September 16, 2011 – Day 46 of Morgan’s Stalking

MJ thinking

Morgan Jennifer, deep in thought

Morgan was so upset in the morning. I kept asking her about the car that followed her, if she had any more details that she could remember.  She said she remembers the silhouette of a small car, couldn’t tell what color, she remembered the outline of a male driving, and female in the passenger seat. By the time she drove into the CMC parking lot all she wanted to do was see which way they were going so she could take off in the opposite direction.  Which is what she did, driving onto Highway 133, the closest thing to a busy street there is in Carbondale.  I kept asking her questions and she blew, sarcastically screaming that of course she should have stopped, and snapped a picture with her iPhone, but she didn’t, she just thought about getting away!  Morgan had done the right thing, but being followed was very scary for her and rightly so.

Ironically, Elliott from across the street calls me, and wonders how it’s been.  I told him immediately about Morgan being followed the night before.  Elliott tells me that he just heard from Brooke’s mom that Keenan had been gone hunting, but now he is now back.  I pause and shake my head, there is this fear of everything, and anything, whether I like to admit it or not, that had become a part of my life then.  Elliott was talking about Keenan, and I was wondering if I could trust Elliott.  If I said something, would it go right back to Brooke’s mom, and then to you know who?  There is nothing good about feeling like that, but I do not tell Elliott that it had been quiet for days.  I wanted to ask him when he left, but he had to get off the phone so I didn’t do that either.

We had been told that Morgan’s case was finally being assigned to a detective, that it would be a few days before we would get a call from him.  I made a note in my dayrunner to ask the detective if he could find out what days Keenan had been gone on his trip.  I circled it in red.  Couldn’t imagine what Morgan had felt like in the car.  Everyone had a different idea. Drive home, don’t go home, drive to the police station, no it was night time and they could all be out on patrol.  Last night in bed Steve and I had walked through every combination and every single one had a glitch in it.  There was never a, “Oh that’s perfect, I’ll tell Morgan that in the morning, she’ll be so relieved.”

That afternoon when Steve came home we went straight to the next order of business.  A restraining order.  It was being suggested more, and more, and maybe it was just me but I grew up in Los Angeles and had watched restraining orders fail in the most horrific ways.  As in gunned down in a parking structure the next day, dead.  But Steve was right we had to do more, I just wasn’t comfortable with this solution.

Steve had one prevailing thought.  What if we had one long shot chance of catching him, detaining him, or positively identifying him in the yard.  With no restraining order, what if he said he was retrieving his tennis ball, and tada! it all became nothing?  With a restraining order it is a felony.  There is a difference.  We wrestled with the pros and cons for quite a while and ended with the decision to defer to the detective.   He would be assigned any day and we would get his input, and allow that to tip the scales.

That night Morgan and I went to do a Pathfinders volunteer call.  A mother had cancer and it was her birthday and anniversay.  She had 2 young boys and needed a babysitter so she could go out with her husband for a few hours to celebrate.  Morgan and I played with her children, while she and her husband went to dinner and a movie.  I had a wonderful time with Morgan.  She loved children, and they always sensed something special in her.  We played little games and stayed with them until their parents came home.  Then Morgan and I drove home together and talked in the car…only about kids and happy things, not about the stalker.

Just before we got home Morgan said she wished that since it was so late and we were coming home from Aspen that the stalker would have already given up for the night and leave her alone.  And this night, her wish was answered.  We had a quiet night.

(Police reports later show the “suspect” was not working the evening of 9.16.2011)

Click here to read about the 47th day of Morgan’s stalking

62 thoughts on “September 16, 2011 – Day 46 of Morgan’s Stalking

  1. Toni, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I hope the case gets re-opened. If they did nothing wrong, they should’nt have a problem, right? I can watch crime tv all day long….there are many cases of the police and examiners messing us.

  2. I know that’s what I feel too…when I make a mistake, and we are all human and we all make mistakes, I just try to always own up to it and apologize and do the right thing, I guess for some people maybe it’s harder than for others, or maybe you are afraid of losing your job???? I guess you never quite know what motivates others to do the things they do.

  3. I have spent the afternoon reading your blog. Your daughter was so beautiful and precious and it breaks my heart that her life was ended way too soon. I cannot imagine the pain that fills your life without her. I have 2 girls, one is 3 and one is 3 months. The idea of them not being here is a fear I cannot fathom. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers and I hope that someday they catch this monster. For everyone’s sake, especially Morgan. You are an amazing woman and mother. I know through all of this you will help many others. Much love to you.

    • Carmel that you so much for your sweet thoughts. I couldn’t do this without Steve and I don’t think he could do it without me…Morgan used to look at us and say, “You guys are so cute together”, now I think she knew we are so strong together. Thanks again.

