Another Victim of Stalking Using Her Voice…

So proud of Megann.  She has endured a horrific stalking, which has caused her to seek shelter in a safe house more than once.  The following article that she posted with her local newspaper was in an effort to warn others about the seriousness of stalkers, and to raise awareness in her community.  I encouraged Megann to write to the newspaper in order to get her story out, as well as a way of helping other victims as well.

Megann has had protection orders against her stalker that have been broken.  She has been to court many times.  She is a fighter, and yet her stalking has continued.  Please read the article below.  I believe if we all use our voices and tell our stories change will ultimately happen.  So say it loud and say it clear – and people will hear you.

Letter: The horror of stalking

Bullies And Stalkers…


Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict.

Sounds to me like a person that is a bully can easily make the transition to becoming a stalker.

Below is a link to a resource that brings the dangers of bullying to the public’s attention. This is a good resource for your community. I’ve included a link to their bullying awareness and prevention guide:

Educating ourselves about these things really does help, not only in expanding our awareness, but gives us good lessons in our ever-evolving pursuit to keep our children safe in this society.