#STALKING: You can make a difference!


Morgan's cat Mogwai with her Oud - we have given Morgan's Oud to one of her cousins and he is learning to play it as a tribute to Morgan

Morgan’s cat Mogwai with her Oud – we have given Morgan’s Oud to one of her cousins and he is learning to play it as a tribute to Morgan

I believe we can all individually make a difference when it comes to stalking, and horrible acts being perpetrated on innocent people.  Remember stalking isn’t something that only happens to celebrities, stalking happens to innocent young children, women, as well as men.

People need to rise up and condemn violence – remember what I said in an earlier blog – I believe there are more good people than bad in this world, and if that is true then we must all take a stand, just like our ancestors have done in the past – they stood up for what was right, and created a better world for us in so many ways.  We are not any different from our ancestors, we carry on for them, and trust me they are watching us, and cheering us on.  We can not allow the bullies, stalkers, predators, and criminals of this world to scare us in to submission with their threats. We must all take a stand and say, “I will no longer keep the truth to myself, I want to get involved!”

Sometime in the months following the start of my blog I received an email from a mother that lives in this same valley.  I have written about this in a previous blog so bear with me, I feel like this is very to-the-point…she read the blog, and went to her son’s soccer practice.  She saw a man standing off to the side watching the boys.  Normally she would not have noticed, but after reading the blog she decided that she would get involved, and started to ask all the other parents if they knew the man…they all said no.  She then told her husband to go question the man to see why he was watching the boys, her husband approached the man, asked him “nicely” if he was related to, or knew one of the boys, and at that time the man took off running.  Now maybe this was innocent “doubtful”, but she said she was so happy that she got involved…what if the practice ended, everyone left, and one little boy’s parents were late picking him up?  Could he have been abducted?  We will thankfully never know, because this amazing woman put aside her fear of getting involved, and did a positive thing.

Morgan’s stalking was a tragedy in the making, we just didn’t know it at the time.  The Forensic Pathologist Dr. Kurtzman called her death “natural” which was not the case, and this misled the Sheriff’s, so Morgan’s investigation was dropped – no victim – no stalker to arrest…very, very wrong.  Not only was the stalker not arrested, but Steve and I are victims as well, and we are still alive.  By misleading the Sheriffs this sent a dangerous message to the public – even your safety, and security will be met with virtual silence from our County.  Is this what the people want?  I don’t think so.  And if not, what should we all do about it?  I think it is time to speak up…tell everyone you know about the injustice that has been done.  Spread the word, speak your opinion, talk to people, do not let people scare you, if you hear anything that might help this investigation, or any others then get involved – we can all make a difference.

A simple search for honesty – is it that hard to find?


Isn’t that all that it comes down to in most every crime?  Honesty? If the truth were just known, aligning the pieces would be so simple.  Conclusions would quickly follow, and a case would be solved.  I’m thinking of this today because in my loose notes that I have been reviewing for the past week is a statement made by our lead Detective that if people choose to lie to them there is absolutely nothing they can do about it.  I remember the instant he said it, our victim’s rights coordinator was standing right behind his shoulder, glaring, and nodding in approval.  She had become a very upsetting “victims rights coordinator”.  I did not believe this about lies then, and I believe it even less now.

Not every conviction comes wrapped in a confession.  I would guess that very few do, and if every criminal that lies, and never admits the crime, went free, there would not be very many prosecutions or convictions.

In the morning hours of 12/2/2011, the day Morgan’s body was found James Harris made at least one phone call to a client that we know of.  He had to cancel their appointment for the day.  Then about a week later he talked to her again, part of that conversation was to explain that he was “just trying to protect his daughter.”

I assume that would be Brooke, nice sentiment, father protecting daughter, but why would she need protecting?  Morgan was dead.  And why exactly would Brooke need someone to try to protect her, from what?  On her facebook she agreed with her friend Hannah Hurlocker, who didn’t know if she could go through with it, the day before Morgan was killed.  Hannah was staying at Brooke’s house at the time.  On the day Morgan’s body was found Brooke posted a picture of herself wearing an interesting piece of apparatus around her neck.  What was that all about?

