought tears to my eyes. We were planning on building another home where we could have a ranch again…those plans disappeared, along with Morgan, 5 months later.

This is where Morgan was born, learned to walk, learned to talk, learned her love for nature, and all creatures large and small.

I love all my beautiful memories of Morgan, but they also bring tears to my eyes, especially on days like yesterday. Even though it was an emotional day for me, I am also extremely grateful…Morgan was in my dream that night, and I remembered every little detail of the dream when I woke up on my birthday morning.

It was a happy dream, it was as if she was there with me, celebrating my birthday. In the dream, the two of us were walking out to the driveway, we were going out for a birthday lunch. We were going to meet friends, Morgan forgot something and went back into the house, while I waited by the car. Just then, two hats fell out of the sky. Then Morgan walked back out of the house and I asked her, “Where could these hats have come from, they just fell out of the sky?” Morgan smiled and said, “They are probably a sign from the Universe.” Then she showed me her cell phone, to show me that one of the friends we were on our way to meet for lunch, was on television, receiving an award – that friend was wearing a sparkling, rhinestone studded hat, something I don’t think she would ever wear, but here it was, on her head and she was smiling. I then said to Morgan, “If she is being filmed how will she be able to meet us for lunch?” Morgan just smiled and said, “Mom, it was probably filmed earlier and she will be there.”

It made me happy. It really felt like all was well in the world and I truly appreciated spending a little more time with Morgan…and that is exactly how I felt when I woke up.

Was it a dream? Was it a sign? Or did Morgan just pop into my dream to give me the best present I could have ever asked for…just a little more time to be with her.



Dandelions & Other Signs…

Above is one of the many pictures Morgan took of dandelions…this one is my favorite.

Dandelions were such a source of happiness for Morgan. Every spring/summer when dandelions appeared outside, she would wait until they turned white, she would then pluck one, blow on it and make a wish. She would photograph it while it blew in the wind…Morgan loved nature and every gift it presented to her…maybe it was like being closer to the fairy realm?

Every morning when I wake up and every evening when I close my eyes I think about Morgan, she is always on my mind and forever in my heart. So, last Sunday, on the first day of Spring, it was such a wonderful surprise to come upon these two little dandelions blowing in the breeze. I had just asked Morgan to show me a sign, and I immediately saw these two between the curb and the grass. 

I knew right away that Morgan was sending me a sign. A feeling of love, hope and happiness filled me up and I hold this feeling in a place of gratitude.

Are you aware of the signs around you? Do you ever asked a loved one, who has passed over, to show you a sign? Sometimes when we are so consumed with grief we can not see the signs around us. Those signs are such a comfort because they show us that no one is ever truly gone, they are just not here on this planet with us at this time, but they are still around, always.

Love goes on forever and can never be severed. Watch for the signs ❤️






Wishing You Strength, Courage and Happiness…

You probably know by now how much Morgan loved dragonflies.

I received this lovely keychain in the mail, as a present yesterday – I love it so very much.

I wanted to share the saying on the keychain with any and all victims of stalking, and/or families who have lost a loved one. Wishing you all strength, courage and happiness, because above all, you deserve it, especially at this difficult time of the year.

Much love to you all.