If Morgan were here today her toes would be in the river again…

Morgan took this picture of her toes in the river

Morgan took this picture of her toes in the river

2 thoughts on “If Morgan were here today her toes would be in the river again…

  1. Thank you so much for sharing Morgan’s story. A horrific ordeal to say the least, I assure you that you are making a difference in other peoples lives. Our family has a stalking situation going on now, and I shutter when I think of the similarities. After reading your families ordeal, I realize what we thought would stop soon – “This to shall pass” – is just a figment of our imagination. Although like yourself we thought we were being proactive it’s apparent it’s time to pick up the pace and truly get this behind us once and for all. Again, Thank you so very much – hopefully we will never know but you may have saved one of our lives. May God help you and Steve heal, and give you strength to continue fighting for justice in an unjust situation.

    • Thank you so much for telling me this…I pray that your situation gets better, and fast!

      Steve and I greatly appreciate your kind thoughts – we do get a little stronger every day, so I assume that is healing, although the pain is still as deep as it was the day we lost Morgan, and I don’t think it will ever go away, we just learn to go forward. Sharing what Morgan endured, and what our family has learned, all while pushing forward for justice is really the only thing we can do in honor of Morgan…always hoping it will save others.

      It really makes my heart happy to hear that another stalking victim can get some help from Morgan’s story – I really wish I had known more about the dangers of stalking when it was happening to her. My “gut”, my “intuition” warned me at the time so I was very worried, but my “mind” kept telling me things were going to be okay so I trusted in what our sheriff’s were saying and doing. I know now you really do need to trust your gut. Good luck, and my prayers are with your family – stalkers don’t just stop on their own.

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