Please read the following that was sent to the reporter who wrote the Post Independent article – your opinions are welcome, but I must say this expresses everything I wish I could have said:

To the Post Independent in response to an article written on Sept. 1, 2012 by Jon Colson:

As previously reported in both the Aspen Times and the Post Independent Newspapers, Garfield County and Pitkin County in western Colorado both have an extremely high rate of “suicide”, with Pitkin county at over three times the national average and Garfield County even higher. Yet both these superfluously ideal, recreational Colorado counties show an almost nonexistent rate of murder. In fact, in the State of Colorado more people die of “suicide” than they do by motor vehicle accidents or any other method.

Many theories abound on why this rate is extremely high but one logical theory is completely overlooked…that possible murders…are being called suicides by County Coroner’s and Law Enforcement agencies without either the investigative skills or the desire to fully investigate any death.

It often seems, and is the butt of many local jokes, the only time a death will be termed a homicide in this valley is if there are fifty witnesses to a point blank shooting or stabbing and a suspect stands holding his bloody hands out, begging to be arrested.

Any other scenario the majority of investigative effort seems to be put into finding excuses as to why a death is NOT a homicide rather than actually being investigated. If in doubt, local Newspapers are then used as tools of both the Coroner’s office and law enforcement to print misinformation in such a way as to sway the public and therefore the families of victims into a position of acceptance out of fear of  public ridicule. Families who insist on investigations or make any waves are publicly branded, by those who are paid to protect them, as being so overwhelmed by grief they are being ridiculous or ‘dramatic”, or even as downright enemies of the involved departments. And so, possible murderers…walk calmly on their way…safe in their own perfect killing grounds.

The case of Morgan Ingram is a prime example. Many factors have been overlooked in the investigation of Morgan Ingram’s death, including a lack on both the Coroner’s office and those who investigated the scene of death. Nothing in her life indicates any desire to commit suicide yet events leading up to her death present a classic preclude to murder.

Had Morgan Ingram simply been a confused, depressed teenager who’s life had fallen apart at the seams, then to investigate her death as a possible suicide or accidental death would be logical. But Morgan was not the atypical suicide poster child.

Morgan was a young woman who had her life by the proverbial balls with one minor flaw. In recent months she had been continuously terrorized and victimized by a stalker. Even IF her death in any possible theory could have been termed a suicide, it would still put responsibility on the criminal for driving her to this point.

But Morgan was NOT driven to this point of no return. In fact, she was ANGRY. Angry people do not end their own lives, angry people go after those who are stealing their  personal joy in life. In fact, the very night of her death Morgan had told a friend on Facebook “I love life!” in response to something silly from her day. Morgan steadfastly refused to let her terrorizer drive her from her home, school, activities or friends. Instead, she became annoyed with those who begged her to allow herself to be bullied into leaving her home to go into hiding.

Her stalking was not the figment of a young woman’s imagination. Her terrorizing was not only observed by others, but also recorded on security cameras placed around her home. The case was elevated to the level of felony stalking by the Investigators due to escalating events, not by Morgan or her family. In other words, evidence was there to prove a perpetrator existed.

There is a certain responsibility to reporting the news. One of those responsibilities is to not allow yourself to be used as a tool of deceit or coercion by elected officials for their own agendas.

There is a responsibility to know if you are reporting facts instead of what someone else wants you to report as in the death of Morgan. The reporter states “there were no signs of assault”. Does this reporter know this for sure? Was he there? Or did he simply take the word of those who never even LOOKED for any signs of assault? Assault is not always apparent by the naked eye and physical assault is not always a necessity or intent of murder.

Murderers are not all clumsy, in your face, messy murderers of passion. As many serial killer cases have shown and documented, there are killers who are intelligent, crafty, and very capable of covering their crime. These are the killers who move silently through our society, often enjoying long, full lives before ever being apprehended…if ever. Each success gives them more satisfaction in the knowledge they have once again outsmarted law enforcement. Unlike the portrayal in books and television, these killers do not all want attention or fame…some want only to engage in their own secret fantasies and get away with it for as long as possible.

