Game on…now we will come from anger! Stalker/murderer beware – justice is on it’s way.


Remember this saying?

Obi wan Kenobi: if you strike me down I will become so strong not even you can imagine.

     Well guess what – Morgan is back even stronger than before (even though she is not here on earth with us any longer), and we will now go forward in our quest for justice, no longer thinking Garfield County will finally do the right thing, but knowing they will not, have never before, but now others will…stay tuned.
     This Monday (in two days) it will have been 2 years to the day since we found Morgan’s body.  It has been very emotional for us lately, as you can imagine, I honestly did not think that it would take this long for a REAL investigation into her murder.  No matter how long it takes (and I don’t think it will be much longer) we will keep pushing for the truth to come out, and for her murderer, as well as anyone that covered for him to be punished.
     I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family – Steve & I  were blessed to be able to be with our other two children, and grandchildren.  But before you pack up the rest of the leftovers, I just want to say thanks to your tremendous support – if it wasn’t for all our supporters over this last 2 years, Steve and I would not have made it this far.  Steve and I are very grateful and thankful for all of you.
     So many of you have written in with stories, support, love and ideas.  So many have offered their assistance as well.  When we received all of these things coming from others hearts ii gives us strength.  I know that sounds a little corny, but it’s true…at times when I was at my lowest emotionally, when I just couldn’t wrap my mind around Morgan being gone, and a murderer still being out there, was exactly when I would get messages from some of you readers or TEAM MORGAN, and it was always the EXACT time I needed it most!  Thank you all so much for your support.

14 thoughts on “Game on…now we will come from anger! Stalker/murderer beware – justice is on it’s way.

  1. Toni and Steve,
    The strength you’ve shown absolutely amazes me. The fact it has been 2 years and Garfield County refuses to comply with the very simple request to do the right thing is a loud and shrieking alarm for all parents in that county to pray it’s never their child. I mean pray in the ability of local entities that are in place as a means of fact finding and justice should the unimaginable happen. Toni, you know me and I wish I could shake some sense into those whom should’ve done their job prior to Morgans death. Why does it have to be now when Morgan deserved so much more 2 yrs ago? You both have the heart of a warrior. But we (TEAM MORGAN ) will continue along side of you to pray and help in anyway we can. Love always, Demi

    • Demi you are an inspiration to me and one of the earth angels that keep me strong when I start to fall. Thank you so much for all your help. I do believe the truth is going to come out, Morgan’s investigation will get opened, and all those that tried to cover up for her predator will go down as well. Someone from Texas just wrote in to me with the most wonderful quote.

      “In the end it will be ok, if it’s not ok it’s not the end”

  2. I’m happy to see your post this morning, Toni. You, Steve, and the rest of your family have been in my thoughts for the past few weeks. I’ve been worried.

    I wish you peace and the continuing strength to fight for justice for Morgan.


    • Avril I so very much appreciate your kinds thoughts. It is really painful right now, but we feel Morgan’s light and love as well as so many others (like yourself) and that energy will keep us strong till the end…take care, much peace to you as well, and thank you.

  3. happy thanksgiving toni! I was one of morgans friends here in the valley. im happy this investigation is finally starting to happen. much love to you and your family.

    • Happy Thanksgiving Robert – I remember Morgan talking about you, and how you were such a good friend of hers…it is so nice to hear from you.

      We always knew it would take this much time, but didn’t want to believe it really would…I thought we were being strong enough to find out sooner than this what happened to Morgan, but in our intense grief I can now see that even though we were moving forward trying to put all the details together, all the pieces were there, but our minds just couldn’t put them all in a linear pattern. So it was really hard for others to understand what Steve and I were understanding. Everyone kept telling us we were so strong, but truth be told we were really in shock over losing Morgan and so torn apart inside that we could not react fast enough to everything we were learning to really articulate to others.

      Morgan was loving and kind to everyone and should never have been stalked, murdered, and then covered up – no one deserves that. Steve and I will keep pushing until the truth comes out – not sure how long this will take, but it really is getting there now…finally. Much love to you too, and thank you for your continued support for Morgan.

  4. Your family will be in my thoughts tomorrow and I will be sending prayers and hugs all the way from South Carolina!!!

  5. Am lighting a candle. The prettiest one I can find in this house. Had I been out today i’d have bought a special and even more beautiful one.

    THE ETERNAL FLAME burns but once or twice a year for our Larry but every day in my heart. Every day in every way.
    And you are on my mind.

    Keep sight of the big picture.

    In the kindest way possible with all the love I have … the only thing time will do is help you put your facade back on. They lie about it all … time doesn’t heal, labor hurts, your child dies and so does a lot of you. You have other children and that doesn’t help as much as others tell you …
    But THANK GOD for them.
    Give yourself so much time … and be so very proud of yourselves and your daughter and her courage you bore to her … and when you stop believing you will ever feel better, it will become a bit easier.

    When I look at Morgan I have no problem at all seeing she and her life as perfect. The way that helps is this: we were so robbed. she was A BABY. But if you look at her life as whole and complete … THAT is THE ONE THING which began to chip away at my … black hole of a life. I really couldn’t live with it well at all. I read that somewhere and tried it on … and unbelievably it worked better than anything else. We’re all different… but I struggle for words knowing there aren’t any and so I wish for you the small bits of peace I found.

    That’s all. I want you to have some peace. The problem that arises is that you then have to believe that God allowed this … it’s quite a quandary. Yet he is indeed gone and I indeed contemplated his life, the days that would pass I would not touch his face, see his hair turn gray and tease him … ever say those things … but he knows and he let me know he knows.

    Her life was PERFECT. In every way. She was perfect in every way. I hope this helps in any small way. I find that also the anniversary date became a day they tormented me somewhat. Something would always “HAPPEN” I mean why murder someone if you can’t use it to torture the family??? … and also that I would fall downhill around and before and after it and it shifted somewhat so I took my focus from THAT DAY and I tried to focus on identifying when I would start to slip back down again … into impossible grief I mean not “down”….

    and so I took the power away from that day. Sometimes you may not understand or welcome my … input … but my hope is that you will remember these words and take the power from that day and give yourself the ability to view Morgan’s life as perfect which may help you as it did me. I mean … the time she had. I then also noticed things which I notice you also see: SHE LIVED FULL OUT MAN. FULL OUT. Lots of people don’t do in their whole lives the things that she did and enjoyed and which you enjoyed as a family. Larry did TOO !! Everyone loved him.
    I’m flailing.

    Much love to you. And to your husband. What a suck situation that he did SO SO SO SO MUCH …. hold on to each other.

    • Boarobosingers: Thank you so much for your kind words as well as all the help you are trying to give to us…take care!

  6. Wow, mama bear there is a new fierce strength in your writing coming through, I can only hope that by reading this that it means something big beyond the horizon is about to take control of an open investigation. As always prayers and best wishes for your family.

    • Thank you so much! I can’t believe it is now over 2 years since Morgan’s murder, and it has taken this long for us to break out of the intense grief bubble we were in just enough to really fight back at the system. We thought we were fighting the correct fight all along, but now looking back Steve and I were fighting for the truth to come out, but emotionally were so traumatized that we were a little scattered in our presentation of evidence – I know we will always have this deep pain from losing Morgan, but we now have enough “clear” resolve that we are doing what really needs to be done. It is slow going, but it is getting done, and that makes us happy. We know there is still a murderer on the loose and we will not give up justice for Morgan, no matter what. Thanks for hanging in there for so long with us…so excited to know there is light at the end of this very dark tunnel. Many blessings to you.

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