August 7, 2011 the 6th day of Morgan’s stalking

Morgan heard no tapping tonight – it was quiet, we hoped this is the end of all of this stress…boy were we wrong! Here is a picture of baby Wylah at that time.

Today on August 7, 2012 I think back:  It has always been so amazing to me when I look at what a kind and wonderful woman Morgan had grown into.  She never complains, even at age 19, at having to come home to have dinner with her father and I, she enjoys going on vacations and “adventures” with us, involves us in her daily life’s journey, and is always right there when we need her to lift our spirits, by playing her keyboard and singing, baking a cake, blasting her music, and dancing through the house (she loved being silly), taking us for a walk, putting on some random movie that she knows we will enjoy, or just quietly walking up to us, putting her hand on our back and saying, “don’t stress, everything is going to be OK.”  We really miss her!  She would bring a bunch of her friends over to cook or bake or watch movie, or all three at the same time.  They would play on my Conga drums, laugh and fill the house with joy.  We miss that now.  Her friends come by to visit us now and we love seeing them so much, but we can see even for them there is always something missing….Morgan.

Click here to read about the 7th day of Morgan’s stalking 

10 thoughts on “August 7, 2011 the 6th day of Morgan’s stalking

  1. I just started reading this story and must say that up to this point I am captivated. I feel like I know Morgan. My heart goes out to your family for your life lost too young. I can not wait to finish her story. Learn from it. Also I hope it helps inform others to act. Much love from my family.

  2. I am captivated also. I am so very sorry for you and Steve. I just came across this story on fb and have been following this blog for the last week. I have lived in the valley for 18 years and in Carbondale for 7. I am so upset to find out how our law enforcement handled this case and have been realizing lately that this happens around here more than we all know. It is sick.

  3. I just started following this and feel like my stomach is in a knot. We have four children, three are girls. Our oldest daughter is 13. Thank you for giving to others so that other daughters and loved ones might be saved.

  4. The way you write is a beautiful tribute to your daughter – I’m so deeply sorry for your loss. I just wanted to pause in reading your story to share that with you.

  5. Just watched your story on the Dr.Phil show. It really made me hurt for you and your family. I pray that someone does something to help you get justice for your daughter. I’m only 23 years old and I know that if you were my mother I would be so thankful that you never stop trying to find the truth. I wish you all the luck to figure this out and God bless you and your family.

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