These messages were posted on Morgan’s Facebook on June 7,11, 12, 2012

Morgan’s cousin Cassie said, “I miss you so much…”

Brian said, “Thinking of you Morgster. Love you always.”

Katie said, “I love you Mo forever.”

Riley said, “Hello, hello dearest Morgan, somebody named Riley is thinking about you. Thinking about where you are, and jealous of all the light you’re shedding there and not here where a bunch of misfit boys need that light. We miss you still, and probably always will. They say time heals and it does but it doesn’t diminish the pain, it just lets us hold the pain less painfully.”

3 thoughts on “These messages were posted on Morgan’s Facebook on June 7,11, 12, 2012

  1. More sa.. now that my 21/daughter told me about Morgan’s site.
    Steve & Toni: Know that my thoughts are with you, while you still struggle with this anguish. ~linda (phone or email anytime)

    • Thanks so much Linda – we will call you. We want to make a difference in this world to make sure another parent doesn’t have to go through a horror we have and continue to have. We will make a difference with all the parents that love their children. Take care!

      • Toni, I was trying to say (tho’ part deleted), that there is more sadness that continues, thinking of how you are missing Morgan so much. On your site pages – what great-great remembrances you’ve shared that bring a tear, but also a smile to all who open them. What a good goal to share information that might help others, and perhaps might even bring about some resolution.
        HUGs to you both & we’ll talk sometime ahead…

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