The Post Independent reporter also stated the accepted uses of amitriptyline. What he did not state were the less desirable, nefarious uses of this drug…as a tool of not only date rape but also murder. Several high profile and many lesser reported cases throughout the world have documented the use of amitriptyline as a weapon against other humans. The reporter also failed to mention the reason for this particular drug’s use by rapists and murderers. Amitriptyline not only has the ability to produce fast results in subduing a victim (when administered in medically unaccepted methods), but also is easily available, not only on the street but via online shopping. In reality, the wide spread use of antidepressants by over zealous Doctors has guaranteed each one of us most likely know someone who has amitriptyline (or more commonly known as Elavil) in their medicine cabinet.

The Coroner’s office and the Sheriff’s office are negligent in their duties as employees of the people when they choose to label a death by drugs as a “suicide” when there is no evidence to support drugs were taken willingly by the victim or with a particular intent. “Morgan Ingram died from “amitriptyline intoxication” according to Kurtzman’s report.” This is not definitive of “suicide” and the only conclusion for the Coroner’s office giving this new diagnosis of death to the public, months after Morgan’s death, is the Coroner, in an attempt to stop any further investigation by the family & friends…decided to publicly discredit any information that was in direct disapproval or contradiction of his departments procedures and actions.

The Post Independent reporter was extremely negligent in his duty as a reporter of “news” by neglecting to mention the Coroner’s office only decided to reclassify the victims death in retaliation for her family and friends pushing for justice. The reporter was also negligent in his duty as a person attempting to write about an investigative matter by not fact finding, nor asking to see all pertinent documents pertaining to the circumstances prior to and after Morgan’s death…and instead, taking a hand fed story and running with it, regardless of damage said story could cause.

Morgan’s family has made great strides towards engaging the community and raising awareness of stalking and it’s consequences. With one reckless, ill written article the writer has attempted to destroy the Ingram families efforts.

None of us know how or even when the deadly dose of Amitriptyline was introduced to Morgan’s body. Not the Coroner, not the reporter, nor the public. Only the one responsible knows how this drug was utilized and for what purpose. The evidence is not there to support the victim willingly took the large amount needed to end her life (which was apparent by not only one but also two Coroner reports), and the evidence has never been sought to prove another human was responsible.

With this lack of evidence, Morgan’s case should remain open as should the minds of those in the public, including those we depend on to report accurate facts and news, and those we pay to protect and serve us.

All reports by the pathologist and Coroner’s office state Morgan’s death can once again be reclassified if new evidence presents itself…which means…just as in a Court of Law, reasonable doubt still remains. It is irresponsible by all parties concerned to then definitively state an intelligent, happy, talented young woman willingly gave away a life she herself said she loved.

Darcy Sautelet

31 thoughts on “Please read the following that was sent to the reporter who wrote the Post Independent article – your opinions are welcome, but I must say this expresses everything I wish I could have said:

  1. Darcy you put it so eloquently…everything many, if not all of us are thinking. I am so proud that I know you. Toni…one STUPID article isn’t going to sway Morgan’s supporters!

    • Thank you Courtney for saying that – I appreciate the support. I wanted people to know what Darcy was submitting, even if they don’t print it.

    • Thanks Roy for letting everyone know they can go to the new Facebook page for Morgan – I will also Blog about it but I just finished up a meeting so I hadn’t had a chance yet….:)

    • Thanks so much Nicole – I love it when people come on and show their support…Steve and I gain so much strength from it.

  2. This is an outrage! This story is so sad. My heart goes out to the victim’s family. I would suggest getting a celebrity, or person in high standing, interested in this story’s conclusion. Sad as it is, it seems to be the only way to get others interested in following suit. The authorities should be ashamed of themselves for taking the easy way out, instead of working harder to get to what really happened. Unfortunately, our elected official’s don’t search for the truth as hard as they search for their votes. Salute’ to those who had the courage to speak out against those who were trying to cover it up…

    • Angela – because none of our efforts, to have the people involved in investigating, and correcting Morgan’s first autopsy, which claimed “natural causes” fell on deaf ears, a good friend of mine said to give it out (the truth) to the people, and let them decide through, a website and blog.

