August 22, 2011 – Morgan’s 21st day of her stalking

Morgan sends a text to her friend Patrick, “Aw Pat!  I miss you dearly!!  What have you been up to?”  Then Morgan sends a text to another friend in Carbondale saying she is coming into town, text me, call me or find me.

Steve and I had had a talk that morning about how we just spent a weekend at a lovely wedding, and with us, all the time was the stalker –  in the back of our minds. He has completely invaded our thoughts, during the wedding we were both more concerned about where Morgan was, and what she was doing than our little 2 year old granddaughter. We would be looking off, not at the beauty that surrounded us, but searching for a stranger that did not belong. Other guests at the ranch were suddenly suspects to us. We have become “hyper-vigilant.”  This is what people mean when they say, “this stalking has completely changed my life.” Now we have joined them, it’s nice Morgan is not acting like she is taken over with fear, but that also makes me worry about her all the more.

Our front door lock had suddenly broke at the end of last week, Steve figured it was from age, so he did not make a big deal out of it with the sheriff’s officers.  He bought a new key pad lock, that looked very substantial, and had it installed. Steve had figured it was better than just a key that someone could take from Morgan’s car or get a hold of and copy somehow. This lock you would have to punch numbers, and a loud beep sounded with every press. We would always be able to hear the front door being unlocked now.

Tonight I was awakened by a the sound of those beeps – I only hear 2 out of the 4 buttons pushed, but the sound is very distinct.  I jump out of bed to go look at the front door, but no one is there. Steve is up and getting dressed, he runs past me at the front door, and out into the dark. He is gone for a long time before he comes home, and gets into his truck, driving around the entire neighborhood, and writing down every car that is home and every light that is on. Later when we are going to sleep again we talk about how we can knock the list of suspects down faster.  We decide we’ll work from both ends, having a group of more likely at the top, and a group of not likely at the bottom. Then we’ll be able to better focus our efforts on nights like this.  The Master Bedroom motion detectors went off multiple times tonight, We always got up and looked, but we were unable see anyone outside.   Needless to say we were both exhausted the next morning.

Now today, 8.22.2012 – I would like to share some information about locks.  Never install a key pad lock like we did, without some kind of shroud on it. Like the ones on the ATM terminals that prevent other people from seeing you enter you pin number. A retired federal officer helping us with the case, after Morgan was murdered, took one look at our front door lock, and explained how it should have been shielded like the ones at military installations are.  He said the way it was now someone hiding in a bush across the street could figure out our code in a matter of days. We had changed the code after that night after I heard the beeps, and we were cautious when entering the number afterwards, but it was not enough. Make sure that any doors (like our front door) that have glass windows, have double key locks…with locks on both sides.  Also employ deadbolts on the inside of all exterior doors.  Make sure you have solid core, or steel doors.  There are door stop alarms (very inexpensive – about $10) that you can place under a closed door, and if that door opens it sounds an alarm.  You should place one under each door leading into your house, as well as under your bedroom doors.  And most importantly, while you have a stalking situation going on, do not minimize the potential importance of anything that happens, especially something out of the ordinary. You can hope it’s just a coincidence – but if there ever was a better safe than sorry time – this is it.

I would also like to say that the loss of a child is unbearable, and totally unimaginable, and I know our life without Morgan will never be the same.  But, I would also like to express how hopeful I am for the future.  A future where laws will change, where there is more protection, and education for potential victims (targets), where none of us will ever have to be victims again, because of a problem that could have been corrected.

This week we have made huge strides in discovering additional details about who was involved in Morgan’s murder, and what their part in it was. This valley from Aspen to Glenwood Springs may seem like a big place to some people, but it still is a very small valley. Steve always likes to say there is only one degree of separation here. People want to help, and they are.  There is so much positive energy going in the right direction now, that I have no doubt that there will be justice for Morgan, and great strides made in the future, with the changes that we all want to see.

