No stalker, murderer, demon, or anyone can break the bond between a parent and a child…no one!

Morgan in Elementary School

Morgan in Elementary School

The other day I wrote this to Morgan because this is exactly how I feel.

To Morgan – I love you so much…Mom

The Cord

by Unknown Author

We are connected,
My child and I, by
An invisible cord
Not seen by the eye.

It’s not like the cord
That connects us ’til birth
This cord can’t been seen

by any on Earth.

This cord does it’s work
Right from the start.
It binds us together
Attached to my heart.

I know that it’s there
Though no one can see
The invisible cord
From my child to me.

The strength of this cord
Is hard to describe.
It can’t be destroyed
It can’t be denied.

It’s stronger than any cord
Man could create
It withstands the test
Can hold any weight.

And though you are gone,
Though you’re not here with me,
The cord is still there
But no one can see.

It pulls at my heart
I am bruised…I am sore,
But this cord is my lifeline
As never before.

I am thankful that God
Connects us this way
A mother and child
Death can’t take it away!

Some people wonder why Steve, and I would go through reliving our daughter’s stalking and murder every day – the pain is immense, but what Morgan herself was forced to go through, and endure was so much worse, and we are not the type of people who can ever forget what happened to our daughter, and just walk away from the injustice, arrogance and plain old lies that continue to this day.

Even more important in the greater context of our responsibilities to the world.  If we were to give up then that would mean leaving a predator out on the streets to do it again – they do not just stop.  Morgan had a stalker, we have pictures, footprints, she saw him, I saw him.  He did not cease to exist when she was killed.

And I say killed with very careful measure, Morgan was killed because Forensic Professionals from all walks of life have donated their time to her case to come to a conclusion based upon their combined knowledge – and they all agree with one another, except that is with Dr. Kurtzman.

Just in case you have missed this point in the Blog of Morgan’s Stalking. The contracted forensic pathologist who performed her autopsy, in two hours I believe, taking none of the samples required by law, the contracted pathologist freely admitted his lack of experience or expertise with certain aspects of Morgan’s death, and he indicated a strong willingness to hear from, “Experts out on the coast from the larger hospitals that see this kind of thing far more often than I, and have a lot of experience with it.”

Now I don’t know if Dr Kurtzman thought we were kidding or what the problem was, but as soon as doctors from UCLA started to weigh in on Morgan’s death, the promise to listen vaporized even faster that all of Morgan’s valuable jewelry on the night she was killed.

The same night (Brooke’s friend that was living with her 3 houses down from us at the time) Hannah Hurlocker’s facebook entries said:


Hannah Hurlocker “ I CANT STOP THINKING..I JUST CANT DO IT” — with Brooke Nicole Harris. Share · November 30, 2011 at 4:40pm ·

TO –

gunna make some moneyyy niggas! Share · December 2, 2011 at 11:18 am · the morning we found Morgan’s body and her valuable jewelry was missing.

And as to why Hannah was in such an all fired hurry to set up a ride out of town right before Morgan’s death, maybe that could be a lead to investigate?

Back to the last conference call conversation we had with Dr. Kurtzman.  Up until that phone call, and actually conversations after, Detective Glassmire had a very good habbit of recording the conversation so words would not be forgotten.  I really hope he did not “forget” to record that conversation, it was certainly one of the more important for Morgan, and this was her case after all.  Just to be clear, other doctor’s and forensic pathologists pursuing justice for Morgan, continued to try to communicate with Dr. Kurtzman until, one by one, they were all cut off.  Steve and I stopped talking to him on advice from one of the doctors, establishing the fact that he was not willing to hear anything from others with more expertise on certain subjects than himself, Dr. Kurtzman did that all by himself.

Other professionals were willing, and very able to correct the mistakes being made in the death of Morgan, but Dr. Kurtzman had no desire to listen.  Just look at the last PER, he still violates Morgan’s HIPAA rights, claims facts long ago established to the contrary in arriving at her cause of death. And as I have recently learned, he bears responsibility for the crime scene investigation under Colorado Law.  The one that was “so thoroughly botched.”  Morgan deserved better, as does the next victim of stalking that suddenly dies in Garfield County, Colorado.

No that after what we have seen, and been subjected to, Steve and I could never live with ourselves if we walked away (like law enforcement has chosen to do for the stalker who hasn’t gone anywhere).  Morgan did not want to die the way she was forced to, and she would do whatever she could to help another person facing a similar tragic ending.  That is without question, because that is how she conducted her life.

Yes, we are, unfortunately, at this point signing up for that task often called,  “fighting the establishment,” how we could stand on opposite sides of the issue called stalking is really beyond me, but we are.  I live to see stalkers and perverts/peeping toms arrested to face their day in court.  Meanwhile, the Detectives state they have “run out of leads” so the case is closed until they have more leads, and then Sheriff goes on TV and says he will never open the case into Morgan’s death.  Cities across our country, and even neighboring countries have arrested, and prosecuted tormentors for driving a victim to suicide, Steve and I are quite certain it is even more sinister than that, but if GarCo wants to hide behind the suicide – why not open an investigation, and arrest the tormentor, as so many others do?  Why is that too, not a crime here?  Or did the Sheriffs department know they so thoroughly botched the crime scene it was best to just walk away?

For Steve and I it is simple, It may take everything we have and then some, but we understand material things are not the important thing in life – human life is.  For another young woman to have the chance to live on is far more important to us.

I believe things happen for a reason – we may never really know the reasons, and outcomes can change depending on the actions taken by those involved, or even those who were not involved, but choose to become involved, for the right reasons, to help. Steve and I intend to change outcomes for the better for others.

Thomas Jefferson said, “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.”  

I believe (just like in everything) there are good, and there are bad people in this world, just like there are good people in government, and there are bad people in government.  But the fact remains that our government passes laws that they believe will help people, and if our own local government, and law enforcement agencies do not follow those laws then what are we left with?  I believe they are required to follow those laws and the people of this county, and all other counties that see that those laws are not being followed should do something about it.  Write certified, return receipt letters to your Councilman, your District Attorney, your Sheriff’s Department, your Coroner’s office, your Governor, your Attorney General’s office, your State Legislators (some of which actually wrote the laws that are on the books in your State) and ask why certain laws are being broken and how do they intend to change this for the better of their citizens.  The power of the pen, along with the power of many people can, and will make a difference.  If you would like the information of the people to contact, along with the laws that have been broken, and a draft letter to look at please write to me on this blog as a comment, and I will answer back with all pertinent information…we can all make a difference!