      Believe me, I had no idea how to do this at first, and I know nothing about social media, I had a Facebook, but Morgan set it up for me and I wasn’t even sure how to do much on it. Anyway, your suggestions are very good, and I promise you we will look in to implementing them.

      That is all I have wanted from day one is for the authorities to do their job and investigate in order to find the TRUTH…and you are right, I think they should be ashamed of themselves. I would have loved to be able to grieve for my daughter in private, and have them do their job, but instead Steve and I had to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps, in order to grab the torch, and spend every ounce of our being trying to get justice for Morgan, and all those out there that didn’t have a chance to have their truth come out as well.

  3. Dear Toni
    I am a 58 year old mother & grandmother from NJ. A few days ago my daughter got me interested in your blogs. I hope that we are not in any way infringing on your privacy (of which I’m sure you have none)
    My daughter wanted my opimion as to whether or not I thought they were genuine. After reading everything that was available at that time I assured her that I thought them to be real. I felt your gut wrenching sense od dread as I read. The kind only a mother can feel. Not even a father. There’s something that attaches us deeper to our children than even their fathers.
    My reason for this e-maol is to let you know that we are with you and believe in you. My daughter was the first one to contact a local reporter out there with questions of a murder. I think she may have started a very big ball rolling. Also I believe that you spoke to a friend of a friend of hers named Nene the other night. However, I want to let you know that a young man named Steve who contacted you today is a close family friend. He is simcere and determined that through his computer skills he will help you solve Morgan’s murder. Please trust hom. He is only good.
    God Bless you and God Bless Morgan.

    • I have heard that a few people out there have questioned whether this story is real or not, and I pray every day of my life now that it wasn’t true. It seems like a nightmare, that I wish I could wake up from. Unfortunately, every morning that I wake up it’s still there, nothing has changed. Morgan was really horrifically stalked (it was a felony stalking case), and then she was murdered, those facts are our reality…no matter what the County would like to say in order to sweep this under the rug!

      Thank you for “feeling” the truth in my words. Steve did contact me and I responded to him privately – he is amazing and had wonderful information for us that we are looking into. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! From one mother to another it all starts with intuition, but your intuition leads you to the facts, and the facts, and the truth is illuminated in the end, if you just stick with it…we have had so many experts, so much help with this, and we know the truth.

  4. Have you tried getting the picture of the man in the camera to the media? They are usually quite eager to get a story like this out. Maybe if you introduced your story to them and the picture some more leads would come in about this man caught on camera?

    • No we haven’t – I have only put it on this blog. The Sheriff’s have had that picture + many more that we were able to catch on our cameras, but never put them out to the public. I think you have a good idea and will run in past Steve. Thanks so much!!!

  5. I am just thinking even if the police want to call this case a suicide the fact still remains that your county had a stalker and probably still does. Women need to know this kind of thing happens… Even in your small town. Maybe they could educate people about warning sings of a stalker? This person can’t be considered a suspect since the police won’t entertain the thought of this being a murder investigation but he could easily be considered a person of interest from the stalking case, right? That is still an open case, correct?

    • You are absolutely correct, except they met us face-to-face and the lead detective on Morgan’s case told Steve and I that Morgan is dead, there is no one left to stalk, they never had a suspect (what a lie, I have all the emails, text messages, and everything he sent to me when we corresponded) and so the Felony Stalking case has been closed. I know people are outraged, and have been calling the Sheriff’s office to complain (which is in their right) – I guess the power of the people have made them circle the wagons in Garfield County…bummer, when all they had to do was do the right thing…how hard is that?

