Last summer on Sunday, August 21, 2011 – the 20th day of Morgan’s stalking

Morgan sent me a text, “Where are you guys?”  I texted back, “On our way home.”  Right after Steve, and I returned home I texted Morgan, “Coming home soon?”  I didn’t hear from her, so I texted her again, “Morgan PLEASE text me before you come home!”  She mentioned to me that she didn’t think I needed to meet her in the driveway every single night that she came home.  She thought that since she had pepper spray herself, she would be OK, but I insisted. Morgan texted me back, “Sorry!  Yeah, I will.”  I texted back, “Thanks.”  Then she sent me a text, “I can’t find my keys!”  I sent, “Where are you? Call me”  Then she immediately sent me back a text that said “Found them!!!”  Then I wrote, “Great are you coming home now?  I’ll watch for you.”  And Morgan wrote back, “Yeah”  I wrote to her, “Ok I’ll watch for you, see you soon.”  Then she texted me back, “Now”  this meant she was already in the driveway, so I ran outside.

Here is a picture of Morgan’s puppy Wylah (she took it on August 21st last summer).

Today 8.21.2012 as I read back on my timeline, and our conversations via text messages (all those messages, that at the time seemed so urgent to me), thinking that if I could always keep in touch with her, to know where she was, that this would keep her safe, now I see that it was because I was so panicked that something bad would happen to her, and I wouldn’t be there to help her.

I realize now that we were very blessed to have such a caring daughter for the 20 years that she was on this earth. For her to put up with all the chaos that was going on around her was amazing.  I used to get angry that she was trying to act so mellow about this whole thing, but now I know that was just her.  She never wanted anything that was going on in her life to hurt anyone else, she was very sensitive to others feelings, and she just wanted to see beauty in everything.

Every day someone that has been following this blog has sent me a message that gives me hope and the strength to move forward…and I can’t thank you enough!  I have heard so many stories from people that have been stalked or know someone who was stalked, or is being stalked now, and I have heard about a lot of horrific things.  Peoples voices need to be heard…only in silence can this type of evil exist.

A common thread in all of the stories I’m hearing is the lack of response by law enforcement. To show up after the stalker is gone is not the right response, and will never yield a good result.  And a complete lack of any advice about what to do that has worked in the past on other cases, or is working now. From my experience Stalkers can change up what they are doing in an instant. You change, they change.  Our government, and law enforcement agencies need to ask questions as to whether their approach to the problem is yielding tangible results – they can’t keep turning a blind eye to what is going on.  I sympathize so much with the stories I hear, because in our case we never had an answer that would stop Morgan’s stalker from just banging on her window whenever he wanted to terrorize her, as if that was some right of his.

And why can’t people that have information speak out?  Am I missing something here?  Are they afraid?  Do they think by keeping it to themselves they are doing the right thing?  Don’t they have feelings for the person that has been injured, because of this evil?  Do they think their silence will really keep them safe – I don’t think it works like that.  Either you do the right thing and speak up, or you are helping someone that is a sociopath, and really doesn’t care…least of all about you.

Click here to read about the 21st day of Morgan’s stalking

14 thoughts on “Last summer on Sunday, August 21, 2011 – the 20th day of Morgan’s stalking

  1. I can’t understand why people are not speaking up either….in such a small valley you would think SOMEONE would say something…..but then again, I guess they are smart enough to know how much trouble they would be in, or their friend, or maybe it was their family member, sooooo it’s better to just keep their mouths shut and hope it will go away. Too bad for all of them, WE will NOT go away. We will not forget, and will not stop. God Bless us.

  2. Thank you for sharing Morgan with us. My heart goes out to all who knew her. I feel blessed to have survived my experience with a stalker. 14 years later, I still report to his case manager when he attempts to contact me. I will not be his victim and I will not be paralyzed by my fear of him. It does not give me hope that it’s too late before any action is taken by law enforcement. It’s a daily task to not give up on humanity but I will not be a victim. My thought and prayers are with you.

    • I am so sorry for what you have and are going through, and you are right you are strong (I can see it in your comment), you are a survivor not a victim

  3. How does this sick basturd go to sleep every night knowing that GOD is watching him and is going to fry him on judgement day!

    • Now that is a question I could never answer, for him and for all his co-conspirators no matter how little their involvement might have been.

  4. I hope and pray a lot of people in law enforcement are reading your blog, especially today’s! It would help so many people.