Once again the lead Detective, was informed of, and knew all this, but chose to investigate none of it.  That is, at least as far as I know, or have seen in any report.  The only mention is of the fact that I spoke with the witness months later, and made notes about the conversation and passed it all along to our Detective.  But is that how it is supposed to work?  Are the victims of a tragedy, such as the stalking, and murder of their daughter, are those grief stricken victims supposed to be out conducting interviews, because they believe it is important evidence, and might be lost forever?  Well that was how it worked in Morgan’s case.

There was a time when I felt that the more evidence I tried to share with our law enforcement, the less interested they were.  Yet I was always assured that the case just needed more leads, and evidence, that were lacking.  Steve and I are not investigators but we were not going to give up.  If even a little rumor came along we followed up on it… why wouldn’t you?

Honesty, today, right now, every single word gains new importance.  It is absolutely amazing to me how little actual evidence was collected, both physical evidence, and by interview, and how many conclusions were draw from the little they had, so much of it completely wrong.  More like guesswork parading as an investigation.  Or wouldn’t you expect that when nothing is double checked, questions rephrased and asked again to arrive at meaningful conclusions – errors should be expected, right? – not at all a surprise.

One little incident comes to mind, actually for a couple of reasons now.  It was an afternoon where the Detective had finished questioning both Christina and Brooke Harris about the source of the stories about the stalker(s) circulating around the neighborhood.  Sometimes it was simple rumors, but far more disturbingly it was the directed, and timed, false information meant to do nothing but confuse the issue.  A little like what I am told is going on out in the vast reaches of the internet – directed and timed false information meant to confuse and distract.

In gang stalkings this is a well documented method of increasing the terror of the stalking.  False information is regularly spread with the specific intent as to discredit the victim, in an attempt to make them even question themselves as to if the stalking was really happening.  When OF COURSE the stalking was happening, of course they are frightened.  But the goal is to make the victim question everything happening.  I don’t remember right now who said, “in my experience there is no such thing as coincidence.”  But the words ring very true in the context of the misinformation campaign that was being perpetrated.

So Detective Glassmire had just returned from the conclusion of that line of questioning and told me how Brooke had said she got all her information from Christina, her mother, and then Christina said she got all her information from Brooke, her daughter.  The Detectives take was that he thought they could have at least gotten their lies straight.  He used the word lies, and I applaud that because its exactly what it was, and it was exactly what drove the insanity that was Morgan’s life for those four months – an endless string of lies.

And the lies never really stopped.  No sooner had an almost unbelievable string of people tell me that they had heard Brooke, talking about Morgan, saying, “That bitch is going to get it someday,” that I had the chance to confront her.  And Brooke denied ever having said such a thing, in front of a camera.  All those people, independently and at different times, and in different places all recalled almost the same line from Brooke, yet she said she never said it.

It’s really bad when Brooke does things like that, and then has Keenan telling the Detective, “It could be Brooke that is doing the stalking.”  But somehow, I don’t see Brooke staring at Morgan through her bathroom window.

And of course there is the saying that the, “apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”  Remember James Harris claiming to not know there was a stalking in the neighborhood, again in front of a camera, actually many cameras.  The same James that evidently approached every person in uniform that neared his house to ask about the stalker and the stalking.  Whom Keenan also happens to claim was a great source of information about the stalking.  The same James Harris that had been interviewed by Detective Glassmire about the stalking while it was ongoing.

Wouldn’t all this be nothing more than lies?  Really bad ones at that and I would think when you contradict yourself completely with your own words.  Just imagine if they had the four of them, Keenan, Brooke, James, and Christina in four separate soundproof rooms, and just went from room to room asking the same question, and taking notes.  It could have been that simple, if they all agreed to it that is.  Maybe Morgan would still be alive.

