Tuesday, August 9th – the 8th day of Morgan’s stalking

This morning I woke up and called the Carbondale Police Department – they told me because of the location of our address (we live in Garfield County, not the city of Carbondale), this is a case for the Garfield Sheriff’s Department.  I now call the Sheriff’s dispatch line and explain what has happened.  They send out an officer – Sheriff’s Officer E. V. arrives and speaks with us – he writes on his business card, case # 11-18615 and hands it to me when he arrives.   He looks around the outside of the house and points out footprints under the windows, under the office bathroom window (where Morgan showered) & right up against the outside wall, where Morgan’s bedroom and bathroom windows are!   It was very upsetting to see those prints pushed right up against the house, putting the stalkers face as close as possible to her bedroom window, as though his/her nose was pushed against the glass.  How long had he been standing there watching her?

The officer explains to me, after he called his office, that he is not allowed to take castings of the footprints at this point, or gather any evidence, as it is not yet a felony stalking case, only a misdemeanor trespassing case (according to Colorado law), so Morgan’s dad takes pictures of the prints himself.  The officer tells us about a case the previous summer on Ponderosa Drive (right down the road from us in the Blue Creek Subdivision, right off County Road 100 – we are in the Aspen Equestrian Estates subdivision right behind the Aspen Equestrian Ranch, which faces County Road 100) where there were approximately 4 or 5 separate incident reports of someone tapping on windows last summer.  The last incident was of a girl/woman that heard noises and then heard a trash can fall over, so she ran out of the front door (thinking she might see a bear), but instead saw a white male in a hoodie staring at her, she ran back into the house and called 911. The officers (canine unit) were close by, and had their tracking dog with them.  They tracked the suspect all the way back to the Carbondale Mini Storage parking lot on County Road 100, where the dog lost the scent…the perp probably went through the irrigation ditch or the river to elude the dog.  The sheriff said they did get a good description from the girl/woman.  Morgan went on her computer minutes after the officer left.  Her computer shows she pulled up a map of the area of the Blue Creek Subdivision that the officer was talking about.  Morgan always researched everything – it was so painful after her death for Steve to see what she screen-captured on the different days of her stalking.  She was a strong, intelligent and determined young woman.  At this time we thought the officer would write up a report, as the Colorado law states law enforcement should do, but years later this was one of most incidents of stalking that were called in, but there was no report, other than he was at our house and it was listed as a suspicious event…no details, no notes…why?  So please remember, if you are ever in a situation of stalking, always ask to be provided with a copy of each report, of each and every incident that the officers respond to, along with getting their cards.

* We would love to hear a first hand account of what happened in the Blue Creek Subdivision the summer of 2010 – if any of you know anything about those incidents please contact us using our tip line on this website, or email or call us…this would be extremely helpful as we feel that Morgan’s stalker could very well be a serial stalker.

When this case eventually became a felony stalking case, many, many weeks later, and a detective was assigned to Morgan’s case, we asked him – can you find out if the description of the stalker they had in Blue Creek fits the M.O. of what is happening here?  We were told by two of the first sheriff’s patrol officers that the tapping on windows (the summer of 2010) stopped after the dog tracking incident at the end of last summer, at the same time it also became cold out – we were told that maybe this is a seasonal stalker?  So later on, after we asked the detective if he could find out if any of our suspects were living around the Blue Creek subdivision last summer, or maybe the person drove past this area (maybe for work or for some other reason), but the detective said he checked and so no reports about those incidents!!!

Morgan goes to stay at a friends house, while her dad and I go to Eagle later that afternoon.  At 4:48 pm I sent Morgan a text message, “How’s it going?  Still in Eagle”  5:03 pm Morgan texts back, “Just chillin‘ will you call when your’e coming through?”  I text back at 5:45 pm, “will do”  At this point we need to keep in touch with Morgan to make sure she is never home alone without one of us there with her.  She is scared, so she is very cooperative for a 19-year-old girl, who is usually never afraid of anything.  She texts me back again at 7:10 pm, “Thanks!”  At 7:53 pm I text Morgan, “On our way from Glenwood to pick you up – I’ll text you when we get there.  Should we go where we dropped you off?”  Morgan texted back, “text me when you’re out front?”  I wrote back, “OK”  and and couple of minutes later I said, “Come out.”  