    • Was E married? He was very close to this ?’s mom girl – I feel like he is also very quick to throw Keenan under the bus. Something tells me they were in on it together.

      • Isn’t ?’s mom, ?’s mom? Didn’t ? live with ?’s dad who moved into the neighborhood when they separated? Very interesting…

        • Yes ?’s parents separated and then I assumed they divorced they lived apart, but only 3 houses down from each other, and it is very interesting. And after he moved then ? moved in with him.

        • Holy moly. One look at him and I was creeped out. Did it or not, he’s not someone I’d choose to be around, or want around. Something in his eyes…MY mama gut would do everything I could to stay away from him…and I’m a pretty good judge of character.

      • Yes, he is married. It is so strange thinking back now on the relationships, and knowing what was said at the time…it could go either way, but it does sound suspicious even to me.

    • I agree! The things he does and says just don’t “feel” right. It almost seems as if he is enjoying the drama.

      • Enjoying the drama – could be. Just like me he worked from home and his office was in the front of the house so he could look out and see what was happening on the street

    • Weird? I just think there was something more to it – I think he was being used as a channel and knew more then he was telling.

  4. Why have the police not reopened this? If its about money can we not raise money to fund the investigation? You deserve the peace of mind! And the community, I’m sure, would also appreciate this monster off the streets and out of this valley!

    • A private investigator is one of the things we are trying to raise money for along with other things to raise awareness for others + much more. Our goal is still, justice for Morgan, raise awareness, empower stalking victims, changing law enforcement protocol and ultimately changing laws to protect the victims. At the bottom of each blog – to the right of the fb & twitter buttons is a donate button that brings you to the donate page on the website. Thanks for asking.

  5. I’m not sure if anyone else has suggested this but have you ever had Morgan’s phone checked for a tracking program? There are many programs that take only seconds to install that allow the installer to read and texts that are sent and received. Typically these programs cause the phone to act a bit wonky. It may explain how the stalker new of her comings and goings and may even be traceable.

    • We did check on her phone and our phone bill for anything out of the ordinary but I have now found someone else that wants to look at her phone to see if they can detect something. They took the phone the morning her body was found, along with her camera, iPod and computer and after copying everything they gave those items back to us but I have no idea if LE ever checked her phone.

      • If there is a cover up going on in Garfield County, I doubt there is anything relevant left on any of the seized items. Time to place a call out to the public for the smartest techno geeks in the country! Since everything else LE has done so far has been sloppy, I feel there must be some technologically savvy person out there that can potentially recover any lost data from these devices and the power of this blog just might be the platform that can make it happen!

        • I agree with you – I hope someone can find out and I will blog about it sometime soon…thanks so much!

  6. I agree. why would he think Morgan would want to come to his house for protection when she had a father? Why would he want to endanger his daughters (that he was so concerned about protecting) by bringing Morgan into his home and possibly drawing the stalker’s attention their way? And why would he still leave a spare key outside after he found out about this? Also, his familiarity with the goings-on of the family down the street is strange. He knows everything about the teens coming/going, their cars, who moved in and out? Kinda like the stalker knew Morgan’s every move. He even knew that Matt, the stranger asking for the extension cord, was not a new tenant in the corner house or the brother of the person who did live there. BTW, did the police look into Matt? And a few people have asked but I didn’t see a reply yet…was E married? How often did E contact you before, compared to after, you shared the info with him about the stalker? Praying for justice.

    • Good points…I do not believe LE looked in to Matt but Matt’s body style really didn’t fit the stalker’s body style. E was married, E started to contact me almost every time the Sheriff’s left my house while this was going on and the morning Morgan died was the 2nd to the last time he ever contacted me.

      • Come on! Don’t you find everything your saying about E strange?!? I don’t know the motive or the truth of what happened but my guy feeling says E is a big part of the problem and stalking.

  7. I just have a question about the elavil Morgan was taking two years ago… what was she taking it for? (re: what medical condition)

    Was it for depression or something else?

      • You’re right it was for migraines, and then also for a sharp stomach pain that occurred very infrequently.