Morgan just wanted to live her life, never asking for much.  Always thankful and happy with whatever she had.  Spreading love and never shying away from the chance to help someone with a problem.  What I wouldn’t give to have been able to change places, except in reality, I was being stalked and terrorized as well, but then at least she would not have been murdered.

Exactly which laws were broken, wouldn’t that be a place to start?


The last days of Morgan's bedroom windows with the blinds open...she loved light but didn't want someone peeking in at her.

The last days of Morgan’s bedroom windows with the blinds open…she loved light but didn’t want someone peeking in at her.

Just to backtrack a little first, while we did not know she was being stalked yet, Morgan’s stalker began to make his presence known on August 2nd, 2011 and of course he could have been at her bathroom window before that, Morgan just did not know until then.  It happened twice before the weekend of August 6th, and 7th, 2011.  A knocking, scratching noise that she thought could have been a bird or a tree branch in the wind.  Quite a few trees had grown up very close to the house, and noise from branches rubbing on the house was a common noise we had.

Morgan was worried about the noises, but was holding back until innocent explanations were ruled out.  On the worry side, she had noticed a pattern right away in the few times it had happened, the noises came shortly after she got home.  We did however hope for the best, simplest outcome, and we all went to sleep that Friday evening with the idea that Steve would trim back trees the next morning, and the problem would be solved.

We all had different emotions as we walked around the corner of the house Saturday morning, and looked at her bathroom window.  We all saw clearly that there were no tree branches, no bushes, no perch for a bird – nothing.  I clearly remember to this day the look on her face as she saw this, and how it sunk in for her.  She really did not want to be at the house right then, and left very shortly after that with her puppy.

That was Saturday, the fifth day of her stalking, and it happened again that night right after she came home.  Now she was upset, very upset.  I was going to call the police right then, but Morgan was thinking of all the ways it would be possible that this was not a person outside her bathroom window.  A dog, a cat, still a bird possibly, a coincidental noise happening in the attic, it was a self-defense mode I should have realized at the time, but I did not.  She was busily denying it was happening, most stalking victims deal with some level of denial about their stalking, and its severity.  It is really up to the officials charged with your safety to know this and react properly, but too many times they do not know any more than I did right then, and so they do not react appropriately.

Methodology to swiftly bring a stalking situation to an end is sorely lacking and is going to be a main thrust for the Morgan Ingram Foundation, but first things first.  Right then, Steve, Morgan and I came to an uneasy agreement that she would let us know as soon as it happened again and we hoped for the best, but were quickly beginning to fear the worst.  Sunday was quiet and hopes went up, Monday night she came home and had already made the decision to abandon her bathroom and use the one in my office, across the house.  She was completely creeped out by her own bathroom at that point, and she really never used it much again after that.

Morgan was in the office bathroom when she had a sick feeling someone might be there, right outside.  She had already undressed, and noticed the obscured window was open an inch or two, so she went straight over to it and closed it.  Then came the banging, she was screaming, we were running, and Morgan was in the hall dressed in a towel, and very badly shaken.  Any slightest bit of hope that this was innocent was long over, and it was a person, a very strange person that would stand right outside bathroom windows, and look in, then be brazenly fearless enough to pound on the window if Morgan closed it, and his view was taken away.

I bring all this up again because legally, actually, and for all intents and purposes her stalking was a reality at this point, it became stalking on the second time he knocked on her window.  Not some crazy and arbitrary six weeks before it magically becomes a crime.  I have read the laws now, because that is what you do when the Sheriffs do not, and the Sheriffs were completely wrong when they told me that we had to wait six weeks.  The State of Colorado declares it a crime after two times.  They officially recognize the dangers and trauma it brings.

And I believe that it was far more than “just” stalking, he was always at her bathroom window – peeping tom anyone?  There is a law for perverts and the title is long. Invasion of privacy for sexual gratification.  All the elements were there without doubt, and yes it is a sex crime, and it does not take even twice.  First time it becomes a crime.

