September 21, 2011 – Day 51 of Morgan’s Stalking.

Morgan in the yard

Morgan outside, just catching rays

Morgan’s teacher sends her a text, answering Morgan’s text to her the night before, “Ok…..c u Thursday.”

There is a farmer’s market today in Carbondale, and I ask Morgan if she wants to go with me when I take a lunch break, or she can give me a list.  She’s juicing in the mornings, and she always likes to use organic produce, and the farmer’s market seems like such a good place for that.  Plus it’s relaxing.  Morgan passes on going with me (she has somewhere else she has to be), but has a little wish list in case I still go.

The cameras are still doing their trick, and we go to bed later than usual.  Then at 11:05 pm the motion lights, that cover the area right outside Steve’s window, go off.  We were talking in bed, and hear something outside.  We had decided early in the week that we would give full chase to anything that happened, and then replay it on the video later.  This was the first try using that theory.

Steve was out the side door, and did a big circle around the house.  Nothing.  He went back, and looked for prints, and found nothing.  He searched with the thermal imaging scope, and saw nothing.

For an hour we replayed the whole thing.  Steve showed up just fine, we could chart his progress around the house from camera to camera, but nothing else.  Steve was sure he had heard something, and was frustrated to say the least.  All he could do was look at me and say, next time, next time we’ll see something.  He’s being super cautious right now.  We knew there were areas around the house that were not covered by the cameras, and we had foolishly never even considered checking our roof :(…we only had 6 cameras to go around, but we really thought we had placed them where they could catch the stalker…

(Police reports later show the “suspect” did not work on 9.21.2011)

Today its September 19, 2012 ,  and the questions are coming faster than I can answer, so please bear with me, I will get to them all.  I just want to give each of you my undivided attention.  And the questions themselves are so provoking.  You have Steve and I going back through records, and looking for things we would never have thought of before.  He’s even hooked an old computer back up to look for some old documents on that.  And please don’t apologize for using the tip line, that is what it is for, and if I want to share some of it, I’ll always ask first. 🙂  And as always it is so wonderful all the inspiration you give me with your kind words.  Steve and I will never stop fighting to get Justice for Morgan, and it will happen.

Click here to read about the 52nd day of Morgan’s stalking

Lay of the Land – We should have known where the stalker could be hiding!

I’m going to confess that with the sudden infusion of so many amazing minds pouring over every detail, Steve and I talked and thought that piecing together Morgan’s last 24 hours would be very important.  That is my hope with the posts about Amitriptyline and no forced entry.  This is officially the third in the series.

So this first image from Google earth, and filled with my notes, was originally something I  sent to the Sheriff’s office.  After countless visits to the house, and coming up empty I wanted them to have another angle to pursue on the next stalking case they would possibly encounter and the frustration they found themselves in.  As you saw from the video, getting onto our roof without a ladder is not difficult, and couple that with this overhead shot where you can see how the roof is formed into a perfect little hiding spot for our stalker, you can almost picture him lying there…I know I can.  Steve and I had absolutely no idea this little spot existed until it was too late for Morgan.  Also, imagine that from this spot, if a person were to stand up and do a 360 degree turn, you would easily spot anything happening from our house out to miles away – Highway 82, County Road 100, or even the ranch next door. This vantage point had a commanding view of all around us.

62 Corral roof shot

The spots on our roof we should have known about!!

Just so there is no question, the spot labeled (A) was where he would have hid, Spot (B) is directly over Morgan’s window, and the place where the stress cracked gutter was, and Spot (C) is where the volunteer climbed the tree in the earlier video.  Actually many people have climbed the tree since this discovery, even Steve.  And all he could do after he did so was shake his head in disgust.  We promise we are not beating ourselves up.  Take it all as sage advice, it is meant to help.

If my math is correct there are sixteen houses total on Corral Drive, and if you were to assume that during the stalking, ten of them were actually occupied full time, that would be a good assumption.

Summarizing what is becoming my little series, we have a layout of the neighborhood with a few select spots on our house.  A few ways entry would have been gained without so much as a splinter out of place, and a brief primer on the huge dose of Amitriptyline and date rape drug cocktail Morgan could have been killed with many times over.  Next up will be a bit of a surprise/shock for those of you living here in Garfield County, just promise you won’t blame the messenger.

September 20, 2011 – Day 50 of Morgan’s stalking – Have We Scared Him Off?

