4 Years Ago This Wednesday…Our Daughter Was Murdered

Morgan with FlowersThis Wednesday December 2, 2015 it will have been 4 years since our daughter was taken from us by a coward. A gutless coward, one that had to attack a defenseless young woman in her sleep.  Too cowardly to do their evil acts in broad daylight.  I wonder if they see their own ugliness when they look into the mirror?

Morgan still has not yet received justice, in fact her murder is not even a case yet.  And when I say “yet” I mean yet, because there is more than enough evidence that shows she was murdered, so the only question I now have now is, “When will her case become a case?”

This past 4 years has taught me that no matter how painful it is to wait…I will wait.  I will wait as long as it takes for the truth to come out and for Morgan to finally receive justice, because it is the right thing.  Morgan deserves justice, our family deserves resolution, Morgan’s friends deserve to hear that she received justice, and other victims, like Morgan, deserve to feel that justice is truly possible.  This is a big task, but I know there is a person out there, a person in law enforcement that is brave enough, smart enough, and caring enough to make this a reality.  My heart knows it will happen.  I still believe in the strength of goodness winning against evil.

Please join us on Wednesday in loving remembrance of Morgan, along with positive thoughts and prayers that an investigation will soon be opened, and justice will be received.  Thank you all so very much for all your support these past 4 years.


9 thoughts on “4 Years Ago This Wednesday…Our Daughter Was Murdered

  1. Toni, I will be thinking of your family and praying for justice for Morgan. Stay strong and resolute!

  2. Honest question! If you have so much evidence of murder, why not file a civil suit against the police or the ME or those you feel are responsible. How likely is it that an investigation will be re-opened without some legal push on your part? Thinking of Morgan and praying you will find some resolution.

    • I believe you mean that my question about when will her case become a case is an honest question…we do have enough evidence for a civil suit and we have been encouraged to file one. Here is the reality – we are very sure we would win a civil suit and yes evidence would come out and it could show there was a homicide, but all we would win would be a financial settlement and the satisfaction that she was found to be a homicide in a court of law. BUT that won’t force the coroner to change her manner of death. According to the law he would be able to keep her a suicide regardless of a court decision. And winning a civil case still would not compel the authorities to open a criminal investigation and make the arrests needed in this case.

      Unfortunately the only thing a civil suit would accomplish is monetary gain and that is not what we want…we want justice for Morgan, we want a cowardly murderer(s) taken off the street so it doesn’t happen again. We want those that are covering up the truth in Morgan’s case to be held accountable. And as for your question about how likely it is that an investigation will finally get opened into her murder…I believe it is extremely likely and that is why we are still going through what we are going through. I know it is frustrating for people to understand as we do not announce all the steps we are taking to get her investigation opened and to get accountability of the officials involved, but please be assured that we are still moving forward and we do feel very positive that their will be justice for Morgan. Thank you so much for your prayers.

  3. My thoughts are with you, your family, and of course Morgan. Never stop fighting. Hugs and love from Texas.

    • Susannah – thank you so much for the love and hugs from Texas – we really appreciate it. Never giving up, on that you can be assured <3

  4. Toni..I have just watched your story on TV & it made me cry so much. Your daughter is beautiful and I hope that one day you & your husband find peace and justice for Morgan. You are in my thoughts and prayers. X (Susan in U.K.)

    • Thank you Susan. I have faith and Steve & I will never stop working towards finding justice for Morgan as well as all others that have lost their voices and can no longer speak the truth…your support is very much welcomed by us. Everyone I met while in the U.K. was so very warm and kind – I love it there.

  5. Do you have any idea of who you think it might be that did this? Did the Police run video at her funeral or wake, or even after where she is buried? Many times…a killer will return to where someone is buried? I would put a camera up in a tree or somewhere it cannot be seen, and see who you might catch at her grave! It is worth a try! Even now, especially around the time of the murder! I am so sorry for you horrific loss of your beautiful daughter. I have been reading for years many FBI books on Forensics and solving cases. I would bait this person in the newspapers of the area and see what happens? I would be like you, I could never give up, and I would be absolutely relentless!

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