
More and more people are spreading the word and joining in the groundswell of folks from all over the world that see the injustice in what happened to Morgan.  They are appalled that this could happen and they want to help right this wrong.

We are very grateful to everyone that has joined us in our quest for justice for Morgan.

Thanks to Dennis Crowley founder of Wheels of Hope for designing this poster and for spreading awareness.  I met Dennis through his active participation in support of the Pueblo, CO case of a missing young woman named Kelsie Jean Schelling missing since February 4, 2013 – please click on and listen to this very emotional YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfAFFHazsXk  Please keep Kelsie, as well as all the other missing loved ones in this country in your heart and thoughts…we have to continue all efforts to help bring them home.

I would also like to send a big thank you out to everyone that has stuck by us for over 3 years now – all of you out there that are TEAM MORGAN – we will see justice for Morgan, I promise you it’s coming.

I believe the walls of injustice and deceit will fall down and truth will reign.   It is amazing that after 3 years the family and friends of the criminal(s) still try to contact me to say that I am accusing innocent people and I should be ashamed of myself.  They spread lies and untruths about everything in Morgan’s case hoping that people will believe them instead of the real facts.  Instead of being upset about this I ask myself, “Why after so long are the same people trying so hard to keep Morgan’s case from being investigated?”  The only logical answer I can see is that they “know” if her case is actually opened and investigated there will be indictments, and the people they are trying to protect – the bad guys – will go down.

That’s the whole idea…justice for Morgan, JUSTICE FOR THE VICTIM!  Do any of these “others” that keep trying to derail her investigation really think that by just stating there is no evidence of foul play that there isn’t?  Sorry to rain on the parade, but there is evidence of foul play…a lot of evidence, although the only thing people really need to know is that there is irrefutable evidence that Morgan’s body was moved postmortem.  Meaning that her body was moved after she had already died.  It was moved and reposition (staged) and BODIES DO NOT MOVE ON THEIR OWN.  This alone screams foul play!

Morgan is gone, but not forgotten. Someone has gotten away with murder.  Morgan’s suspicious death was at the hand of another.  Morgan deserved to live and continue to touch the world.  I only hope now that through her tragedy she will still be able to continue to help people.  I believe “Colorado Cares” and will do what it needs to do in order to solve Morgan’s murder and protect it’s people.  Colorado has been very progressive in many ways, but the “bad guys” will always continue to try to find ways to get away with their crimes.  And that is where change comes in.  Change is always made out of persistence and conviction.

Accountability protocols must be put in place to make sure all links in the chain of command are in place, especially in rural areas.  Let us start this “ripple” effect with Morgan’s case to show the world what is needed at this very moment in time.

Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient, and the best things come to those who never give up.

We all believe, we will be patient (we are in this for the long haul), and we will never give up of that you can be certain.

Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world.  For, indeed, that’s all who ever have  – Margaret Mead