The next morning I called the Carbondale Police Department and based on our address they directed me to the Garfield Sheriff’s Department, it was their jurisdiction.  So I called them and was promptly admonished for waiting so long.  Really sort of yelled at, and they were going to send a deputy, who did not even write a report on the incidents up for that day, or if he did, I have not seen them yet, and I am supposed to have every report on the stalking, and death of Morgan.  In fact the first report written, very shockingly is 24 days after the sex crimes and stalking had been going on.

Is that really possible?  For 24 days no report was written.  All that time I thought they were doing something, but it appears not.  One of the three crimes the – SUSPECT: Keenan VanGinkel – was being investigated for is the petty offense of trespassing.  So why, oh why would a Sheriff’s Department assign the least possible crime that he could be committing, pedestrian charges of trespassing, when that is not what it was at all, Morgan was being observed, she did not give consent, and it was a bathroom being used for bathing all four times, after the Deputy came to our doorstep for the first time.

He did explain how this same thing had happened the summer before and there were 4 or 5 incidents that he knew of.  Called in the dogs and chased the perp once, but lost him up by the Mini Storage, he told me.  Through emails to the Morgan’s Stalking Blog I know of more incidents.  Of more requests for follow-up that were ignored and more reports that were never written.  Why?

After reading the laws myself it is a sex crime first, and stalking a distant second,  Is there a law against serial sex crimes against women?  I know each “incident”, the seven or eight that I know about plus however many more there were, each is a crime in its own right, and why was not one of the incidents ever investigated as a sex crime?  Why?

Another big WHY is why did this all get started in the summer of 2007, what changed so residents in a very secluded corner of the county would be victims of sexual assault by voyeurism?  With some investigation I bet there could be answers to that question.

The terrorizing of Morgan began for her on August 2nd, no one would write a report on an incident for 24 days.  No one would call it stalking, and no one would even whisper sex crimes.  Four months later Morgan would be dead and no one would draw a connection between any of it.  The contracted pathologist would threaten me to give up on changing it from natural causes, and despite many assurances that he could not do such a thing as even to change her manner of death to an accidental overdose – he ultimately went far beyond that.  Based on evidence that a Forensic Toxicologist reads completely differently, completely differently.

The first Deputy also told me to document everything, so I did that as best I could.  Detective Glassmire assured me that if I kept even a simple log it would be admissible in court when Morgan’s case went to trial.  Now as I go through gaping holes in the official reports I have been provided with, you can bet that I am filling every single one in with excerpts from the copious notes I kept as incidents happened.

It is now a time for precision and accuracy instead of sloppiness and huge gaps in the official reports.  I have been told that Law Enforcement reports are rarely accurate, but as there is usually an absence of anything else, usually they are all there is to go on – so they should do a good job on getting them correct.  In at least one good note for Morgan there is in this case a far more comprehensive set of notes to compliment the official version as it stands now.  I’m confident that everyone involved wants there to be the most complete, and most accurate set of records.

Morgan deserves at least that, and once again…it’s not too much to ask, is it?

Today is May 15, 2013 – two years ago on May 15, 2011 Morgan was still alive and sent me the following Facebook message…I love you too Morgan!

Just Another Death Scene Problem…part of stalking to murder


Morgan had routines in her life and she was pretty amazing at following them.  On days when there promised to be photographic opportunities the next morning everything would be set the night before.  Camera batteries all charged, memory chips cleared of files, tripod with the backpack, everything ready to go.  A great picture did not wait, did not come find you, and had to be planned and sought out, and Morgan knew all that very well.  She would even go to bed early, just to be up in time for the particular shot she was after.

Of course I am just a biased mom, but I really think her photos show how much effort she put into them, a lot of little things you never see.  A reader of the Morgan’s Stalking blog wrote in to tell me that if you Google “clouds” and go to the images of clouds a few in the first batch you get are Morgan’s, she was a gifted photographer.  And speaking of Google and Morgan, I don’t know how Steve found this, but the evening before Mother’s Day he showed me that if you Google “Mother’s Day oil painting” the first image was a painting Morgan made for me – for Mother’s Day!.  Seeing it was such a gift, the hair stood up on my arms.  Now I think you have to click on images first, but it is still there, just amazing how this all works!

