It has been 221 days since our daughter Morgan was killed

Will her killer ever be brought to justice?  Will the people that are in charge in this beautiful area admit what has happened, and do something about it?  The outrage grows in this valley, as more and more people find out what happened that fateful night, and want answers.  I speak with parent’s, other stalking victims, Morgan’s friends, teachers, neighbors, and many, many others every day – they all say the same thing, with tears in their eyes, “How could this happen, and why hasn’t something been done to catch her stalker, her killer?”

2 thoughts on “It has been 221 days since our daughter Morgan was killed

  1. Every single day I hope that some new development will pop up, and this nightmare will be resolved. We all miss her terribly.

    • Things are really starting to happen now Nicole…it will just take a little while before others will know. Keep up the positive energy it is all happening at the right time.

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