Morgan’s dad installed the outdoor motion alarm after we got home. That evening it was quiet, Morgan was still sleeping in her my closet and showering in our master bathroom – she heard no tapping – Steve and I walked around our house before going to bed, to look for anything suspicious, and I noticed the folding red chair that had been behind our next door neighbors house (the one I had pointed out to the officer earlier in the day), was gone.  This chair had looked strangely out of place earlier in the day, when I noticed it.  It was now sitting on their deck (it was in the grass just off the deck), I had never seen that chair there before, and it was facing our house, and hidden behind a big pine tree.  The chair had been there earlier today when the sheriff’s officer was here.  We told the officer our neighbors had not been at their house this month.  Could the stalker have been sitting in the chair and listening to us through our open bedroom windows, while we discussed what we should do about this situation? You could definitely hear our voices, through our bedroom windows, especially since my voice carries, and we had the windows, in the rooms we were in, open in the evenings and closing them before we went to sleep, due to the hot temperatures during the day…we wanted to cool down the house in the evenings.  Tomorrow night Morgan’s dad really does believe the stalker has been listening to us through our open bedroom windows that were on either side of our bed  – but we realized we could no longer lie in bed with our windows open and talk…we no longer had privacy…we were now all targets.  On tomorrow’s blog you will see why.

Click here to read about the 9th day of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/?p=503

Last year Monday, August 8th – the 7th day of Morgan’s Stalking

Morgan went off the see some friends.  She was having fun taking her puppy to the park in Carbondale.  At 3:19 pm Steve sent Morgan a text, “Did you mail the letter?”  Later that day I sent her a text at 6:14 pm saying, M – it’s after 6 where are you?  Did you know your voice mail is not connecting?”  At 7:03 pm Morgan sends a text back saying, “What?!  I hate my phone. Have you called me too?  Is the mail place still open?”  At 7:34 pm I sent her a text back saying, “ No the mail place (P.O.) closed at 4:30 pm, it is now after 7:00 pm.  I called and called – no answer, no message machine.  You said you’d be home at 6:00 to bury the ferret.”  (Her last ferret had died over the winter when the ground was still frozen, and we had made a plan to go bury it in the later afternoon. Morgan texted back, “Call?”  I texted her back, “I meant call me”  She texted back, “Crap.  Should we do it tomorrow?”  I texted, “When will you be home?”

I am starting to get really worried about the strange tapping on her windows and wondering how does someone know within 15 minutes when she comes home?

Morgan sends me a text, “When do you need me?”  I text back, “Please be home by 10 – love you.”  Morgan texted back, “Definitely, love you more.”   I replied, “No way Jose.”  Morgan comes home from a friend’s house and decides to shower in Toni’s office bathroom @ around 10:10 pm (thinking it was safer since it was on the other side of house from her bedroom) within 10 minutes of her arriving home, and after undressing, she notices the obscured bathroom window is open about an inch, she gets a creepy feeling (your intuition always knows!), closes cranks closed the window – she hears a loud bang, bang on the window, it sounds like it’s about to break from a fist hitting it, she grabs a towel, wraps it around her and runs into our bedroom.  She is frightened out of her wits and tells us what happened.  Her dad runs outside to see if he can catch the guy, but finds nothing.  Morgan is so frightened she sleeps in my walk-in closet that night with her puppy.

*Please note at this point we should have called the Sheriff’s Office or 911, but decided the morning would be a better time to call in the light of day.  By this time Morgan is so stressed out that she breaks out in a rash on her face and chest.  I refuse to leave the house unless Morgan is not home…I never leave Morgan alone anymore (except one morning for 20 minutes, and as you will see later on in this story, that was a huge mistake).  Morgan always sends me a text or calls to tell me when she will be driving up the driveway…I always meet her in the driveway carrying pepper spray when she drives up.  This always happens up until, and including, the night Morgan died.  

Click here to read about the 8th day of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=492&action=edit

Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance – help balance the scales of justice

We need help with the proposed Victims’ Rights U.S. Constitutional Amendment!

COVA needs your assistance in contacting your U.S. Representative or Congressman/Congresswoman’s Office and vocalizing your support for the proposed Victims’ Rights U.S. Constitutional Amendment for Crime Victims!  It is time to rally the troops and support what we all believe in and work for!

There is an online petition supporting the Victims’ Rights Amendment on the NVCAP website.  There’s a “Sign Petition” link on the Web site:  www.nvcap.org.

Please encourage everyone you know to sign the petition and put a link to the petition (http://www.nvcap.org/phpPETITION/index.php) on your agency’s website.  We need to get hundreds/thousands of signatures!


As always, paying  their own way, Collene, along with nationally known crime victims attorney Steve Twist, went to D.C. this month.  Excitingly, they were able to get a commitment from the Chair of the Judiciary Committee, Lamar Smith,   that if we obtain 100 Representatives/Congressmen/Congresswomen  (we already have 12) to co-sponsor the proposed Victims’ Rights U.S. Constitutional Amendment, they will take it to the floor of the House of Representatives for a vote.  We have 435 Representatives/Congressmen /Congresswomen  in the U.S. House of Representatives to draw from, therefore we should be able to accomplish our goal.