I can’t believe it has now been 50 days of stalking, and it has not yet ended – we are wondering out loud now, “Have we scared him off?”

Morgan sends a text message to her teacher, “I might be a little late.”

Everything seemed a little better.  It was such a different experience for me, but now anytime I wanted, I could sit in front of the monitor, and watch outside our house in six rectangles, all sides at once, driveway, back patio, side yards.  It’s all quiet, then a bird flys by one camera, and then I see the same bird frolicking on the next camera.  This is too good to be true.  Why did we wait so long to put up these kind of cameras? This is great – I wrote in my day-runner.

At 5:08 pm Steve sends a text to Morgan, “Just left for Aspen with your Mom, she forgot her phone so I will text you when we are heading home.”  Morgan answers, “Thanks.”  At 6:21 pm Steve sends Morgan a picture of the menu from the restaurant we were in. “Would you like us to bring a salad home?” And Morgan answers, “HaHa, I love you guys, I’m good though, thanks.”

We talked to Morgan on the phone later to coordinate when she would come home. Our guard was not lowered at all, but the stress level had been cut considerably.

(Police reports later show the “suspect” was not working this evening.  On 9.20.2011 he worked from 12:58 am – 6:08 am & then from 6:38 am – 10:33 am)

Morgan outside

Morgan having a moment


Today September 18, 2012 – If you have been following the blog you know that a lot has been happening lately.  Our weekend was over in the snap of a finger.  Friends have been calling to see how we are holding up – we have learned to smile and tell them, “We are fine” it’s always easier then explaining how we truly feel.  Steve and I look at each other and shrug, we are not going to stop, so whatever happens we just have to find a way to welcome it.


Last night we did take a break.  Steve took me out to Konnyaku, a restaurant in Carbondale, it was one of Morgan’s favorite restaurants, she would never turn down an invitation from us to meet there for lunch or dinner.  It was like cheating when we wanted to steal her away from her friends for a little time to talk.

But we haven’t been there since Morgan was killed.  As you have all guessed, there have been a lot of tears for Steve and I.  We are learning to live with them much better now, and we have even begun to appreciate the “happy tears,” the ones that fill our hearts with hope, and last night was a one of the few occasions Steve and I have had a “happy tear moment” We promised each other that there will be many more.

Morgan draws a heart

Morgan drew hearts everywhere

It was really tough to be at Konnyaku at first, just like old times and yet to know Morgan would never be there in body, only in spirit, but it was really great to have some hugs, and hear kind thoughts.  The complete surprise was when they brought out a sushi roll that was not round, it was pressed into a heart shape and they called it the ‘Morgan roll’ – we all had such happy tears!  Then they wouldn’t even let us pay for dinner!  Thank you Susan and Willie, that little break was much needed and your thoughtfulness will stay with Steve and I forever.

Click here to read about the 51st day of Morgan’s stalking

No sign of forced entry? No intruder? Really?

The morning of Morgan’s death, without even asking, I was assured by the lead Detective on her felony stalking case that officers had thoroughly checked the house, and there was no sign of forced entry.  Please remember this was the morning we had just found our youngest daughter dead, and we were in extreme pain, and were not asking many questions because we were crying so hard.  After that day this point was revisited a few times, and the answer became more positive from the sheriffs to the point that they were insisting nobody could have been in the house.  So now I want to visit that point, and share with you some things.  Once again just the truth, and you decide if it was possible for her stalker to have been in the house on the night she was killed, and you see, I didn’t even say murdered, because for that we need someone to be the killer. Or who knows maybe there could be more than one.

Floorplan for Morgan's HouseFirst start with this floorplan of the house, now this is not an exact floor plan, but it is very close.  Just delete the mud room coming in from the garage, and add two more windows to the Master bedroom, along the wall that is shown as a solid wall, and that was pretty much our house.

Morgan’s room is called BEDROOM 2, and, as you can see there, there are five points of entry through doors:

  • The front door.
  • Two sliding glass doors, and another door all opening out onto the covered patio.
  • A door from the garage.


All of those doors had key locks in them. And if you read some earlier posts you know that the front door’s lock broke, and was replaced by a dead bolt lock that had both a key, and a numeric key pad.  Steve had one key to the front door, and the other was in a decorative stack of three dishes that sat on the kitchen bar top, and both keys were accounted for on the day we moved.