    • Morgan NEVER took elavil for depression, as has been reported. She took it specifically as a prophylaxis (preventative measure) for migraine headaches, and a sharp stomach pain. No anatomical reasons were ever found for these symptoms so she was prescribed a low dose of elavil (10mg), which helped. It was later increased to 25mg at the same time another medication was being discontinued. Morgan never liked the fact that she was taking prescription medications continually with no end in sight, and about two years before her murder she stopped taking elavil completely and never took it again. Morgan had NOT had a prescription for years, and had not had a prescription filled by our pharmacy since the time she stopped taking it. The first Forensic Pathologist honestly was on a phone call discussing how he could not change from natural causes with me and calmly said Morgan was taking Amitriptyline (elavil, WHICH SHE WAS NOT), for her porphyria (WHICH SHE DID NOT HAVE). So how can a person so uninformed about Morgan Ingram be in any position to render an opinion about Morgan Ingram? It was on this phone call that I was threatened by this Pathologist that if I continued fighting the natural causes he would have to look into suicide or accidental overdose, but he couldn’t because he did not find any pills or remnants in her stomach at the time of autopsy. Now to BE ABSOLUTELY CLEAR I have advised everyone involved that she did not take Amitriptyline, and I advised the Sheriffs Detectives in person that I was threatened by the doctor long before he actually carried through on his threat. But have no fear, I’ve been assured by experts I have great trust in, that tests exist, which can correct all of these errors for Morgan, but it will take time, and as everyone knows, time works against Morgan in the pursuit of justice. I’ve just realized I got a little carried away with this, sorry, but I wonder, would you mind if your question and my answer were to become a Blog Post?

      • I didn’t post any of these questions, but have some questions and thoughts to share.
        Where did the pathologist get this information?
        Have you seen all of the procedural documents associated with the autopsy performed in Mesa County? I urge you to see if a Psychological Autopsy Worksheet was completed. You are entitled to all of these records as well as copies of every report taken at your home. If you’re not strong enough to do this at this time, have a family member or friend do it.

        • They have given us nothing but the PER and lab results – I have asked some questions about if her clothing was tested (never received an answer), and why did they not check for other things in her blood like poisons or other drugs and I was told over the phone by Dr. Kurtzman that they only do the standard tox screen and it is too expensive to run other tests if they don’t have something specific that they know they should be looking for.

          What you suggest I didn’t even know we could ask for, but we will – thank you so very much!!!

          • There are numerous checklists that are compiled into the final report. These documents are scanned and become part of a digital record.
            I’m including a link for the Mesa County Coroners Standard Operating Guidelines. It has a very detailed section on reports and records.


            Go in person and know before you go.

            Familiarize yourself with the policies and procedures before you request copies of any reports and/or digital files. Be ready to counter with ‘but your policy I found on the county/city website says this’ if your request is ignored.


      • I would love for you to do an entire blog post on this! 🙂 And thank you for your answer. This is what I figured as well. Do you think the stalker was able to snoop in your medicine cabinets when he or she broke into your house? Also, do you have any ideas on why, if the stalker wanted to kill Morgan, why he would do so with these medications? Something seems to be niggling at me… like he wanted to make her think she was going crazy and then killed her in the same sort of manner (to make it look like it was in her mind vs the stalker…his mistake was the flexeril). The MO is the same in her death as the stalking itself.. that no one believes her.. that it is “her” if you will… Sorry if that did not come out the way I intended it to.

        ps, have you looked at the half lives of flexeril and elavil? She would have to have been given this stuff between noon and nine pm-ish for that high of a level in my opinion.

        • we did look into the half lives and here is the thing when she drove home around 9:00 pm that night and I saw her and then her dad had a long really nice talk with her she was her normal self – very articulate, happy, nothing weird and if she had that level of those drugs in her body there would have been signs – it took us a long time for our hearts and minds to believe someone was in her room while we were in the other end of our house that night…it hurt too much, but when we started to look at the evidence we knew it was the truth.

        • “Also, do you have any ideas on why, if the stalker wanted to kill Morgan, why he would do so with these medications?”

          I also asked this question, and the answer I now believe was that death was probably not the intended result of the drugging. Most likely Morgan’s incapacitation was what was desired.

          • I believe you are very close to what might have been the planned outcome, but it was way too much for her to live through – I can’t stand to think of what this monster wanted to do to her when she was incapacitated.

  8. I’m sorry, but how has no one looked into E as a possible suspect? Am I the only one that sees the classic warning signs in his behavior??

    • I did too at one point but no one else agreed with me at that time, and maybe I was wrong and he was acting the way he was acting for different reasons I have no idea…

  9. Anonymous he would be on my suspect list as well as anyone who frequented or worked at the horse farm that might have accessed these meds since both meds are also used on horses.

  10. As far as I know Morgan’s felony stalking detective went over to E’s house to interview him, after we moved out of the neighborhood and found that E had moved his whole family and was gone and no one knew where he moved to…as far as if they ever tried to find him to ask questions I do not know the answer to that question but I greatly doubt it.

