5 thoughts on “Morgan with her cute little Morgan smile…

  1. Ive been reading your blog, with my heart breaking at almost every page. Morgan is beautiful, you and Steve are so brave.

    • Thank you Nikki, more has the most beautiful soul and that could never be taken from her – I sure don’t feel brave sometimes, but we know our path, our purpose now and Steve and I are not about to veer off. Take care!

  2. With your word and her pics anyone can tell she was so beautiful inside and out. I pray for your family I’m so sorry this has happend. Though I do feel much of your pain – my husband was murderd when our kids were 8 months old and a year, they are missing so much, but they don’t no what they’re missing, but I do. My husband was murdered by someone he called his friend. It’s been 12 years now and I miss him every day. I’ve been through so much, but I have to live for my kids no matter what, and you never get over it you have to deal with it, and love you husband, and your family, and always love your baby. I always celebrate his Birthday every year, and are aniversery never will be the same, but your love is so strong she will always be with you, and she is your guardian

    • Shari thank you so much for your comment and I am so sorry about your husband. We do know Morgan is an angel at our side and we love her still. Take care!

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