Mass Shooting in Las Vegas…

Last night a man did a senseless, horrific, and cowardly act in Las Vegas.  He shot and killed at least 58 people, and injured over 400…these were people he did not know, people that were just out enjoying their lives, not knowing their lives were about to end.  This was an act that the media is saying is one of the deadliest mass shootings in modern American history.  It is an act of pure evil – evil that is beyond my comprehension.

I saw the following link for a Gofundme campaign for assistance to the victims families –  it has already received over a million dollars, so I thought I would share the link.

For all touched by this tragedy, I am sending prayers of healing light and love.  My heart goes out to all the families of the victims.

New Book: The Dark Town 1: When You’re Gone

Wanted to share a link to this great book, written by a screen writer I know – check it out to see if you’d like to purchase it. If you do purchase it please write your opinion of the book in the Amazon comment section. Thanks everyone!

This is the link to the US version: Kindle or paperback…/dp/B075JZK7W7/ref=sr_1_1…

The first book from ‘This Dark Town’ mystery thriller trilogy.

Eighteen-year-old Lydia Stone wakes up one morning in the north London gothic mansion she shares with her family, to find that her twin sister Kate has disappeared off the face of the earth.

CCTV footage shows Kate entering a night club in south London on the night she went missing, but there is no evidence that she ever came out of the club, and police are considering the idea that she was sex-trafficked.

In the days and weeks that follow, Lydia takes a closer look at her twin sister’s life; her modelling career, penchant for fetish clubs, and interesting array of older friends. It seems like Kate was definitely hiding something.

But she isn’t the only one…

Here is the link to the UK version: