8 thoughts on “Your beliefs and your journey are yours only – no need to try to convince others

  1. I just saw the program, and I’m horrified for a number of reasons. If I may, please, I send my blessings to the family. I couldn’t imagine…my heart aches for Morgan, and for all of you.

    This story has moved me so much. All I want to do is help, and I feel completely debilitated. I wish I could do more than just, for example, spread the words of Morgan’s story via Facebook.

    Please know I will advocate for her, for the family, as best I can!

    Brightest blessings and many prayers from California….Jamie

    • Jamie – I greatly appreciate your kind words. Being an advocate for Morgan is so wonderful and so very needed. There are thousands of people that have written in to me and want to support Morgan towards getting justice for her and in the beginning some of them started calling themselves Team Morgan – so now everyone that wants to take an active part in our fight for justice for Morgan I call Team Morgan. 🙂 You are now on Team Morgan.

      If you believe in timing then you might understand what I am about to say. I did a petition for the Governor of Colorado to open an investigation into Morgan’s stalking and suspicious death but his office said he could not because it would have the look of impropriety and only the Attorney General’s office could do it. Then we sent over 600 pages of evidence of broken laws that Garfield County committed while trying to cover up Morgan’s case – they wrote us back a letter stating that only the Governor could order them to open the case. This is the complete endless “circle” that Colorado has kept us in since we uncovered evidence that she was murdered. So even though I would love to let people know what they can do to help – I honestly don’t know yet. That being said, I do have some things I am working towards and as soon as the timing is right I will ask all our supporters to let their voices be heard…loud and long. Morgan’s case is not the only one like this in Colorado. I am working with other families that have lost their daughter’s and their cases have been “buried” as well with the incorrect manner of death and it is outrageous. Please know I am working very hard as the West Coast Director for FOHVAMP (Families of Homicide and Missing Persons) and OCCA (Organization of Cold Case Advocates), as well as working with stalking victims from all over the world, including current victims from Garfield County (where Morgan was murdered). This is now my path and purpose and I intend to fight for Morgan and all others forever. Thanks so much Jamie – you made my heart a little happier today <3

  2. Hi Toni! I’ve just watched the program here in Brazil and my heart is broken. It’s unbelievable how the human being can be so mean and cruel. I’m so sorry for everything. Be sure I’ll be praying for you and of course for Morgan. She was a really beautiful and special girl. I’m also sure someday you’ll find out what really happened to her and who is this person who was stalking her as well. Never lose hope, never give up fighting for your daugther. May God bless your life! All my prayers are with you. Nathalia – Brazil.

  3. I just watched a show on the ID Channel about Morgan. I can’t believe how incompetent the police were in her case. My sister had a stalker and was found by myself shot to death……It was ruled a suicide. I don’t have children, so I can’t say I understand. I did have my only sister that died and had been stalked. I am so very sorry about Morgan. She was a beautiful girl and a happy soul. Bless you and you family.

    • Deb I am so sorry about you sister. Thank you for your kind words. Stalking is a crime that is pervasive, dangerous & potentially lethal, as it was in your sister’s case, and our daughter’s case.

      Most people do not understand that Morgan had no investigation into her murder, because of the incorrect and false determination into her manner of death by the contracted forensic pathologist. He determined her death was natural – all the experts that reviewed her death told us the pathologist was wrong and her suspicious death needed to be investigated. The sheriffs said no, there was to be no investigation, as it was natural causes – natural causes with no evidence of what had killed her according to the pathologist. Then I was threatened to stop having Morgan’s doctors and other experts contact the pathologist or he could change her manner of death. Then 8 months after her murder he changed her to a suicide, which then made sure there was no investigation. She was never depressed in her life and had never taken medication for depression. She had a stalker and she was scared and stressed, but not depressed and the detectives on her case knew that as they met with her every week to discuss her felony stalking case.

      The ID channel show was a dramatization and did not show everything that happened. We did not live in a two-story house it was a single story. Morgan never said, “I have to get out of here,” we were the ones trying to get her to go away until her stalker was caught, but she only had a couple of weeks left in her college semester and didn’t want to leave. She knew we were planning on moving and none of us knew what was going to happen. She never had a prescription bottle on her nightstand – the sexual assault drugs found in her body were nothing we ever had in our home. The drug in her bloodstream was in an amount that could not have been ingested – only injected. The crime scene photos showed a struggle, blood, torn nails and much more. But none of this was on the show. Morgan was murdered, but because Garfield County will not do an investigation and will not change her manner of death people still wonder. It is wrong and she is not the only case like this in Colorado. Because of the state law called “Home Rule” local jurisdictions can do things like this and get away with it. And a murderer(s) can remain on the streets to reoffend.

  4. Wow.

    First, I just saw the story on ID, and I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter.

    Second, I just read through the interview with Sarah Afshar and I am shocked. I have a stalker and was recently granted a two year protective order, a matter taken seriously in my state. My stalker hides in trees, and taunts police, as well. On one occasion, after sending death threats via text, two police officers and I were standing in my driveway. The stalker began sending me a play-by-play account of exactly what was happening. This is minutes after 15 officers scoured my entire neighborhood in armor with AR15s. He told me the direction the police vehicles were facing, he told me one officer was bald, he told me when police vehicles would leave and new ones would come. I showed my phone to one of the officers and the color drained from his face. He then quietly radioed the other officers to re-scour my neighborhood again, and they never found him. I got a TRO the following day, which of course he just laughed at and violated within minutes of being served.

    I could not figure out where he was hiding until talking to one of his ex-girlfriends. She just happened to mention he hides in trees. Turns out he has stalled, assaulted, and terrorized many women over the last 10 years. He has had multiple restraining orders against him, multiple violations, multiple arrests.

    There are many of my cases still pending against him. He called me 83 times in the last 24 hours. I had cameras installed around my home and inside, and there is a DVR hidden to captures and store where he can’t remove it or destroy it. I have two young daughters. I know he will kill someone eventually, I just hope it isn’t my daughters or me. I mean, I hope he never hurts anyone. I hope my efforts to continue to report, continue to show up in court, taking all these very expensive measures will protect other women. But I’m sure the ones before me hoped for the same. It is a completely helpless feeling. You have to look before you walk into a room, look before you get in your car, look when you come home. Any noise and I’m walking through my house with a gun ready to shoot. I finally sent an email to the district attorney that their office will have blood on their hands of something happens to someone. I forwarded it to my mother in case anything ever does.

    The stress this causes is unbelievable. I have a serious medical condition and receive multiple chemo infusions. Stress makes my condition worse. My hair is falling out in clumps, but it’s not from chemo, as I have been on the same regimen for 4 years. It only started about 8 weeks ago when the stalking escalated. I can only imagine what your daughter felt.

    That said, this is not something a person commits suicide over. If that were the case, they wouldn’t care about the stalker or what the stalker will do. If the victim wanted to die, they would have never contacted police in the first place. It’s just not rational. A person will uproot their life and move to a non-continental state (one girl actually did), but they are not going to commit suicide.

    I hope Morgan’s case is solved, and I hope the person is brought to justice. I never realized how hard it was to prosecute cases like these until I became a target. It’s exhausting. It’s takes mounds of paperwork. I spend my days documenting everything and my nights vomiting from chemo and/or stress. My work suffers, my children suffer, my entire life is upside down. You fill out the same forms over and over and they get lost or destroyed, so you have to do it again. You repeat your story over and over to various officers and investigators and prosecutors and judges, yet somehow you are always made to feel like it is your fault.

    This is not your fault. This is not Morgan’s fault. You did everything you could do. An officer told me to shoot him if I ever caught him on my property, but he told me very specific measures to take to prevent me from being charged. When you call 911, or begins recording immediately. As soon as you dial, you say “I have an intruder and I feel threatened” and you put the phone face down so no one can tell it’s on. Don’t hang up…just let the call continue while you empty the cartridge. You want everything recorded.

    I can’t imagine the pain you suffer. I am so sorry.

    • Thank you so much for sharing your story. There are so many things people don’t understand about the seriousness of stalking. It is such a slap in the face to victims of stalking when they say Morgan was a suicide – when she absolutely was not. She was a fighter and did not want to allow her stalker to steal her way of life or happiness. It is outrageous, and yet some people want to believe what they are told – they would rather believe that a stalking victim was so distraught she killed herself. There is not only no evidence that she would have killed herself, but there is so much evidence that she was murdered. And her stalker(s)/murderer(s) remain free to reoffend. As an advocate for stalking victims I have been trying to help another victim that lives in same community that Morgan was stalked and murdered. She has been to court, had protection orders, she has had to escape to safe homes twice because she was in fear for her life, her life has been turned upside down and yet the same sheriffs involved in Morgan’s felony stalking case make excuses for the felon and don’t arrest him when he breaks her protection order. Most law enforcement officers really care and try hard to protect and serve, but in both cases we were told that their orders came from up high, and they can’t help. And you are so right about the recording. In the beginning we always called 911 and then we were told to just call the sheriffs dispatch or contact the detective. We should have continued to call 911.

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