What is Justice for Morgan?

Morgan is wondering

Morgan is wondering

When law enforcement arrests Morgan’s stalker
and her murderer(s), is that justice? Steve and I believe
there were at least four co-conspirators involved in Morgan’s
Stalking and death, perhaps even five. If you were Morgan,
stalked and murdered, leaving out the complete indifference and
tyranny from the Sheriff and Coroner for the moment, if all five of
the really responsible parties were arrested and tried would you be
satisfied? It becomes a very difficult question for Steve and
I. Just what is justice? We know we will never be
able to bring Morgan back, ignored as her stalker is now the overwhelming
chances are he will just do it again. Look at the tragedy at the
end of the Boston Marathon. What will justice be for all of
those victims? One thing you can probably be sure of – the
person in charge of that investigation will never go on TV and tell
us all how many officers checked the finish line and they never saw
a bomber. Nor will they refuse to recognize that next time they have to
do a better job, or face the same result. They will examine
how this happened and employ a new protocol that prevents it in the
future, of that I am very confident. Just as confident as I
am that no person in charge is going to go on TV to say, “I am
never going to open an investigation”. There will be an
investigation that includes whatever it takes. And to know
that is going to happen is reassuring, not nearly enough to
sooth every heart that has been broken in this horrific crime, but
the knowledge that the full weight of justice is waiting for every
perpetrator of that crime is the first tiny step. For Steve and I
to sit with the Honorable District Attorney of Garfield County and be told a truth we
did not want to hear, but one that had unfortunately happened.
That the Sheriff’s department has so
thoroughly botched the investigation of Morgan’s death it
was uncertain what could be done now. While a very big ray of
light has come since that statement, it was quite painful to hear
at the time, and remains to be a concern for me. But that
instant of honesty has allowed me to focus on that which will
lead to convictions, instead of that which will never make it to
the courtroom. And then, in the murders at the Boston Marathon, if
there is a Coroner involved and victims find  a need to call him, I
bet the Coroner will answer the phone or return the call.
Doesn’t that even sound ridiculous to say? But it is
true. The Garfield County Coroner has never spoken with us,
never answered a letter, and never agreed to a meeting. At
some point I have to believe he could be hiding something and treat
him with distrust. I had to contact the Coroner of Mesa County in
Grand Junction in order to have Morgan’s samples preserved for
another year. There is one answer that I hope will come from
those remaining samples, the pathologist does not believe we will
get anything of use, what I have been told leads me to not
agree. The contracted pathologist who autopsied Morgan will
allow a test to be run on her remaining samples only if the results
go to him, definitely not to the forensic specialists who will be
ordering the tests. Or to Steve and I, who will paying for
the tests. The results have to go to him. What’s he
worried about? Someone seeking justice? Does any of that
sound like justice to you, or does it sound more like
arrogance? From where I sit today and from where I have been
forced to sit for the last 623 days, I would not call what has
happened to Morgan justice, no not justice. Tyranny – yes, abuse of
power – yes, failure to treat the victim of a crime with fairness,
dignity and respect – yes, but justice – no. Justice for
Morgan? Certainly not! It will give me absolutely no
satisfaction to now file all the complaints to cover all of the
rules broken or ignored that were meant to protect Morgan, and
Steve, and I. But I will file every last one, because the
next victim needs a better protocol to prevent the same outcome
from happening to them. Morgan was filled with love, and her love
for a person she never met is going to help save their life from
their stalker. I believe that just as certainly as I am
sitting at a keyboard typing these words right now. In fact,
it may have happened already and I just don’t know it. Does
anyone think that abuse of power, arrogance and ignoring laws is
the way to improve our world and protect the victims? I
don’t. Then why is it not only allowed to exist, but allowed
to continue on?

Boston you are in our prayers tonight…I have no words to express the sorrow and pain I feel tonight for all these innocent people killed or injured in this horrific act of terror by cowards