Well another of Morgan’s routines was her room.  Every Friday she straightened and cleaned, sometimes a little and sometimes a lot, but always some level of attention was given, she liked how it started her weekend off.

If she was going to be traveling, as she had plans that weekend to go babysitting for Military couples on retreats, she did extra wash during the week to make sure everything she would need for the trip was ready to pack.  The last week of November, 2011 was no exception.  She had a few extra piles of laundry ready to go by Thursday evening, folded and stacked in her room and waiting for Friday, to be packed for the trip or put away.  A few of the routines Morgan developed and lived by.

In the weeks following her sudden and tragic death Steve and I, with help from family and friends really packed away everything the Morgan never had a chance to on her normal Friday clean up day.  I tried to move quickly, it helped to blur the difficult thoughts, and as I’m sure you can imagine that emotions don’t get much higher than they were…

I came across something that froze me for an instant, then I called out to Steve, (actually yelled out to him, as he was not in the room right then), I wanted him to see exactly what I thought I was seeing.  I picked it up and placed it carefully on the top of her hutch.  Steve walked in and started to say, “I wish you had not done…” but stopped.

I don’t mind saying we were especially raw that fist month, it was as if we were re-learning life and even how to live together after 35 years of marriage.  There was obviously a lot of things we did wrong as we went through the process we had been thrust into.

Months before, in one of our attempts to blunt the terror of the stalking, invasion of privacy – and let’s not forget the Garfield Sheriffs Department’s notion that all this was misdemeanor trespassing for far, far too long.  So in one of our attempts to possibly make Morgan feel safer Steve thought of a simple wireless door bell.  It consisted of a normal looking door bell button meant to be placed at your door and a “receiver” that plugged in and chimed whenever the button was pressed.  The button was attached to Morgan’s nightstand, the side she always slept on naturally.  And the receiver that chimed was in our room, right by our bed.

More than once Morgan had pressed the panic button that sent Steve running for her room.  Morgan really did not like to ever feel like she was giving in to her tormentor, that he was dictating her life in any way.  Morgan was completely against moving and even now, knowing more of the pros and cons, I’m not sure what the right thing to do is.  But that button that summoned daddy was quietly accepted, and Steve felt it did help her feel safe, even though we all know she was not, really.

There it was now, right on top of the hutch, just picked up off the floor by me, found in a rather unique place, far from where it had been mounted, and under a few pieces of clothing – her panic button.  I don’t even remember a thought coming at the instant I found it.  Later, much later, I was certain that whoever was in her room that fateful night, had torn it from her nightstand, and hid it where I found it.  When I think back on it now, that instant was like your mind denying to realize certain things that it should, sort of akin to aspects of shock.

An excellent investigator, (not a Garfield County Sheriff’s officer), who slowly had me recall events once, suggested that it could also have been done earlier, perhaps that day, or even the day before.  One thing is quite sure – Morgan is not the person who removed that button from her nightstand.

In a perfect world, the investigators would have found it during the “investigation” of Morgan’s death scene (how I hate that phrase), they would have been wearing gloves of course, and booties to prevent contamination of the scene. It would have been carefully placed in an evidence bag and Steve and I would have seen it sometime later, when we were not in complete shock, and finally able to think clearly.  I would have said, “that look’s like Morgan’s panic button, was that on her nightstand?” Or something like that, and the fact that her panic button had been torn from her nightstand would be established as a… clue.

But Steve and I do not live in a perfect world, far from it.  It was instead found in a unique place, under a few pieces of clothing.  It was found by me, and the facts passed along to the Detectives, the answer, other than to completely discount the event as having any importance, I don’t remember exactly.  Just like the crack completely down one side of the rain gutter centered right over Morgan’s window.  Or the blade from the animal skin scrapping blade company found out in the yard, at the base of the tree that would have been used to climb down from the roof.  Those were of no importance either.

