Morgan’s speech…

Morgan was asked to speak at her graduation ceremony – above is a copy of her short speech.  This is who Morgan was.  This is what she endured at an early age, and then chose to become a stronger person because of it.  This is the person that our world lost when a obsessed and jealous stalker stole her from this planet.

And yet, if I have learned anything from Morgan, it is that you take the darkness you have been handed, and you learn from it.  We can’t bring our wonderful daughter back, but we can still continue our fight for justice.  We can, and will, never give up fighting for justice for Morgan, and all others that no longer have a voice.


Child Stalked at Target…

This story has a good ending – this young man is a hero.  We need more people like him in this world.  Always be aware of your surroundings, watch out for any suspicious behavior…you could save an innocent life 

Teen Confronts Child Predator Stalking Little Girl At Target.