Life Along the Road to Justice for Morgan

So much of what happens in Morgan’s story of her stalking and murder happens behind the scenes.  While I understand the need for that, what mother who lost her child could not have such an ever growing anger with it all the same, I have wanted to let it all out as I learned about every fact, every piece of evidence, but I also felt that only law enforcement should know and act upon it.  The always present fact that, “only the murderer could know.”

Morgan was up front with the world, as anyone who knew her at all knows all too well.  Guessing where Morgan was coming from, or how she felt was not a part of her make-up.  That on top of her stalking, and then being robbed of her life, of everything she held for the world, and that it has become such a fight to bring any detail to the light of day is beyond wrong.  At what point does the incompetence, and lack of investigation cross into beyond incompetence, beyond not caring, and even sinister?  This is for others with the investigative power to question, and hold accountable the “authorities,” acting under “the color of law.”

I perhaps was forced to chew on my inner lip in silence for far too long when the wonderful writer that did an interview for Yahoo about Morgan long ago asked me for an update.  I just answered with facts that are now known and should be shared.  And I now feel a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

What happened to Morgan the four months of her stalking, the night of her murder, as well as the attempts of others to pretend that it never happened will never really sit right with me, so I want to share the interview with you all, with some of its new, and so horribly painful facts about Morgans death.  My last real blog about her case reached 300,000 of caring readers in the week that it came out, and for all of you who I feel share Morgan’s story for the good it can bring, BRAVO, she would want you to know how much she loves you, each and every one or you, and I want to heap onto that how much your support means to Steve and I – we would not have the strength to continue on without all your support.

Please read the interview or copy and paste this into your browser – Exclusive Interview with Toni Ingram, a mother with a voice and a message
and share it with others you know, especially anyone who might be experiencing stalking and is in need of help – people need to know stalking is serious and can have deadly outcomes.

And so many thanks to Sarah Afshar for all of her unending support and love for such a beautiful young woman that she was never able to meet, but has come to know so well.