Actually, why hold back, the entire stalking by Keenan VanGinkel, 100% certain of his identity at one point, had nothing to do with her death either, no connection at all.

As for her death scene, in the world in which we lived, it’s safe to say a few things that seemed important to me.  Items and events that I have a very hard time explaining as anything but proof positive the someone or even more than one were in Morgan’s room the night she died.  Clues.  Were not viewed with the same importance as Steve and I found in them.  Today, I feel that the investigation that day was completely lacking at the very best and most generous I can be.  Perhaps that is why the Honorable DA terms Morgan’s death scene investigation as “So Thoroughly  Botched,” by the Garfield Sheriff’s Department.

I could maybe understand this if there were items and events that were clues to me, and Steve, who are not investigators, but then every other investigator agreed with the Garfield Sheriff’s office… maybe then I would understand.  But in a chilling replay for me, every person who is a qualified investigator in their own right has been completely shocked at facets of the investigation that did take place and evidence they feel had to be “investigated to the very end”, that was instead completely dismissed at first blush.  But over a year and a half later that is how it has shaped up, over and over again.  Until the Sheriff himself stood on the evening news and declared he would never open this investigation.

I wish there was a way to look up in the sky and explain this all to my daughter, but there is not.  At least not any that I have been able to find.  I know she wants me to help other victims of stalking prevail over their tormentors, and I want justice for my daughter, and this is just another reason that will help to drive me on forever.

I hope people understand what I meant during the first year after Morgan’s murder when I said, I don’t know exactly how she was murdered, but things do not add up for me.”  And now I know they didn’t add up for quite a lot of people besides me.  Now after all this time Steve and I have been able to find the missing pieces that I didn’t know in the beginning but have become very clear now.  We know Morgan was murdered, we know who did it, and we will continue our quest for justice until the day it happens for Morgan.  All we want is to have a law enforcement agency open her case, do a thorough investigation, as in find out where their prime suspect lives and visit him there, at least once.  I do not think Morgan ever did anything to warrant being swept under the rug as she has been.  An investigation into her sudden, unexplained death after four months of stalking…not much to ask.

How could PJ’s just disappear?


There are the choices you have, and the choices that are made for you.  When Steve and I need a room painted, or some gardening done we do it ourselves. But what about all the others who hire someone for the task?  It is always nice to have at least one glowing recommendation before you hand over the job.  And what about a babysitter?  Someone trustworthy, and competent enough to watch your most precious youngster in your absence.  That requires far more looking into than the painter or gardener, doesn’t it?  Can’t be too safe with a decision like that.

Then comes a decision you would have never thought you would have to make, and you quietly find out it is not your decision at all, it is made for you, with no discussion or input from you at all.  Our daughter was dead, and people I had never met were streaming in to our home, I could have assumed whatever I wanted about these people, but in reality I knew nothing, nothing at all about their qualifications to do what they were about to do – this at a time when their actions will easily have a profound effect on the rest of our life.

A long time law enforcement investigator in this valley explained his feelings, and knowledge of Morgan’s death scene investigation.  He felt that when limited to just the local talent in this County there was no way Morgan would have a “microscopic” investigation.  Which basically means things would have been missed.  Perhaps a tiny piece of evidence that could have set the wheels in motion to apprehend Morgan’s killer, as I see so often on crime TV, that would not happen and that evidence would go uncollected, and forever lost.

The obvious becomes that I never had the choice, the decision was made for me, as well as Steve, Morgan’s brother and sister, and of course Morgan, that she did not need to have microscopic evidence collected.  OK, so they do not have the expertise, or capability to collect really tiny pieces of evidence, but what about the larger, more obvious pieces of evidence?  Or what about things that should be there, but are missing, and don’t even require collection at all, just a report on the missing item(s), what about those?

Steve talked to Morgan before she went to sleep, and she was dressed in PJ’s as she always was, to sleep in.  He remembers the PJ’s and we have talked about them with investigators many times, just never an investigator from Garfield County.  We might have told them about this problem, but an effort was never made to determine exactly what she was wearing when she went to sleep.