  11. HI Ingram family. I just finished reading the blog. I’ve no head for investigative things of any sorts,but I do have a 2 year old daughter. I just wanted to share my thoughts and prayers with you. I hope that her stalker/killer (as I feel it’s the same person from reading the accounts) is caught soon and justice served.I wanted to share that it has made me more aware of stalking, as it wasn’t something I had given too much thought to prior to this. My heart breaks for you, Tina, as a mom. I cannot imagine your pain, but I commend you on the blog. You are fighting this man and not stopping. I feel I would do the same. Please don’t stop. I feel like you’re fighting for my daughter as well as your own.
    One thing I have learned in my life, and that my dad (an avid hunter all his life) has stressed upon me is to never doubt your gut. You feel it there, it’s 99% accurate so you follow it. Please, trust your gut. Your mom-gut never lies.

    • Well unfortunately until an investigation is open – which our Sheriff Lou Vallario said on CBS that it would never be reopened, then I don’t know how anyone could be a suspect.

  12. My heart aches for you and your family as I read this. I am so sorry for your loss and the lack of resolution that you are getting. Last night as I finished reading it occurred to me that the person who is responsible for your daughters untimely death is probably reading your post to relive what he did and it makes me sick. I understand why you are posting this blog and I truly believe it will help to save someones life but I wonder if there is anyway to trace IP addresses with your suspect list. I know everything is not as it seems in the movies but they (the police) recently did this with a ring of known pedophiles in my area and caught over 50 people just though a website chat room and linking IP addresses. I truly believe in my heart this sick person is absolutely using this blog as a trophy for his horrific act and it could be used as a weapon against him.

  13. Dear Mrs. Ingram,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. You raised a beautiful, sweet, and intelligent daughter. How our world needs more people like Morgan. I’m outraged how Morgan’s stalking case was handled or lack thereof. How shameful! All I can think about is What happened to protecting Morgan? What are Morgan’s rights? Why wasn’t /isn’t Morgan being treated as the victim as she is? Why does the perp have more protection than the victim?
    When I saw that picture of Morgan just a week or two before her death (the one after her new hair cut) my heart ached to see how stressed she looked and the toll this had taken on her.
    I know you and your husband did all you could to protect Morgan. Oh, I can tell by your blog how Morgan loved and respected you both. As I have come to realize, unfortunately, is that when Evil wants to exist Evil will find a way. I’m sincerely sorry for your profound loss. I will continue to read your blog daily and I promise to do all I can to help you fight for Justice for Morgan as well as improve the laws to help the next victim.

    With peace and courage to you both,


    I’m so sorry for your profound loss. May your courage

  14. Thank you so much for your words, I can truly hear the love in them. Every day Steve and I tell each other that we need to have strength, and courage. When one of us starts to sink, the other pulls them up…I can only say I don’t know how we can stand to go through this, but every day we do, and I think words from people like you help to keep us strong. Thanks so much!

  15. Hi Toni.

    I’m so sorry for your loss and I hope you get the answers that you’re after. Have you checked out websleuths? They are a website of people who “investigate” unsolved crimes on the internet. I’ve heard that they’ve been able to solve cases in the past that law enforcement had no luck with. If you have the time, log on to their website. They are discussing your case and I’m sure that you could help them. There might be angles that they come up with that someone with less experience might not even think of. Anyway, hope you’re hanging in there and your family will be in my prayers.

    • Thank you so much! I did recently hear about them and I am really excited that they are working on this case and I will give them any answers I can to help their investigation along.

  16. I found your blog by accident and now check it faithfully every day. I will keep you, your family and the memory of Morgan in my daily prayers. May justice be swift and mighty.

  17. I think that Morgan is smiling down on her mother and father, she knows that the awful person that took her life will soon be caught and justice WILL be served. Morgans parents are amazing individuals that deserve the truth. I think about you every day and I will continue to send positive thoughts your way, keep your hopes up. <3<3<3

  18. How in the world can the sheriff say it will never be reopened? With the new doctor giving his opinion and as new evidence comes to light? It sounds like his mind is pretty much made up and I just don’t understand the resistance to looking into the case again! My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

    • I am wondering the same thing, but honestly I would not want them to reopen her case anyway…I want someone up higher like the State of Federal Investigators. At this point that is all I can hope for. Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and prayers.

  19. I am sorry to keep harping, but this, to me, is not ironic. it’s part of a pattern. please go back and read what you wrote. He always knows. Always.

    “Ironically, E from across the street calls me, and wonders how it’s been. I told him immediately about Morgan being followed the night before. E tells me that he just heard from ?.. “

  20. Quick comment and ?:

    The FB page of E as posted above has been removed. Have you contacted Nancy Grace about doing a story about Morgan?

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