She will not fail…because she will not give up!

askbelievereceive-nightlight-200x200The following was an email I received through this website just the other day.  As I was reading it I started to cry as it touched my very soul.  When I hear this it gives me the strength and fortitude to keep on fighting for justice for Morgan…the truth is ever present and I have to believe there are people in positions of authority in Colorado that want to allow that truth to be heard.  Change will come.

Hi Mr. and Mrs. Ingram, 

I first learned of your case from the episode of Suspicion on the ID Channel a couple weeks ago. Since then I have read your blog from start to finish. I don’t normally follow up on shows I see on the ID Channel, but I couldn’t get this out of my mind. I have never felt so angry or heartbroken for people I have never met. My heart absolutely aches for your family, and for Morgan herself. I wish I could help in some capacity–not sure what I could do from here, but if you think of anything, please let me know!  I just wanted to reach out to you and tell you that I am so sorry for what happened to your family, and that I truly believe that you WILL get justice. You are both so brave and so much more even-keeled than I would be in that situation. I admire your strength and fortitude so much! 

Morgan sounds like a tremendous person, and through your writing, I almost feel like I knew her. We have a lot in common, from taste in music to writing to a deep love for animals, but more importantly,  Morgan seems like the type of person we should all aspire to be– So giving and loving and joyful. Coincidentally, my best friend’s name is also Morgan, and she is my “soul mate,” and I chuckled to read that your Morgan also used that term with her friends. 

Also like Morgan, I was stalked when I was 20. Thankfully it was short-lived. While it did last, it was frightening, and the fear never leaves you, as I’m sure you know. 

Additionally, I have PTSD and severe depression from childhood trauma and while I am currently in therapy, it’s hard, and many days I am sorry to say I rue the day I was born… I only mention this because I thought you might like to know that now, after I have read your blog and all about how much Morgan loved life and took such joy in even the smallest things, I now realize how incredibly LUCKY I am just to be here, and Morgan has inspired me to try harder to enjoy the little things and appreciate every moment, and be grateful for it all, even the difficult things. So I thank you for sharing your story, because it has helped me see things so differently. I will try to live each day now with gratitude and simple joy like Morgan did. That’s my goal. So even though she is sadly no longer here, I hope you can take some comfort in knowing she is still helping people.

I also noticed that you post quotes quite often, and being very into quotes myself, I thought I would share some with you that seemed pertinent; I hope you like them and feel free to use them in your blog or whatever! I hope you get justice sooner rather than later, but however long it takes, I know that good will overcome evil. My husband and I are praying for you all, and I have shared your blog with my family and friends! If there is anything else I can do, I would love to help in some way. 

Here are the quotes and why they reminded me of your journey: 

“God is within her; she will not fail.” Psalm 46:5 (This one reminded me of your quest for justice for Morgan and your crusade to help all victims)

“Write hard and clear about what hurts.” -Ernest Hemingway (You’ve certainly done that, in a profound way.)

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” -Gloria Steinem (The outrage you and your supporters feel is fuel to the cause!)

The last one I don’t have a source for, but it reminds me of the one you cited from the Aspen newspaper (“If you don’t want it printed, don’t let it happen” I think it was), and I think it applies so well to the perpetrators:

“You own everything that has happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should’ve behaved better.” 

God bless you and your whole family.

5 thoughts on “She will not fail…because she will not give up!

  1. I just learned about this horrific and terrifying case and I am so so sorry for everything you have gone through, I know all too well about the police and their mishandling and failure to investigate serious crimes, I was fighting for four years to put a very dangerous prolific child rapist and abuser in prison, but he was a celebrity so all the police forces I went to protected him and failed to investigate even when given horrific evidence by me. I haven’t had chance to read all of these blog entries but I began reading yesterday and was living the nightmare with you as you went through it day by day, and so many things have jumped out and I’m only a month in. I know that you know and everyone else knows that it was this KV creep, I have that gut wrenching instinct I always get and all the evidence points to him so why the hell haven’t the police arrested him??? I googled him and found this other blog, I’m sure you know about it but I’m not sure you know about this shocking post I did suspect that there was a rape, but I shut that gut feeling out of my mind because I could not believe that if this was the case that the coroner and police would not treat it as was it was. I am even more shocked by this outrageous lack of investigation and lazy ruling by the coroner now, though I hope with all my heart I am wrong about all my gut feelings about the circumstances and that these “psychics” are also wrong. My heart goes out to you, I feel your desperation <3

    • Thank you so much for your heartfelt words of support. The system is very flawed but just like you I will continue to fight for changes, children as well as all human beings deserve justice and sometimes justice is a fight that wears you down but you can never give up. There are some great law enforcement officers out there that are deserving of our trust, but there are also some that should not wear the badge. The bad ones make it so much worse for the good ones because of the loss of trust by the public. The link you sent I have not seen or read…I try very hard to stay away from any drama on the Internet because it does not help me emotionally. It only tends to distract me from my true job which is getting justice for Morgan and all others that no longer have a voice. Please take care of yourself and keep fighting the good fight. Children need us adults to protect them from the evil sick predators that are out there.

      • You are so right Toni, there are good officers though sadly there seems to be more bad just in the job because it’s a pay cheque at the end of the month and not putting their heart and soul into actually doing their job. The system all over the world is corrupt and too many people are protected who shouldn’t be because of people they know or other sinister reasons and I do wonder if these suspects are also being protected for that reason, that they or their family are connected to someone high up?? I’m in the UK and I’m sure you’ve read about all the corruption and coverups here involving paedophiles in the government and celebrities, that’s what I’m dealing with, have been for years, but yes absolutely I continue to fight for changes, I won’t stop or rest til these changes happen and investigations are done properly. Even though I put this evil man away in prison for 35yrs and two female accomplices for 17 and 14yrs, it is not over. I was put on trial for exposing police failings, I was set up on false charges by the Police for exposing the truth, but I was rightfully acquitted, and I will never stop. Keep fighting, you have truth on your side xx

        • What an amazing story Joanne! You are a warrior and I am honored that you have contacted me. I always get that “chill” up my spine when I know what the right thing is, and when in comes to the truth you are so right it makes the fight worth it…the truth is always the truth no matter how much others try to bend and destroy it. Good luck my friend!

          • Thank you Toni same to you. I only wish the British media wasn’t too scared and ruled by these same paedophile rings and would show the full truth. I have been plastered all over the media and press but sadly details have been left out and I need to get the full truth out that is hidden from the public. I wish you well and hope one day you have peace xx

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