3 thoughts on “Missing the sound of your music Morgan…and yet it seems like I hear it as the breeze blows through the trees, or the rain falls from the sky…I think it’s all around me at times

  1. Mr. and Mrs Ingram, I would first like to say how sorry I am for your loss. My husband found Morgan’s story online and told me about it after he had read it. I stayed awake all night reading that night and I want to tell you that your daughter was a beautiful young woman and she obviously had a beautiful and peaceful soul. I believe you are still hearing her music. I believe she is still with you…just in a different form. I am sure Morgan knew you loved the sounds of her music and singing and she trying to bring you the comfort of those sounds in whatever way she can find now. I wish you both the best and though I live in a different part of Colorado I would like to offer my help in anyway that I can. Please e-mail me if there may be anything I can do to help ease your pain.

    • Thank you so much – I believe we are too. Whenever I really, really need an answer to something one of the songs she used to sing will come on the radio – it’s amazing, because I never hear those songs on the radio except at those times…

  2. Embrace those times because it’s her way of showing you she is with you! I am so sorry for your loss. I just watched the Dr.Phil episode and there’s no doubt in my mind that your instincts are right. I just finished reading your everyday blogs aswell. And my prayers are with you and your family. God bless.

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