Lady Justice…We are getting ready to begin another round of seeking justice for Morgan

I still believe in Justice – it has almost been 10 years and we are not giving up. We have the evidence, we have the truth on our side, and we will NEVER give up until Morgan’s murder is investigated, and those involved are found guilty. It won’t bring Morgan back, and it will not give us closure, BUT it will give her family, her friends, her community and the whole world hope again…hope that against all odds, and pressures from those who choose to turn a blind eye to the evidence, justice can still prevail.

Lady Justice, a blindfolded woman carrying a sword and a set of scales, is a common symbol on courthouses in America and inside some court rooms. She symbolizes fair and equal administration of the law, without corruption, favor, greed, or prejudice.

Lady Justice originates from the personification of Justice in Ancient Roman art known as Iustitia or Justitia after Latin: Iustitia, who is equivalent to the Greek goddesses Themis and Dike.” 

The blindfold represents objectivity and impartiality, that justice should be meted out without fear or favor, regardless of money, wealth, or power.

She holds scales to represent the weighing of evidence, evidence must be weighed on its own merit.

The sword represents punishment, signifying that justice can be swift and final. She holds the sword below the scales to show that evidence weighted on its merit in a court of law come before punishment.

The snake under her foot represents evil, and lies, and the book is the law, the constitution from which justice is administered.