      I know the statement by Detective Megan Alstatt made it sound like the case could be reopened at any time, but I do not believe that. When we went to that meeting with more information for them to look into on Morgan’s case it ended up pretty much being a smack-down. They were prepared…so sad because these were the people that used to be on our side and thought they cared about our family, and we cared about them. I have now learned another hard life lesson.

      Thanks so much for your input – I greatly appreciate it Amber.


      • Both the county sheriff and the coroner are elected positions. Are either of them up for re-election in November? Their fear of losing votes over the bad press from this case might be a good way to get things moving in Morgan’s case.

  6. I’m outraged that a woman who was being stalked severely enough to qualify for a felony stalking case, and who died of a date rape drug is being considered as a suicide. That is so unbelieveable! And the fact that they “upgraded” her cause of death from natural causes to suicide just adds insult to injury. Pull your heads out GarCO! Anyone with a brain can figure out what happened. I’m so so sorry for you loss and I applaud you for continuing to fight for Morgan.

  7. Mrs. Ingram;
    I’m from the valley, as is my entire family. My sister found your blog and sent it to me-she was concerned and also thought it would be interesting for me to see. I am currently working towards my Masters in Forensic Psychology on the east coast. Reading through all of this, I am wondering if you’ve ever considered a Psychological Autopsy? They aren’t super well-known, but are designed to help, with the aid of a trained Forensic Psychologist, piece together cause of death and other information that occured prior to death. If the Garfield County coroner’s office is not responding to a physical autopsy, then maybe a psychological one would help get things rolling? Just a thought. You’d need a trained Forensic Psychologist who is an expert at Psychological Autopsies (not everyone has the skills to do them, including me). I may be able to help you find someone though. Also, I don’t know your financial resources, and I realize I’m presenting a potentially expensive idea. I want you to know, I graduated from a local valley high school. My family still lives there. The sole reason I am in the field I am in, is to try and stop things like what happened to Morgan and your family from happening. What you’re doing is helping people be aware of real danger. One of my favorite books is, Gavin De Becker’s “The Gift of Fear”. In it he describes intuition as a collection of experiences that helps to guide us and keep us safe. This blog has become an “experience” for so many people. That’s powerful stuff.

    • Thank you so much for this information – Steve and I really can not afford anything like that at this time but I am hoping through donations or even if I have to sell my car that we can come up with the money to hire people like that. If you don’t mind send me some names of people in that field I would greatly appreciate it. I can then call them to find out how much it will cost and then figure out how we can come up with it. No matter what it takes we will keep pushing forward on this.

      I applaude you on your choice of your career goal – you will make a big difference in this world in the future, I can feel it. You already made a difference in our world with your knowledge…knowledge that I didn’t know about.

      Also, I will get the book you suggested above, and read it. I hope others do as well – the more you know in this world the less you have to fear, because you will know what’s out there, and how to be prepared. It’s better than the alternative of sticking your head in the sand. Take care!

      • I will touch base with someone I know who does psychological autopsies. When I have more information I will get back to you. The other option would be to contact the forensic psychology departments at DU, CUNY (City University of New York, John Jay School of Criminal Justice), or Marymount University to see if they have someone who could conduct one for you, or if Morgan’s case could be taken on as a project for a Psych. Autopsy? May help defray costs?
        Also, the book is something I gift and “pay forward”. The man who wrote it runs a risk assessment and protection agency and often consults and intervenes in stalking cases. Talk with you hen I have more info.

      • Just throwing this out there. I watch Dr. Phil regularly and I have heard him say on several occasions that he used to work as a Forensic Psychologist. I don’t know if he has any training in Psychological Autopsies but it’s worth a shot. This seems like just the type of story that he likes to feature and I believe he could be a huge asset in getting to the bottom of this. Plus, all of his help would be free of charge. I think his show would be a great platform to get this story national attention. Just a suggestion, for whatever it’s worth.

