A Question that a few people have asked me – why don’t I tell the whole story at once?

Let me explain…

  1. My main goal has always been to get justice for Morgan, and help others through her story.  There is quite a lot of activity going on that I haven’t talked about as it very sensitive, behind the scenes type of things, mostly being carried out by other people.
  2. On this Blog I have been trying to show everything that happened, on a daily basis last year during Morgan’s stalking, in hopes to take the reader into the actual feeling of what was going on…good or bad.  To do this I go through a daily log that I kept for the Sheriff’s Department, as well as for myself last year, then Morgan’s emails, telephone calls, and text messages, also mine and my husbands, I look through binders of notes and scraps of paper, and boxes of evidence in order to produce this Blog.
  3. The way I am doing this is taking a couple of hours in the early morning of every one of my days before I go to work, so it would be impossible for me to produce the whole story all at once, one day is manageable at this time…sorrry.
  4. Most of the comments I receive are from lovely, sweet and caring people who are applauding me for what I am doing as they had no idea that this sort of thing was happening in our pristine little valley, or the real toll of stalking throughout the world (many people are coming on at least once a week from over 50 countries!).
  5. This is a start, we will raise awareness, we will make it much harder for these types of criminals to do their thing, and we will all pull together, and help empower each other – of that I am sure!

View of the berm showing the trail the stalker made – see the red arrow? Thanks to one of our readers


Question from our reader who made this photo (thanks!) was: On the attached image I marked where I see the trail with a red arrow. Are there two trails or just one?

Answer: There were two distinct trails…the one you marked was the most used trail, but as we found over time this stalker constantly changed things up.  As my husband would “set a trap” based on what the stalker did yesterday, the stalker would manage to change what he did the previous day, just enough to throw everything off.  I think you can also see quite clearly the trail worn in along the top of the berm. If you can see this from a satellite just imagine how clear it was standing there looking at it in real life. Also on some mornings we could see trails of footprints in the grass and they always led straight to one of these trails.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011 – the 23rd day of Morgan’s stalking

In the early morning, before sunrise, we had rocks on the windows again so I called the sheriff’s dispatch to report it – just the other day when a sheriff was here, he went with me next door to the neighbor’s house, and found the back master bedroom door unlocked – this whole thing is so very unnerving.

So far after 23 days – this case has still not turned in to a felony stalking case (it will become one, but hasn’t yet),  Morgan is still sleeping in our closet, and now her back is killing her.  Steve and I are hyper-vigilant of every noise, every inconsistency, and leery of every person in the neighborhood.

It has been suggested to us by the patrol officers that we shouldn’t discuss what is going on with our neighbors, the reasoning was not to tip off the stalker, who they think is one of our neighbors. This goes against everything my intuition is telling me.  I feel very strongly that if everyone in the whole area knew what was going on then there would be more eyes and ears helping us.  We have been in this valley since the 70’s and I know how protective families are of each other… now things may have changed a bit, but I think this stalker could have already been caught if we had just told everyone, taken out an ad, even put up posters all around the neighborhood, anything except keeping silent about this.  I just didn’t see how silence was going to help, and I regret it even more now, but I was too trusting, and I really believed that law enforcement had more knowledge and experience with this than we did.  So we always followed their advice.

Then it occurred to me that of course the neighbors had to know something was going on – they could see Garfield County sheriff department vehicles coming and going all the time in our small neighborhood.  Before this I could count on one hand how many times I had seen a deputy vehicle here – in six years – no wonder we were getting strange stares from people.  They just hadn’t decided to ask about it yet.

Now the lock on one of our back sliding glass doors was suddenly broken, and we couldn’t lock the door anymore.  This was on the door we usually used to go in and out of…the other sliding glass door we hardly ever used.  Steve immediately went to the hardware store in the morning and bought a new lockset and replaced the broken lock. Is this just a coincidence that we have now had to replace two locks? To this very day we are not sure if it was just a coincidence, but how often do you have two locks broken in the same week on your house?

None of us had a very good night of sleep last night, or tonight – and were definitely  not expecting what we would see between 4:45 – 5:00 am on the 25th!

Morgan ordered her books for the next semester, she’s waited until the last second again, and I have to pay extra to get them in time – how I wish I could be paying extra right now to get her books in time . . . miss you so much honey, I wish I was paying for classes, books, school supplies, all of it again this year, because that would mean you were still here with us.

Click here to read about the 24th day of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/?p=765

Below is an anonymous tip that came in today on our tip line.

This was shared today off our tip line.

I am sure the police have already seen this but where the trail goes from your house is rather obvious, who lives up the street from you two or three houses?  The trail leads right to those two, is that how you caught him?

My answer: He has not been caught – he is still in our valley, and yes, I know the trail is obvious.

The satellite maps have been updated after all evidence was mowed away.  A satellite image from the original blog is here,  https://morgansstalking.com/?p=744 and you can clearly see the trail worn into the grass. On the one night it snowed and trails were left in the snow, the house they led back to was only all the more obvious. Our intrepid sheriff’s department lost the original map that Steve had traced out for the deputy as they walked alongside the footprints that morning, the deputy also made no report of the incident and there was no follow up. The detective did include a copy of the footprints in the snow map in the incredibly incomplete sheriffs reports. Here is a copy of that – The original has James and Brooke in the house at the end of the footprint trial but the sheriffs redacted her name in the reports.

trail in the snow

This post was updated on 2.23.2016 for obvious reasons.