We victims have worked and waited a long time for this opportunity to help balance the justice system!  We would like to make our goal and stimulate a vote prior to the election.  We feel  it important that our representatives openly declare in their vote if they support only the criminals having rights in our Constitution or whether they feel victims should be treated equally and fairly!  Hopefully you are ready to “stand on the gas” and get your Representative/Congressman /Congresswoman and any other folks who can contact their representatives to become a co-sponsor of 2012 H.J. Res. 106, introduced March 26, 2012.

If we who have lived it and are knowledgeable crime victims don’t make it happen, no one else will!  Don’t let future victims down. Thirty years ago, in 1982, President Ronald Reagan’s Victims’ Task Force said the Constitution must be changed to include victims’ rights. Had others before us done what we’re committingto do, we all would have lived much better lives. Let’s change history and do it for others.  We have attached the “Directory of the U.S. House of Representatives” with the states in alphabetical order so you can  move forward.

Directory of the U.S. House of Representatives

Suggestions for Contacting your Representatives:

Make a call to your U.S. Representative/Congressman /Congresswoman’s Office staff  and ask to speak to their Legislative Aid.

1.  When the intern answers the phone:

“Hi,  my name is _____________ and I’m a victim of violent crime (or I know people who have been victims.)

The reason for my call today is to respectfully ask that Rep./Congressman /Congresswoman)  ________  would consider co – sponsoring 2012 House Joint Resolution 106, which is a U.S. Constitutional Amendment  to protect the rights of crime victims.”

2.  So if they say they will pass the message along:

Then you may want to ask: “Is there a legislative aid (LA) who would handle this type of call?”

3.  And they would generally say “yes,” and look for the name. When they give the name:

a. Get the correct spelling of the name (for future reference and for email purposes because all House emails are  ( [email protected]).  Many times they offer the email address which is a good double check of the correct spellings of names.

b.  Also, ask to be connected to their voice mail to leave a message as an initial cold call exposure so when the follow-up email comes they will recognize it.  The voice mail message could be:

“Hello, my name is ____________ and sadly I know the horrors of crime and the imbalance of our justice system, ______________.  The reason for my call today is to respectfully ask that Rep./Congressman /Congresswoman  __________________  co-sponsor 2012 House Joint Resolution 106, which is a U.S. Constitutional Amendment to protect the rights of crime victims.    If you would care to return my call, my number is _____________or you may get additional information at nvcap.org [generally using the N-as in Nancy, V as in Victor….for clarity].  We would truly appreciate any consideration that the Congressman/Congresswoman could make toward this very important resolution.”

4.  If you happen to get a legislative assistant on the phone, you might wish to say:

“Hello, my name is __________ and I have been deeply involved with crime and crime victims, ___________.  The reason for my call today is to respectfully ask that Rep./Congressman /Congresswoman co-sponsor the badly needed 2012 H.J. Res. 106  U.S. Constitutional Amendment  to protect the rights of crime victims.

[If they don’t cut you off, then say….] While any amendment to the Constitution must be considered very carefully, the accused criminal has 23 rights under the Constitution while victims have NOT A SINGLE RIGHT.

**It is good to note that: “This resolution is being sponsored by Rep. Trent  Franks, Republican from Arizona and Rep. Jim Costa, Democrat from California and we are also asking for your co-sponsorship as well.  [And if they are still engaged…]  If you’d like more information, you can go to nvcap.org.”

new COVA Logo

More Information:

Please contact COVA with any further questions or inquiries.  COVA believes strongly in this proposed Victims’ Rights U.S. Constitutional Amendment and we ask you to please help us!  Keep us posted and let us know your success with this vital effort as you become a part of history in helping our nation!
90 Galapago St.
Denver, CO 80223

August 7, 2011 the 6th day of Morgan’s stalking

Morgan heard no tapping tonight – it was quiet, we hoped this is the end of all of this stress…boy were we wrong! Here is a picture of baby Wylah at that time.

Today on August 7, 2012 I think back:  It has always been so amazing to me when I look at what a kind and wonderful woman Morgan had grown into.  She never complains, even at age 19, at having to come home to have dinner with her father and I, she enjoys going on vacations and “adventures” with us, involves us in her daily life’s journey, and is always right there when we need her to lift our spirits, by playing her keyboard and singing, baking a cake, blasting her music, and dancing through the house (she loved being silly), taking us for a walk, putting on some random movie that she knows we will enjoy, or just quietly walking up to us, putting her hand on our back and saying, “don’t stress, everything is going to be OK.”  We really miss her!  She would bring a bunch of her friends over to cook or bake or watch movie, or all three at the same time.  They would play on my Conga drums, laugh and fill the house with joy.  We miss that now.  Her friends come by to visit us now and we love seeing them so much, but we can see even for them there is always something missing….Morgan.

Click here to read about the 7th day of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/?p=486