There were two codes entered into the front keypad.  One was used by Steve and Toni, and one was used by Morgan.  Not that it kept track or anything like that, it was just Morgan had her 4 digit number, and we had ours.  One time during the stalking, after a few overheard attempts to use the keypad, Morgan’s code was changed.

So my first guess of how it might be done hasn’t changed, and is the same today. Watch Morgan, or Steve, or I from a distance, and see what numbers we press to unlock the door  – maybe it takes one try or two or even ten, but eventually you have it.  At night the numbers on the keypad light up as you press them.  We were told a hunting aid called a spotting scope would make an ideal tool to do this.

And to add weight to my theory, a retired federal special agent said the door lock should have had a cowling such as is used on numeric keypads on military bases to prevent someone from having a direct line of sight to the numbers.  He felt someone from a bush across the street could have the code in a few days at most.  The same investigator felt that without regular cleaning the numbers most used would be “smudged” and far easier to detect.  Coincidentally on a  Facebook page of Keenan’s, he claims to have bagged a 5X5 buck at 288 yards, one shot – interesting, huh?  Another investigator calls this a “world class shot”, 3 football fields away.  He feels that a person capable of that could easily watch us enter, maybe only once, and know the code, we of course, would have no idea he had the code.  (Please note the use of Keenan’s name in my posts – if you read the sheriff’s own reports you will see that they considered him their #1 suspect, he was the suspected stalker and Morgan identified him multiple times as her stalker)

Not to imply whatsoever it was a Psychic Medium that figured this out, but more of an eye opener for me, and whether you choose to allow for the possibility or not, it won’t hurt my feelings, but this Intuitive (who works with law enforcement and the FBI on many missing persons and homicide cases had been 100% right on everything she had told us so far), she had never been to our house, and from over a thousand miles away, “saw a male entering our front door code”, and based on this vision was correct on the first three digits, but did not see the fourth number (which by the way was the same as one of the other numbers she had already told us so she did get all the numbers right).

The neighbor's door, but it is just like ours

This is the neighbor’s door, but it is identical to our two sliding glass doors

The three doors that lead to the covered patio, two sliding glass doors, and one swinging glass door had locks but, we never had keys for them, and they could only be locked by us from the inside.  The keys for those locks could have been lost a long time ago, or gathering dust at a realtor’s office.  But here’s a sort of long shot possibility.  Steve recalled a time when he was talking to Brooke’s dad, James Harris, who told him that as the HOA President he had an old box of keys to most of the empty houses, makes perfect sense in case something should come up, and access is needed.  This was at a time we saw him in an empty house that he should not have had access to.  So I’ll call it only a small possibility, but that is theory number two since Keenan had moved in with Brooke and James (3 houses down from us) approximately 2 weeks before Morgan’s stalking had started.

To throw in another possibility, we leased our house (for over 6 years), and as houses like to do, at the most inopportune times, things break, ours had a microwave break.  The owner thought there was a match in an empty house that he also owned, and wanted to send us the keys to that house, so we could make the swap.  Only he wasn’t sure which was the right key, so he just sent us all of his keys under the theory that we would use the right one, and send them all back.  Steve feels that the original front door key, which we never had, most likely opened the back door, and the garage door.  We never tried at the time, but that pile of keys all went to one of the eight or ten homes he owned at one time, so I’m sure you’ll agree that this incident counts as possibility number three.  Another interesting aside…this same owner owned not only our house but the house James Harris and Brooke lived in and the house across the street that Elliott and his family lived in.

There was a time following Morgan’s death that Steve and I refused to believe anyone had been in her room, it was simply too painful to allow that thought to exist in our minds.  It also wasn’t necessary when she died of “natural causes.”  But when we finally received the autopsy results and toxicology results and read that she died from a disease she did not have and the only medication showing up she did not take, we started to wonder what was going on.  As more and more doctors reviewed her findings, they became quite convinced, and told us it was a homicide, I very reluctantly crossed that threshold, but still would rather think the possibility of someone being in our house just could not be.  I was very naive at that time about the true nature of stalkers…in most cases they do get in to the victims home and most of the time there is no evidence of a break-in.  Having confessed that feeling, early on in my acceptance of someone in Morgan’s room, I felt it happened like this…all of us were gone from the house the late afternoon of December 1, 2011. The dogs were in the laundry room (locked up because the puppy had just chewed up something in the living room), and would not be able to confront someone in the house.  A person who knew the front door code could enter the house, while we were all gone, and unlock the right hand sliding glass door that we never used, (it had heavy velvet drapes over it now from the inside), and then leave. I never checked that door because we always left it locked and never used it.  Now once we were all asleep the perpetrator could enter, and exit through that door silently. That is possibility number four.

