9 thoughts on “Picture of the berm in daylight – great for a stalker to use to sneak around on in the cover of darkness

  1. And this is only the backyard……side yards….front yard….the fact most houses were empty due to foreclosure……quiet….dark….lush…

  2. I am soo confused right now..I was looking at who owned the 3rd house with the new writing in the backyard (Mind) and came upon this: Garfield County Tax assessor – Parcel # 239131217016..It lists all the owners, past and present…Valdonna is VERY busy in that neighborhood!! So I am very fact driven and what is confusing me is the Ingrams have never owned 62 Corral..Sale dates are interesting..
    Also, Cooper Marshall is ?’s friend on FB, she left a comment on a pic on 7.21.11. This picture of Morgan was posted on Cooper’s fb on 7.17.11..Something happened that week that started the harassment and ended with murder..Maybe Cooper and his skater crew knows something..maybe he was how they knew she was heading home….
    I hope you find the answer to your questions and the peace your heart deserves!

    • Kat, thanks for reading. I’ll try to clear things up for you. We had a lease option on the house and luckily never executed our option. After Morgan’s death it was impossible for me to stay there and we moved. This single question has been on my mind since the stalking started. There have been many theories involving electronics (cell phone, laptop, GPS on car) and other people involved but there has never been an answer that Steve or I felt was it. Her electronics have all been checked out, but who knows? It was done somehow and that is one of the mysteries that, if unlocked, would shed enormous light on Morgan’s case. And thank you so much for your thoughts.

  3. Looked at it on google earth scared me too death! What sick person would do that? God bless you!

  4. I saw both of you Mr. and Mrs. Inram on Dr. Phil and just had to check out your blog and the other links you have on here. I must tell you I was dissappointed in Dr. Phil. I really don’t feel he asked the right questions of the girl in which you hold accountable. I am so very sorry for your loss! I am a single mom and cannot even try to imagine the horror the three of you faced. What a brave girl Morgan was, thanks to the two of you. This is the page I am currently on and am going to continue reading. I agree with Maddy, above that said seeing it on goole earth is so scarry and just makes it so much more real. Hang in there.

  5. I am a bit confused on what I should be looking for? I went on google earth and typed the address but I am not seeing anything out of the ordinary.

    • Lauren I completely understand – the 1/23/2016 post you are looking at shows the berm behind our house in the daylight, to show people the berm with the tall grass behind our house, but if you look at the post dated 8/24/2012 called View of the Berm Showing the Trail the Stalker made you will see the google map satellite picture with a red arrow pointing out the “trail” the stalker made over the berm directly to our house so many times it left a trail visible from the sky.

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