    • I hope so Maya – I have had law enforcement from this country as well as others that have said they have read and learned things and will be making changes, but these responses are from law enforcement agencies that really care and want to protect their citizens, I pray more and more will do whatever it takes to get up to speed on all the valuable information that is out there.

  5. That is correct, a lack of law enforcement causes the victim to stop calling for help. A lack of evidence–although many experiences early on–causes law enforcement to doubt. Indeed, stalking is hard for all. I’m sure it must be hard to sort out the real cases from the imagined. Law enforcement should ask themselves what motive would this person have to make up such a story? What is their reputation with their neighbors and community? They should ask questions to probe deeper into the case and ask it different ways and more than once. A person lying cannot keep their story straight. And above all, if there is more than one witness—-BELIEVE!! No matter how old the child is or the relationship the witness has with the victim. Small town communities should receive training from larger cities who have dealt with stalking and serious crime so they start believing and realizing this stuff happens. A person should be designated to study stalker traits so they can be assigned to help the victim and other law enforcement. They should share other known cases in the area (I have 7,1 person is a repeated stalker) and see if it fits the profile.

    My stalking situation has been experienced by my 24yr old son, my 9yr old son (almost 10), my two nieces (20yr), and my neighbor’s son (11yrs). Law enforcement STILL doubted and do nothing, turning a blind eye to the situation and failing to document a report. It is hard enough for a victim to come forward and when they do but don’t receive the support, trust is broken and the victim is left to suffer in silence and defend themselves.

    You are right that it is a sick game to the stalker and they shift their behaviors to keep yiu thrown off. After investing in a security system and installing cameras in my attic I was greeted in the late evening (12am) with many loud knocks above my master bathroom as I laid in my bed for the first time after being gone for a month. Imagine my anguish after all the preventive measures I had taken. The knocks continue to remind me my stalker is still here and how he was able to evade security. I have since installed more cameras to cover the blind spots. My cameras only record when there is action and so they turn on in the middle of the night catching shadows but nothing concrete. I console myself by saying he at least is not over my bed anymore (cameras are tight there) and I don’t have to listen to him moaning as I try to sleep. I have also stopped his entry into my home when I am sleeping at night or away. I used to find attic insulation under my younger son’s bed, confirming where he would hide if I got up at night after hearing

    • Kathy someone else I know from California told a similar thing about their Middle School aged friend’s child – the mom found evidence under the child’s bed, and the child’s under ware was taken out of her drawer, and much, much more so for people to think this doesn’t happen they just don’t know. The case I am talking about was investigated by the local police and I am not sure if they ever caught the stalker, but this stalker was stalking a very young girl, they stalk little children, older children, young adults and adults…it is horrible!

      • My little son shares my dresser since he is uncomfortable being in his room. After we returned home to gather a few things after leaving in the middle of the night, it was his underwear that was taken out of my dresser and placed on our kitchen floor. It was his room where desicrated was discovered coming from the vent. I never told him about it. My son had started telling any adult friend that came by to visit that there was a bad man living in our house. I think the stalker overheard every word and acted out in anger toward my son. I believe his intentions are still toward me, however. I understand they try to use scare tactics and feed off of it. I refuse to give him that. I am a private person and have tried to keep things quiet. Not smart! I am forever grateful my son persistently shared our situation and opened a door for me to open up.

        I should have thought to check under the beds but I didn’t. I would wake hearing our front door open in the middle of the night (3am), but no one was there. I would here my son’s bedroom door open and close (it is next to mine) and then the hall bathroom door. I called out to my son but no answer. i never heard the toilet flush so i I got up to check on him, concerned he may have the flu. It’s not like him not to answer me. I expected to see him in the bathroom or at lying awake in his bed, but nothing. He was sound asleep. There would be many more nights like this over the months. Sometimes I had just gotten into bed. I found his bed frame unattached while making his bed. I had to lay down on the floor to reattach it. And that is when I found attic insulation under his bed. At first I wondered if the vaccunm had blown it under the bed but then I quickly realized that A) it doesn’t fit under his bed and B) no one had been in the attic. This discovery made me realize where he was hiding

  6. Thank you for sharing your story. As a girl Morgan’s age, I feel armed with knowledge after reading your advice and story. Your voice is very important and I wish you and your family the best!

  7. Young women, walking alone, should always walk holding the largest, most robust, steel pen they have. The type with a button at the end and taper to a point at the writing end.
    If anyone approaches, press the button to reveal the nib and get ready to start stabbing the person’s eyes out, should they attack.
    A pen is not an illegal weapon, but effective in self-defence.

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