Who Polices the Police?

whowillprotectfrompolice copyAnother Colorado case that has been treated the same way as our daughter Morgan’s case.  The police and sheriffs departments in Colorado need accountability and right now that does not exist.  If law enforcement is allowed to repress and cover up the facts in a capital crime this is a problem for the whole state of Colorado.  There needs to be accountability.  There needs to be transparency and checks and balances, which at this time Colorado does not have.  Who in Colorado is responsible to make sure corruption does not go unchecked in Colorado?

This article is talking about the Kelsie Schelling case in Pueblo, CO.  http://southerncoloradoindependent.com/who-polices-police/

The article states that police officers say that the “higher ups” including Chief Velez and two of three top commanders including MacLaughlan, who publicly misreported facts about the Kelsie Schelling case, and Troy Davenport are causing so much trouble that its humiliating for those just trying to do their jobs.  This is what I have been trying to convey to people about Morgan’s case as well – when things like this happen within a department the good officers suffer because of the deeds of the bad officers.  The public loses faith in law enforcement, then there is less communication between the public and law enforcement, the trust is eroded and the job of law enforcement becomes all that much harder and dangerous for the good officers.  Public trust is imperative so Colorado needs to care about what is going on in these small rural counties and cities!

Quote from the article, “The machine is broken which accommodates corruption,” said a local citizen to Paulson. “It’s not even about the people in the department although some are causing more trouble than others. The machine needs to be corrected with more checks and balances.”

Let us all be aware of what is happening and let us all be a part of the solution to correct and mend the broken parts of the system.

6 thoughts on “Who Polices the Police?

  1. Toni, I have been reading your blog(and tons of other stuff) since the episode aired last week. I feel like I could write a novel to you and still not say everything I wanted or convey how wonderful of a person/mother/advocate/angel that I truly believe you are. So I simply want to say this one thing…I believe you! I believe everything you have said. I believe everything Morgan said, went through, experienced. I don’t think for a second you are a overprotective mother that can’t “let go”. I believe you!!!! and I believe Morgan was stalked for 4 months and then murdered in her own bedroom on December 2nd 2011. I know you will never give up and one day you will succeed in getting justice for your beautiful daughter who was robbed of the beautiful life she was living. Toni, I’m proud of you, As I’m sure so many others are too. Keep doing what you’re doing and justice will prevail! Morgan, you, Steve, and everyone else effected by this senseless crime are in my thoughts and prayers daily…I promise you that! ❤️

    • Ashlee – I want you to know that your words caused me to cry (with happiness). It’s so hard sometimes because in my heart I know I am doing what needs to be done for Morgan as well as all other victims of stalking, but sometimes it gets to be hard. So hearing the way to wrote your words of support just lifted my heart, and I want to thank you. You have given me another little “push” in order to keep going. Air hugs to you!

      • You’re so very welcome. I
        Guess out of everything I could think of to say after almost a week of reading, I just thought you maybe needed to hear that the most right now. I know it has to be tiresome repeating yourself so
        often and defending everything that should be clear as day to anyone paying attention. You are Morgan’s voice now, and what great job you are doing!! I look forward to experiencing with you everything positive and good that is headed your family’s way!

    • Toni, I BELIEVE YOU too! Ashlee what you wrote is what I feel also. I can’t stop thinking about this tragedy, and I pray that justice for Morgan will happen soon.

  2. I wanted to ask something of everyone as of today, “Do you know who is supposed to police the police if they are doing something illegal or very, very wrong?” I don’t think there are any checks and balances in Colorado and so there is no one there that has been able (yet) to police the police so far. They have been able to sit back and repress the evidence in Morgan’s murder, and from what I can see now it is in other murders as well. So if anyone has an idea about who in Colorado should be able to or is responsible to police the police and make sure that the laws are upheld please let me know…I would be very interested in hearing what you have to say. Thanks!

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