Thank you all so very much for helping!  Every person has helped in a different way, and every single one of you has made a huge difference.  For the people out there (and you know who you are), who have been brave enough to share with us important information – you will get to see how your bravery has facilitated the changes that are needed in this world.

Click here to read about the 22nd day of Morgan’s stalking

9 thoughts on “August 22, 2011 – Morgan’s 21st day of her stalking

  1. Steve and Toni, Thoughts and prayers are with you…May you and Morgan all find justice…You are doing amazing work here, keep it up….Dorie

  2. My heart brakes every time I think of Morgan, then for a second I smile b/c of the last memeory I have of her. My parents and I visited you all(Steve,Toni & Morgan) in the valley. Morgan and I hung out in her room reuniting. Before I took off, not knowing the next time I would see her, I gave her my necklace. Also for some reason evry time I watch or hear of the Spicegirls I think of her. Im not sure if she or I was a big fan of them back then, or we watched that movie together. Im so sorry this happend. No one desrves loseing a child or living in fear. <3 I miss you & love you my beautiful godsister <3

    • Morgan was a big fan of the Spice Girls, and it is so strange that you just wrote this, because I was going through one of her old bins the other day and found her “Spice Girl” stuff 🙂 It was so nice that you two were able to spend time together, and I am so sorry your heart is breaking. I know you loved her – we still have a hard time every day, but the strange part of it is that when we are moving forward with this website or working on her investigation we feel like she is right here beside us and that makes us happy. Do you remember what the necklace looked like? I will look for it. Love you!

  3. Have they caught the bastard that did it? I hope so youll be in out prayers-The Larsens

    • Kevin – No they have not caught him or the people that helped him, but I have confidence it will happen. Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts for us…they all help so much!

  4. I just started reading this blog, I lived in Aspen for 2.5 years, just moving back East in May. It is so scary to me that in what I felt like was such a safe place, this could happen. When I moved from the East (big city living) I thought it strange nobody locked their doors but after time went by decided it was ok, This was a simpler place than where I came from. I could leave all of my belongings outside and nobody would take them. Then to read this, it makes me shutter. Nobody deserves this. People deserve to feel safe especially in a place as beautiful as the valley. I hope they catch whoever did this – it is unbelievable that in this day in age laws can still protect the criminal instead of the victim.

  5. I wonder what the purpose of trying the keypad was? I can think of three things. The first is that he was trying to mess with you if he knew you could hear the beeps. The second is that he might have been trying to test the combo that he might have gotten from observation for later use, and then run off when he heard you get up or realized it was making too much noise. The third is that he was actually trying to get in. The broken locks you mention in earlier and later posts makes this seem more likely to me. I’m sorry to have to bring up this disturbing idea, but maybe he intended to snoop around while you were sleeping, and maybe he had done this before. He could have broken the locks when he went in, or broken them to allow himself easy entrance later on. Without seeing myself how the locks were broken, I’d have to say that it is almost unbelievable to have two break so close in time to each other and during this whole thing.

    Many things about the man, like having night vision goggles, a utility belt, a telescoping tool, and all of his brazen actions, like testing all your security measures and potentially getting on the roof indicate to me that he viewed the whole thing as sort of a sport or contest and went all out to prepare himself in every way possible, taking pleasure in the stuff he pulled off and all his equipment and intel, almost like a child or geek who pretends to be some sort of commando. I think he certainly would want to be very familiar with the layout of the house. That would help him determine where Morgan was when she was sleeping or awake, and how best to avoid being seen from the windows by knowing which rooms everyone was likely to be in. I have to say that characterization could fit with Keenan’s hunter tattoo that has been mentioned in other comments and his pride in eluding the cops in that captured facebook status, and maybe even his giant truck.

    I am certainly not a professional psychologist so I don’t want to contribute to any wild speculations, but I thought I’d mentioned this on the chance that it might help you in some way with this puzzle.

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