Giving thanks to all of you that have helped and letting you know what is still to come. Stalkers beware – we will make changes!

9599009-pumaWhen I started the blog called Morgan’s Stalking I really had no idea what to expect. How could I? It was at the most unimaginable time, trying to express the most unimaginable thing. One thing has not changed – and never will. Morgan is still my little angel. She is, without doubt, all of the good things that have been expressed about her since the beginning of this odyssey.

Now as Morgan’s Stalking becomes Morgan’s Investigation it is an appropriate time to take a quick look back, give thanks, and see what lies before us.

First to the people at WordPress, the software that allowed me to write a blog without even knowing what one was at the start, and without looking like too much of a klutz in the process, my first big THANK YOU. They sent a web page that told about Morgan’s blog. Things like:

  • About 55,000 tourists visit Liechtenstein every year. This blog was viewed about 4,000,000 times in 2012. If it were Liechtenstein, it would take about 73 years for that many people to see it. Your blog had 73 times more visits than a small country in Europe!
  • In 2012, there were 320 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 327 posts. I’m not sure where the other 7 posts came from but you now how computers are, give them a few numbers and . . .
  • The most popular post was “One year ago today Morgan’s stalking started”.
  • Most visitors came from The United States, with Canada in 2nd & Australia 3rd, counting everyone there were 117 countries in all!

Things that tell me the story of Morgan’s stalking is making a difference in more ways than I could have ever imagined when I began. She is in so many hearts, in so many places, helping so many people – and she has just begun.

All of you reading, and commenting, and sharing. Of course some of you go far beyond that but without naming names I trust that you all know who you are, if not I promise to do a better job this year and THANK YOU ALL.

Our grief counselor who has been such a steadying rock for me all year, our promotional guru who somehow manages to speed up when the time is right, and slow way down when I need it. The very very esteemed medical professionals from coast to coast and right here in Colorado who have volunteered their efforts on Morgan’s behalf. To those who helped fund the Morgan Ingram Scholarship fund. And for all of you who have so generously donated to Morgan Ingram’s Benefit Fund – Thank you all more than the mere words can ever express, please realize you are helping Morgan help the victims of stalking every day.
Now, about stalking, I have said many times in many ways how this word went from meaning nothing to meaning everything. How on one warm calm summer afternoon we were not the victims of stalking and in the next instant we were.

Looking forward this last year I have learned more about stalking than I ever could have known existed. I also have something to add – stalking is not just a crime, it is at the root of almost all crime. You can call it whatever you want, stalking, observing, recon, even call it surveilling, its all the same, it is stalking. I say this for one simple reason. There are laws written against stalking in all states, but laws against observing, or surveilling? Doubtful.

Predators like mountain lions wait and watch undetected in the tree line watching for the perfect moment to strike.  What if almost all of the crimes against humanity start with stalking? Burglary, rape, murder, peeping toms, grand theft auto, first the perpetrator stalks the prey, the victim, the house, the auto, the bank, the young child in the playground, then comes the act, the second part of the crime. It is not just a play on words, it is what happens.

The difference is that up until now the crime started with the theft, or the stabbing, or name your poison. But what if we back up a step and take the stalking more seriously? I will believe forever that Morgan’s murder began with her stalking. That if the stalkers were caught, there might not have been a murder. If the criminal surveilling the children in the playground was confronted, maybe the child left there just a few minutes too long would not have disappeared.

A reader of this blog told a story of how her husband confronted a stranger at their son’s game. A stranger nobody recognized standing all alone across the field. Asked him who he was, and that one question made him turn and run. Suspicious, you bet.

I am very mindful of the fact that we can’t live in fear, but we can be aware. Safety is not a given, it comes with requirements. Just look at all of the tragedies of the past year. Maybe it’s just me, but there seems to be more, and far more deadly every day. So many, we as a nation, and a world find ourselves searching for an answer.

Here is my suggestion, start with taking stalking seriously. If our Law Enforcement is hopeless against catching stalkers, what comes next? I’ve lived it and trust me, it’s not good. This year I will focus on Morgan’s investigation from the morning her body was found, and also revisit a few incidents from her stalking that have had a whole lot of new light shined on them.

More truth, won’t that be a bummer for those working so hard to discredit what anyone has to say about Morgan, even though it happens to be true.

Also I am far more committed to Morgan’s legacy. As in Morgan did not commit suicide. She has an ever growing army of professionals all agreeing that that is not what happened here. In case you keep up with the news and have heard about the horrible deaths of those two young children who were left in an idling car for too long, one dying on the scene and the other a short time later. If any of you have wondered, Morgan lived in Colorado, those two children lived in Colorado. Could the same Forensic Pathologist, Dr. Kurtzman, who found Morgan, first having died of natural causes from a medical condition she did not have, with a level of prescription medications she did not even take, registering in the stratosphere. Then months later, as more and more experts sounded alarms at the massive dose she had in her body, he called it insignificant. Then 9 months later he changes his mind and changes her manner of death from natural causes to suicide, based on “the amount consumed is consistent with deliberate intoxication”. So eighteen pills is consistent with a suicide? Eighteen pills of a medication she did not take? With a little cyclobenzaprine, which she never took in her life, thrown is for good measure. When an esteemed Forensic Pharmacologist has advised on Morgan’s case that estimating the number of pills taken is impossible, oh, and he did have far more questions about other aspects of her case, but that will have to wait for just a little bit. So to the point, the same Dr. Kurtzman was the pathologist for those two children. Google it, and decide for yourself.

Day one of Morgan’s investigation is next up.

The following is from a guest contributor to this blog – name withheld for her own protection, but to me she writes just like Morgan

Dear Toni,
I have read your entire blog in less than 24 hours and Morgan and your family’s story has hit me so hard.