To give a nod to many comments, and tips that have in one way or another asked if someone could have been hiding in the house when we came home, or in Morgan’s closet, or better yet out in the garage, and even in the study closet? Yes, absolutely and from there they would have been easily able to wait for the right time to enter Morgan’s room, and then exit the house silently and without a key, that is a big possibility number five…and it makes me sick to even think that someone was possibly hiding in our house when we arrived home that evening and laid in wait for everyone to go to sleep in order to attack.

So do I understand when I hear that Sheriff Vallario has correctly pointed out that they had officers at our house over 50 times, and never saw any sign of a stalker?  I’m still not sure what he meant by that, guess I should write a letter and ask.  Was this a play on words?  Yes, they had officers out at our house over 50 times, and yes they never saw the stalker…the stalker did not sit out on our lawn and wait till they got there to see him.  But sign of the stalker – that’s another story…of course they saw evidence of the stalker, trail in the berm, footprints, wildlife camera captures, video captures, lots of evidence.  Of course there was a stalker, it was a felony stalking case and his own detective met with Morgan once a week!  The stalker is seen in a picture leaning on Steve’s truck, and watching the sheriff’s drive away, he had no care about leaving  footprints during the period when they did not collect them.  He was captured on the video system more than once.  How about the tress crack in the gutter directly over Morgan’s room?  He left a unique blade on the ground outside the house. Silently presented himself to Morgan one morning, dressed in black from head to toe.  He wore distinct trails into the berm behind our house. They know she was followed and she told them the second time what the car looked like and who was driving the car.

He was definitely here, outside the house, and for the million dollar question, inside?  I can’t prove that, yet.  While they maintain no allowance for the possibility, he could have, and I also know the sheriff’s department will never try to prove it.  Someone was in the house on the night of December 1, 2011.  Things happened that night that required someone else to be in the house.  Was it the stalker?  If so, did he have help?  Was it a different person altogether knowing we would assume it was the stalker?

I am going somewhere with all this, and to recount the Amitriptyline post was the first and this is the second, and the third will be along shortly.  Also, yes I was completely overloaded with suggestions today, not another set of eyes, more like a town full of eyes.  No complaints here, this is just what Morgan’s case needs – people that question, people that care.

September 19, 2011 – Day 49 of Morgan’s Stalking – Why Do All These Cameras Worry Him?

It was a calm day, Morgan loved the new cameras so much!  She felt some level of protection, so did I.  She brought a group of friends in to see how the house was like a fortress now.  Her stalker could not just walk up to our house anymore, not without his picture on video being captured.  Morgan seemed to take a measure of confidence and safety and for me, that was priceless.  It was almost a normal day, it had been so long, I had forgotten what it felt like.

That evening Steve texted Morgan to tell her he was cooking, “Making dinner right now – coming home?” Morgan texted back, “Is it OK if I eat at Caldos?”  Morgan turning down a dinner of Steve’s was not often. He turned to me after looking at his phone and said, “She is so happy, I can just feel it!”  He texted her “Sure,” and asked her if she could pick up coffee on the way home.  Morgan asked what kind and he told her.  It was so easy to slip back into denial, that now we had solved this problem, it may have taken us a while, but we did.  There is not a thing written in my dayrunner for today.  Every other page is crammed with notes – notes that were going to save Morgan somehow.

Later Steve would tell me that he could sense the alien out there, somewhere.  Looking at the cameras and stroking his chin, wondering what they were, how far they peered into the night, how he could avoid this new detection.  Avoid arrest.  It was only a new challenge for him, he was probably excited we had raised the stakes.

(Police reports later show the “suspect” did not working on 9.19.2011)

Today on September 16, 2012, I spoke with a young woman that is currently being stalked, if only I could have reached through the telephone lines and hugged her I would have.  She needed a big hug, and she needs help.  I fear for anyone being stalked, not meant to keep them up at night, only to keep them safe and let them enjoy the life they were given.  The life they deserve.  That is every person’s right and it is not being respected.  Steve and I, and most of all Morgan – we all learned that the hard way and no one else should have to go through what we did.  It is just not right.

Click here to read about the 50th day of Morgan’s stalking