  8. I am so sorry for your loss, but I felt the article in the post was one sided and unfair to you and your family. I so hope that the truth will eventually come out. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. I am the mother of three and have two daughters, 17 and 20, and I can’t even begin to imagine your pain. I live in the valley and became interested when I read the news paper article. The story didn’t set right with me, so I read the blog. I am a veterinarian and use medications on animals on a daily bases that are potentially lethal and can be used on the street. I keep those locked up and under a watchful eye. I was shocked to find out amitriptyline was a date rape drug. I thought I knew all the drugs with potential street abuse. Usually those drugs quickly become schedule II or III drugs. Amitriptyline is used in pets for anything from separation anxiety, allergies, and cystitis in cats. I feel the veterinary profession needs to become more aware of the potential abuse of unscheduled medications. The next time someone comes in and says their dog has separation anxiety I am going to have to think long and hard before I grab the prescription vial. My prayers are with you and I hope with this publicity more doors open for you and you are able to show the absolute truth to the world.

  10. I haven’t had the opportunity to read the whole blog to this point..I am still reading. However, have you looked into requesting an FBI probe?

  11. I have been thinking about this case all weekend. I have been trying to figure out how an individual could get 4 times the lethal dose into someone without them knowing it and it occurred to me that amitriptyline is used in horses and if the medication was compounded for a horse dose it would take very little to overdose a human. I also remembered that amitriptyline can be compounded into a transdermal gel. If a person was chronically exposed to something that was exposed to the gel a toxicity could occur. Just some possibilities to think about. How secure were the horse medications kept at the Aspen Equestrian Center..I know at some barns these medications are not kept in real secure places.

  12. Dear Toni and Steve Ingram, I am so sorry that you are going through this terrible sorrow. I started reading Morgan’s blog a couple weeks ago. I have contacted a reporter here in GJ and introduced him to Morgan’s Blog. We too have an extraordinary amount of suicides in our valley and thought he might put 2 and 2 together and find some discrepancies with how autopsies were handled here too by the same coroner. I have a few questions that you may eventually address: The jewelry Morgan is missing have you reported it stolen? and why won’t they let you look at what they recovered from his car? Will you be able to post any of the additional pictures you captured from the camera? Are any clearer and able to identify this one particular suspect. Another comment is an observation, in one post you mention an uneasy feeling you got from a neighbor and I say trust your gut. I do believe the stalker was on the roof which is why after you would hear a noise rush outside and could see no one. the motion lights would come on then after as he was leaving. This leads me to believe he lived closer than you think. Always trust your gut! Bottom line Morgan was stalked and terrorized, and her death was the end result. He is currently or will do it again and if his next victim is reading her blog she will call the police at the first sign of anything abnormal and hopefully they will treat it more seriously. So thank you for this service you are providing through your grief.

  13. Hello Toni and Steve. A friend posted your blog on facebook and I started reading it tonight and have gotten to this point. I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot begin to imagine the suffering you all endured the months leading up to and after Morgan’s murder. Just looking at the picture of the stalker leaning up against your husband’s truck sent chills down my spine. I am appalled at how this case is being treated. Morgan deserves justice and I pray with all my heart that this monster is found and held accountable (in this life and the next) for everything he did to your family. I have 2 daughters myself, ages 8 and 1. From now on I will hug them tighter and enjoy each fleeting moment with them. Thank you for your strength and willingness to share Morgan’s story with the world. I hope that it will serve as a reminder and a warning to people that life is precious and that at any given moment some twisted person can come and turn it upside down. Hugs to you and your family.

  14. Perhaps she was made to take pills, stalkers like control, making her via a threat to family or animals, surely would give this creep the control factor he wanted. I don’t think this was a suicide.

  15. I emailed the Post about why they didn’t publish this letter in the paper & they have responded that they never received it? I’m guessing that they are lying, but it might be worth it to submit it again.

  16. I was wondering why CO murder rate is so dang low… Where’s the FBI on this? I’m still learning about Morgans case.

    • I know it’s a real eye opener for sure. I don’t think the FBI can get involved yet, but I could be wrong.

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