I watched the Dr. Phil show taping and read the interviews. I’ve actually been to some of his tapings myself. I am a strong supporter of Dr. Phil’s opinions and views, however this is one time I disagree with him. It is quite apparent that the efforts in the investigation are nonexistent. The primary reason this story is getting out is because of your blog and the stir it has caused. I am pleased that you didn’t let Dr. Phil convince you to take this down, (no offense Dr. Phil).

I am deeply sorry for the loss of Morgan. I am sorry your life changed the first time she heard that tapping on her window and will never be the same. I am sorry your local law enforcement completely failed you. I am sorry for the harsh realizations that have come with your 20/20 hindsight. I’m just a few months younger than your daughter and I can’t even imagine being in that situation and she was so brave and powerful.

You tried to do everything that you could in the months of her stalking. I can imagine my dad leaping from his room with the wooden baseball bat he has under his bed, doing exactly what your husband did every night something happened, just trying to catch this monster. You never left Morgan alone, maintained constant communication, you reported every bit to the police, took meticulous records, (obvious by your detailed posts), and listened to everything you were supposed to do. You spent an insurmountable level of energy, time, and money into placing technology and cameras where needed. You’re not in any security or surveillance company and put them exactly where anybody else would. I know my parents would just beat themselves to a pulp with guilt in your situation, but from my perspective and hopefully from a perspective similar to Morgan’s, you have gone so far above and beyond to protect her out of this overwhelming amount of love you have for her. I’m sure she knows you tried to do everything you possibly could. Please don’t take offense, I just know how I would feel if my parents were experiencing what you and your husband are feeling.

Your family reminds me so much of mine and I was hauntingly reminded of how this can happen to anyone. I am glad you have revealed your insights to strengthen our defenses against anybody else with severe mental distortion that would do this as well.
I’m not a parent. I’ve never experienced stalking as severe as yours. I’ve never lost a child. So it is impossible for me to say I understand. The level of frustration of knowing exactly what has happened with no one listening compares marginally to Jodie Foster’s role in Flight Plan.

I went in reading your blog knowing that Morgan had died, though it was still horribly shocking. I continued reading in hopes that some kind of hope would spring from this and I was woefully mistaken. I sincerely hope something happens and soon.

I know you are receiving large amounts of input about the case and I’m sorry to pile on more. It seems however, that you are appreciative of fresh perspectives and I hope I can contribute something. I personally suffer from depression. The signs in anybody are completely obvious in even small amounts of information. After the large amounts of information about your daughter’s life, I can conclude with absolute sincerity she did not commit suicide and I am happy you have stood by your claim. She would have withdrawn from friends LONG before a suicide, yet she maintained an  incredibly vigorous social life, even under the suffocating presence of a stalker. She stayed in physical activities (ballet) and ventured out of the house often, again notably impressive with the stalker’s behavior. She didn’t want to leave Wylah even for a few days to go to her sister’s house, she wouldn’t leave her forever. If suicide is an option, easily accessible medications or alternative methods would be used before the complicated process of creating the mix found in her system. I can go on and on with the evidence against suicide.

Personal brushes with stalking (though not as severe as your case) as well as numerous psych classes, relationship studies, and personal events lead me to the next input about your case. Though I do not believe ? (I’m following your naming system) was in your house the night of your daughter’s death or the main lurker around your house, she was an accomplice in the eyes of the law because she, without a doubt, was aware of K’s activity. Her snow march was absolutely a sloppy attempt at an alibi and diversion tactic. I feel like the relationships other teenagers have with their parents are sadly much more different from your strong relationship with your daughter. Which brings me to ?’s father. I believe he is aware of his daughter’s misbehavior, but like a loving father, he tries to protect his daughter. Though the extent of knowledge about exactly what her behavior is not known, I sincerely believe he doesn’t know much, and I don’t think he wants to know. Parents with aggressively misanthropic children will oftentimes grow fearful of their own children, slipping into a denial. He may never accept the idea of his daughter being anything other than his own little angel, and who can blame him? ? is however, obviously an active woman who makes her own choices, so it is far better to hold her responsible instead of letting her father continue to try to clean up after his daughter’s mistakes.

Now we are brought to Keenan VanGinkel. Your true offender. He fits the profile of a stalker so perfectly, students in a middle school level intro psychology class would easily match him up to the profile of a stalker. Proximity, expressed fascination to peers, delusion of a relationship with your daughter, hunting skills and knowledge, a teenager with access to internet, a sense of superiority to law enforcement and the law (which is horribly and sadly slightly accurate due to his ability to evade for so long), physical capability and manipulative abilities are just qualities off the top of my head for the cover boy of a perfect stalker. He is able to manipulate his girlfriend, even after a supposed relationship split, to remain in his life and active in protecting him. His girlfriend is aware of his infatuation with another girl, your daughter, yet continued to stay with him, a sad glance into their flawed relationship. I’m not giving this lowlife any excuses, but he is obviously mentally irrational. Somehow this \”relationship\” with your daughter made sense to him. I don’t think you will ever really understand why this monstrosity happened to your family, because you will never understand the mind of this man. Which is actually a very good thing. BUT I do know you are fighting to cage him up so he can NEVER carry out another \”relationship\” like this with any other woman which evidenced by history and psychology, is absolutely inevitable whether it be now or in twenty years. I applaud you and your efforts and I absolutely believe this is exactly what the next step is.

I want you to know I care deeply and support you in your tireless efforts. You could be saving ME for all I know. Thank you from me, your readers, the people you have helped, the people you have informed, and I know your lovely daughter would thank you too. With a cute little 🙂 I really feel the world has been cheated out of a beautiful person.

21 year old University Student