View of the berm showing the trail the stalker made – see the red arrow? Thanks to one of our readers


Question from our reader who made this photo (thanks!) was: On the attached image I marked where I see the trail with a red arrow. Are there two trails or just one?

Answer: There were two distinct trails…the one you marked was the most used trail, but as we found over time this stalker constantly changed things up.  As my husband would “set a trap” based on what the stalker did yesterday, the stalker would manage to change what he did the previous day, just enough to throw everything off.  I think you can also see quite clearly the trail worn in along the top of the berm. If you can see this from a satellite just imagine how clear it was standing there looking at it in real life. Also on some mornings we could see trails of footprints in the grass and they always led straight to one of these trails.