In the importance of little things that don’t add up Morgan was wearing PJ’s when Steve last saw her, and street clothes in the morning after she was dead.  Now she could have changed at some time on her own, so the real unexplained problem is what happened to her PJ’s?  They were not to be found when we packed up the room.  It is a big item to be missing, and to be completely overlooked.  This goes way beyond the microscopic aspect.  I’m not sure what exactly to call it, but if there were PJ’s the night before that she was wearing, and after her death there were none, how did they get out of her room?  And who took them?  And why?  Three questions that could be answered, should be answered, but never were answered.

There was a period of time that Steve thought, just because it made sense to him in the context of an investigation, that her PJ’s were collected as evidence, and the contracted pathologist or the Coroner had them.  It was something I didn’t question, that is how our minds worked in the shock, and grief of what had just happened.  We are parents – not investigators and the “investigators” should have asked.

I was however, very strong in my conviction that Morgan looked staged, and I told the officers at the time, she was posed in a position I would never have found her in.  If I place myself into the position I found her in – it is uncomfortable, it is not a position I would ever sleep in.  Plus she was on the opposite side of the bed from which she always slept.  All little things that should be in the Sheriff’s reports (like her PJ’s) are not in any of the Sheriffs reports, and I have not been able to find them yet in any reports.  No evidence collection required, not microscopic or otherwise, just notes.

Steve’s memory of her position seems a little less razor-sharp than mine is.  But he remembers vividly being focused on signs of life, a twitch, an eyelid flutter, he was administering CPR from the instant he could not get a response from her, and felt she was not breathing.  So it’s natural that I feel that his memory focus would be different from mine, because he was focusing on different things than I was.

At the time we did not really want to focus on anything, we just wanted to get through this somehow, someway, with little discussion Steve and I assured each other that certainly the Sheriffs were focusing on all these little things that came to nag at us.  I would never have imagined that where we assumed there was something there was nothing.  No focusing at all.  How is that possible in a “suspicious death?”  A death that was also labeled, “a mystery,“ on the day Morgan was found, a death that required an autopsy, and after four months of stalking that was conjectured to become, “more intense,” just two days before her death by the stalking case detective, with no reason given.  And no, I did not ask, because at that second in time I was quite taken aback to hear this, and wondering what it meant for the investigation now that the Detectives were 100% sure it was Keenan VanGinkel who was responsible for the stalking of Morgan.

All this still leaves missing PJ’s, and we all know they can’t just disappear, not without help from someone.  They were never spoken of after that morning, officially that is.  When you have a “suspicious death,” and then articles of clothing worn, when the victim was last seen, are now completely gone – I believe you have a big problem, a big clue, that has to be explained.

Because then the issue of how did she get into street clothes goes from a possibility that Morgan changed at night in response to sounds outside, to possibilities far more sinister.  And the actions of the death scene detectives become far more important.

Over time, as the evidence was looked at again by other professionals, some perhaps for the first time, it becomes all so important that way back on day one when they had the chance to collect all the evidence they wanted to, that they chose to collect none.  I believe they absolutely had a duty to collect evidence, or stand aside and let someone capable of doing it to take over, but they did not. If they were not capable they should have called in the very capable State agency, the CBI that morning – it was an option they did not choose.

This morning on my drive I was passed by a Colorado State Trooper.  On the back of his patrol car were two brief sayings, one on each side – “Honor to Serve,” and, “Duty to Protect.”  As chance would have it I also was passed by a Garfield Sheriffs SUV a bit later – it had no saying printed on the back, nothing.

I know it’s just words printed on the back of a car, but to me it makes a difference that two little promises are printed on the back of the State Troopers, they see them, they know what it says back there, and oh how I wish Morgan had been blessed with a little more “Honor to Serve,” and “Duty to Protect.”

And if anyone is wondering about yesterday – my Mother’s Day was beautiful, thanks to my family, friends, and my children – all of my children…