Daily Archives: April 15, 2013
Is distrust of Garfield County Authorities justified in Morgan’s case?
I spent a morning last week with two very engaging, and luckily for me talented technicians. Of course we talked about Morgan, her stalking, and her murder. And in a moment that has been repeated far too many times since the beginning of Morgan’s stalking there were three truths they shared, just like so many other “locals” that I have spoken with.
They both had children of their own, they were saddened, shocked and angered to hear this could have happened in our little valley, and they had not heard a word about Morgan’s story from the news. And before they left, they enlightened me with a few quotes about tyranny – AKA, oppressive power; especially; oppressive power exerted by government.
Tyranny? Could such a thing exist in Garfield County, Colorado, in the United States? It’s been on my mind ever since. I searched, and almost immediately came upon this quote by one of our founding fathers, James Madison:
“All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree”
And pertaining to my dealings with Garfield County since Morgan’s death James Madison could have easily been referring specifically to the County Coroner, and his contracted pathologist from Grand Junction, as well as the Sheriff. None of these men has been a champion for Morgan’s rights, quite the opposite, that we are grieving parents left to fight on our own is a far more accurate description of what Steve and I have been treated to here by Garfield County.
James Madison had another quote I thought fit right in too:
“A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce, or a tragedy, or perhaps both”
If anyone in Garfield County Government really cared about Morgan, her rights, arresting her stalker, her death, or even using this tragedy to prevent it from happening again – they did a good job of hiding it.
The Coroner never spoke with any of Morgan’s doctor’s, how he came up with any pertinent information about Morgan’s medical history is a complete mystery to me. All my attempts to direct him to the correct information, facts contained in records, was ignored. And this complete lack of concern for the information became abundantly apparent in everything that has been written about Morgan’s death. Very little is remotely accurate, but then if you don’t ask her doctors, or speak with her parents, or see her pharmacy records, how can you possibly know the prescription medications she did or did not take, medical conditions she did or did not have? One of Morgan’s doctor’s grew tired of waiting for the call for information that never came from the Coroner’s office so she called herself, to offer the information, and was given the complete brush off. Minds were made up and there was no need for information, any information. If you wonder how is that any way to solve a crime, don’t – because it isn’t.
The investigation into her death began, proceeded, and ended with a complete lack of information, and as was so correctly predicted in the quote – stands today as a farce.
The tragedy for Morgan, meanwhile, remains everywhere, in her murder, in her stalking. First, when nine months after she was killed, the Sheriff goes on TV and declares they were at our house over fifty times and never saw a stalker, should that information he shared be more for for him, in his governmental capacity as the duly elected protector of the citizens, and if so, might different tactics be in order? I mean to really catch stalkers, stop stalkers, you need to take stalking seriously! The information of stalking history is readily available and indicates clearly that a percentage of stalking victims will be killed by their stalker.
Just to go on a little rant for the victims of stalking, say the percentage is 10%, it is not, every number I have seen is 11% or much higher. And of course speaking of statistics, and percentages remember that according to Garfield County statistics Morgan was not killed by her stalker, Garfield County says they never saw a stalker, and she killed herself, which I am told, is not medically possible. So if it is 10%, one in ten. Would you rest easy having a stalker and know you have a one in ten chance of being killed? Even if you move, state to state, same statistics. Would you be satisfied with anything that did not include your stalker being arrested and incarcerated? Would you ever really feel safe? Russian roulette, a game of death with a gun that has six shots with one containing a bullet, click, your turn, absolute insanity to actually do, right? But have a stalker and one in ten you die, how is that even remotely OK?
Rant for victims over, Steve and I had no knowledge of this shocking information, and the Sheriff saw nothing wrong with going on TV and telling the world his men were at our house over fifty times, and never saw the stalker, and evidently he does not see a problem with that. I guess that is too much to ask of Garfield County duly elected officials.
We gave the Sheriff a photograph of the stalker leaning against Steve’s truck, and watching his Deputies drive away, and if that was not a little wake up call, then what would it have taken for the duly elected protector of the County’s citizens to see that there was a problem with their approach to stalking?
It’s too late for our daughter, but if this story repeats itself, right here, that will be only a worse tragedy, a completely preventable tragic ending for someone else depending on the Sheriff’s department for protection, and the Coroner for truth. Let’s not let another family suffer a farce and a tragedy when both can be prevented.
I completely believe James Madison would have seen problems here and also been able to offer solutions. He was not only a founding father of the United States, the forth president, he is also credited with being the, “father of the constitution”. Such wisdom and foresight is obviously rare. I only wish he were here today to help send a wake up call to Garfield County, but I understand this task is up to Steve and I in the loving memory of our daughter.
And we have gotten quite a bit of help already. An esteemed trio consisting of a Forensic Pathologist, a Forensic Toxicologist, and a Forensic Psychologist have been able, with a great degree of medical certainty, to recreate the tragic death of Morgan. It was not natural causes; it was not a suicide, in fact every doctor not working for Garfield County who has reviewed Morgan’s case agrees on those two facts. Garfield County’s contracted pathologist still believes she has Porphyria and took many medications. Shockingly, this is not based on information from any of Morgan’s medical doctors, and it is a farce. a complete farce.
The Sheriff, he’s just fine with the information that his men never saw a stalker. But, did he forget I gave him a picture! If I give him a picture of the stalker seeing his men drive away, and he tries to spin it into his men never actually saw the stalker, in reality, is that just a farce, or a tragedy, or perhaps both?